Fuzzy Few Organization Presents the Fuzzy Few Festival With Beer Garden 2023

Fuzzy Few Organization Presents the Fuzzy Few Festival With Beer Garden 2023

Fuzzy Few Festival by the Fuzzy Few Organization (FFO)

Fuzzy Few Festival

Previously known as the Fuzzy Few Carnival, this year the Fuzzy Few Organization is renaming and rebranding it as a Festival rather than a carnival.

For the past 55 years it has been the Fuzzy Few Carnival and has happened near or around the middle of August every year. With the Hummelstown Fireman’s Carnival happening in the end of June each year.

Unfortunately, as with most things – COVID – 19 changed a lot of the way events, activities, and things like this work. And with all of that it became harder and harder for the Fuzzy Few Organization (FFO) to be able to secure carnival groups to come help assist their carnival each year. Last year they were unable to have rides and other vendors due to this, but they did procure some inflatable activities and playground stuff for children.

So pivoting for 2023 they announced the Fuzzy Few Festival (instead of the Fuzzy Few Carnival). It will run from August 14th through August 19th 2023 at Schaffner Park (Boro Park). They will also be having a beer garden for the first time, held in the fenced in basketball courts at the lower end of the park by the Olde Antique Factory.

The beer garden will be 21+ only and will feature several brands and breweries for sale.

Amy and the Alzheimer’s Association

Make sure you stop out to visit Amy at her Alzheimer’s Assocciation stand. (I’ll also be helping out a few nights after work). Raising awareness for Alzheimer’s and for the Alzheimer’s Association.

She will have a stand at the Festival, so you can stop in, talk with her (or us) and hang out, and get information, fliers, pamphlets and information about Alzheimer’s, the Alzheimer’s Association, and their work raising awareness, looking for a cure, charitable work, as well as the upcoming End ALZ Walks.

Band Lineup

The bands lined up for the First Inaugural Fuzzy Few Festival are:

  • Monday (August 14th) – Honey Pump
  • Tuesday (August 15th) – Smooth Like Clyde
  • Wednesday (August 16th) – Class Act
  • Thursday (August 17th) – Luv Gods
  • Friday (August 18th) – Soul Solution
  • Saturday (August 19th) – Pentagon

History of Fuzzy Few Organization

The founding of the Organization, know as the Fuzzy Few, came about during Hummelstown’s 200th Anniversary. It was formed as a Bearded Brothers Club to participate in that celebration. After playing a very active role during the time of fun and merriment, the men in the club decided to apply for an official charter and operate as a non-profit organization in the community of Hummelstown.

The organization’s official emblem was registered and approved on December 29th, 1963. The emblem also indicates the clubs desire to promote goodwill and fellowship not only within the organization but also throughout the community and surrounding areas.

The goal of the organization since its founding has been to establish and support community and youth related programs.


  • Park Benches (Located throughout Hummelstown)
  • Schaffner Park Refreshments Stand and Pavilion


  • The Community Library
  • Lower Dauphin Sports & Intramural Programs
  • Hummelstown Square & Parks Improvements
  • Community Christmas Decorations
  • Hummelstown Nature Train Expansion & Development
  • Schaffner Park Facilities Improvements
  • Hummelstown Police Bike Rodeo
  • Miss Hummelstown Contest – Parade/Awards


  • FFO Annual Carnival – Hummelstown Schaffner Park
  • College Scholarships – Lower Dauphin High School
  • Midget Football Program – Hummelstown
  • Pony Football Program – Hummelstown
  • Midget Cheerleaders – Hummelstown
  • Pony Cheerleaders – Hummelstown
  • Midget / Pony Football Awards Banquet
  • Girls Youth Basketball Program – Hummelstown
  • Life Skills Basketball
  • Hummel Nature Trail – Maintenance & Improvements
  • Memorial Day Wreaths at Local Cemeteries
  • Memorial Day Wreath Plaque – On Display at VFW
  • Memorial Day Services – Logistical Support
  • Annual Santa Claus Visit – Schaffner Park
  • Annual Santa Claus Visit – Nye Elementary School
  • Free Carnival Stand – Provide for a Local Organization


  • Hummelstown Baseball Association
  • Hummelstown Girls Fast Pitch League
  • Hummelstown Civic Association
  • Hummelstown Fire Company
  • Lower Dauphin Sports Booster Clubs
  • Hummelstown Cemetery Association
  • Hummelstown Food Bank
  • VFW & American Legion Easter Egg Hunt
  • Senior Citizen Elder Express
  • Hummelstown Crime Watch
  • Hummelstown Cystic Fibrosis Walk
  • Hummelstown New Years Celebration (Lollipop Drop) (defunct)

Fuzzy Few


Fuzzy Few Organization Motto

For More Information

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