Beer Review: Bohemia Clara Pilsner (Heineken Mexico)

Beer Stats
Container: 12 Oz. Bottle
ABV: 4.7%
Style: Vienna Lager
Brewer: Heineken Mexico
Ratebeer: 3.0 of 5
Beer Advocate: 3.4 of 5
Untappd: 3.3 of 5
LUDB Notes:
- Bitterness Level: Low
- Drinkability:
- Would I purchase again? Yes
- Would I stock it? Yes
- Comments: Crisp, refreshing. One of the better Mexican Lagers.
It’s hard to write about Mexican beers without Corona Extra being brought up. So, let’s start there with the review of Bohemia Clara Pilsner. Actually, let’s not, because the two beers are two different styles. Corona is patterned after the typical Adjunct American Pale Lager. Bohemia Clara Pilsner is a Vienna Lager, very close to a Czech Amber Lager. Frankly, it’s difficult to tell the difference. Apparently, this has become an increasingly rare style.
Interestingly, with the large number of immigrants coming into the United States over the past couple of decades; Mexican beers have become much easier to get your hands on at the local package or grocery store. A quick peruse through the local package store beer aisle quickly turns up Dos Equis, Modelo, Victoria, Bohemia, Tecate, Sol and Carta Blanca. Not just one style either but multiple styles from most of those breweries.
Bohemia Clara Pilsner pours a very clear, amber color with a glorious foamy white head. It has a thin mouth-feel and goes down quite smooth. This nose is bread like with a grassy tone as well. It has a very lightly sweet backbone that gives way to a mild bitter finish. It is less bitter than a Czech Pilsner. Not intrusive, but well-balanced.
This style has an interesting history. According to the BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) this style is found mostly in Mexico today, rather than its country of origin. Victoria from Grupo Modelo S.A. is another example.
Lately, Mexican beers have grown on me a little bit. There is just something about sitting on the beach in Mexico enjoying the beautiful, clear aqua blue waters of the Caribbean that just screams for the perfect Mexican Lager. Bohemia, Modelo Negra, and Pacifico all fit the scene nicely. If you are lucky enough to find yourself in that situation, grab a Bohemia Clara Pilsner and enjoy the scenery!
Thanks for reading and until next time…Let Us Drink Beer!
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