Short Videos: Hops ASMR Videos

Short Videos: Hops ASMR Videos

A still from the Hops – Rainstorm – ASMR videos.

Calming, Relaxing, ASMR Short Videos

Do you enjoy quick (10 seconds or less) videos of just pure, peaceful, calming, ASMR… that so happen to also involves hops?

Then we got the videos for you! Recently, on our Instagram and our YouTube channel, we uploaded four ASMR videos (one to Instagram, and three to YouTube).

We even put it in a handy playlist for you: Hop – Rainstorm – ASMR Playlist. That way you can just watch all three clips (total time is under thirty seconds), in one easy go.

We had two days of randomly hitting thunderstorms here at The Beer Thrillers HQ (in Central PA) and they would pop up, hit, and then vanish. The one at night (while Ben and Drew were streaming for Knights of Nostalgia) even involved some hail.

I (Ben) took some of these quick videos thinking they would make nice little peaceful, calming, ASMR shorts to upload on our Instagram and YouTube channels for people to enjoy while scrolling through their day. If nothing else, it at least breaks up the monotony of political, societal, and other horrible news related garbage that is probably flooding your feeds.

So take a deep sigh with us, and watch our videos.


In the video you can see one of my two hop arbors (more to come in the future). On the old hop arbor I have Cascade and Centennial and Chinook hops. On the new arbor is Nugget hops with one Saaz plant.

I can keep them mostly distinct despite how they grow, and know which is which for the most part. I don’t fully use these hops for more than private enjoyment, and occasionally home brewing, so if they mix up a little, its not an end of the world.

This is certainly not how real hop yards grow theirs. Next spring, I am going to have a more “typical” or “hop farm” style hop bed to go along with the arbors, where we will train up a few distinct new varieties.

I have unfortunately lost a few hop varieties that I picked up from a hop farm that went out of business. The re – transplanting, and then winter, wasn’t kind enough on them apparently, sadly, unfortunately.


From via Google Snippet:

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more



noun: ASMR

  1. a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound.”ASMR is triggered by things like whispering voices, paper tearing, and scalp massage”
Google Snippet – definition of ASMR

Here is also a quick link to Nebraska Medicine – What ASMR means: How it works and why it’s popular.

We Hope You Enjoy

We hope you enjoy. You can let us know here in the comments, or in the comments on our Instagram page, or on the videos at our YouTube Channel. We love to get feedback, constructive feedback, both positive and negative. It helps us build the blog and helps us write and create better content for you – our readers and fans.

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-B. Kline

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