Central PA Pour – Season 2: Episode 8 – The Beer Thrillers

Central PA Pour – Season 2: Episode 8 – The Beer Thrillers

Happy New Year with the guys from Central PA Pour and The Beer Thrillers. Central PA Pour – Season 2, Episode 8 with The Beer Thrillers.

Happy New Years

Happy New Years from the Central PA Pour and The Beer Thrillers. Here it is, we finally made it – both to a new year, and to one year of Central PA Pour doing their podcasts, videos, and other shenanigans. Here also is the podcast Josh and myself did with the gang from Central PA Pour on December 18th, 2022.

As we discussed in our article on December 17th (the day before the podcast) – Central PA Pour – that we were going to be guests on their podcast and YouTube video the following day. Well, here it finally is!

But first, let’s discuss who Central PA Pour is, and where you can find them…

Central PA Pour

The Central PA Pour is a group of guys from the Dover / York area of Central Pennsylvania. From their PodBay description:

We are a group of friends, neighbors to be exact, that have acquired a taste for a variety of craft beers. We decided to make a podcast to highlight the different craft beers in the south central Pennsylvania area. Each episode we will sample a few local craft beers with hopes of visiting the breweries and meeting the brewers to discuss their love of craft beer. Join us on this journey into the independent breweries and what makes it so special.PodBay: Central PA Pour – About Us

They are now currently on their second season, they are also filming a podcast shortly or have just done one recently with Derek Wolf of Wolf Brewing Company which will most likely be their seventh episode. We will most likely be their eighth episode of their second season. Their first season had seventeen episodes. They are currently up to about 21 videos on their YouTube channel.

The Central PA Pour consists of four guys who just love beer and talking and hanging out with each other. There is Bret, Ben, Kevin, and Dave. For our podcast tomorrow I believe it will be Dave, Kevin, and Bret joining Josh and myself. (Or, more like us joining them.)

They are on all of the social medias (more than I can keep track of, more than I do here with the blog, thats for sure). You can follow them on the following social media:

Now Lets Get To It – The Video

No time like the present, let’s finally get to the video! You’ve all been waiting for it!


S2E8 of Central PA Pour featuring Ben & Josh from The Beer Thrillers! Listen in to learn about their blog and be sure to subscribe to their newsletter to learn a ton of great stuff about the craft beer scene!

THANK YOU for the fantastic write up on 12/17, looking forward to building a great relationship!


Central PA Pour – Facebook Post
Central PA Pour: Season 2 – Episode 8: Happy New Year with The Beer Thrillers

You can go watch the video by clicking the link above, or by going to the YouTube video here:

You can also find the podcast here:

The YouTube Description for the video:

Season 2 Episode 8: Happy New Year with the The BeerThrillers! In this episode we ring in 2023 with a New Year Special! It’s been one year since we started this adventure and we were happy to have Ben & Josh from the The BeerThrillers Blog (https://thebeerthrillers.com) join us in studio. We find out their love for craft beer and why they started to write about. We discuss all sorts of things and have a blast during the podcast. Subscribe to their newsletter and you will get great content on the craft beer scene from here and everywhere! We sampled: Helles Lager from Ever Grain Brewing (https://evergrainbrewing.com) Key Lime Sour from South County Brewing (https://southcountybrewing.com) Stout from Desperate Times Brewery (http://desperatetimesbrewery.com) Belgian Blonde from Boneshire Brew Works (https://www.boneshire.com) Join us as we take you on our beer sampling through the local beers and let’s all Be Bonded By Beer! Have a suggestion on a beer or brewery we need to highlight? Leave us a reply or email us at centralpapour@gmail.com Special Thanks to York’s own, Gallowglas for our awesome new music: Scraps (https://open.spotify.com/track/14L6dY…) Check them out on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/gallowglasmusic) or Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx48…) The BeerThrillers – 1:46
Drinking beer and writing – 4:00
Ben and fatherhood – 8:00
1st beer tasting – 12:28
Josh describes the beer – 16:18
Different styles of brewpubs – 21:00
Ben and Amy travel plans around brewery – 37.09
2nd beer tasting – 39:12
Beer marketing – 44:20
Ben talks soccer – 53:00
3rd beer tasting – 57:22
Retro talk – 1:03:00
Hopped up Network – 1:13:00
Pretzels.com 1:23:27 (use code thebeerthrillers20 to save 20%) https://www.pretzels.com
Cheers Beer – 1:29:51

Central PA Pour: Season 2 – Episode 8: Happy New Year with The Beer Thrillers (YouTube)

Make sure you click on the video above and the links above to go to their pages, follow them on their social media platforms and make sure you give them all the likes, subscribes, follows, comments, etc, that you can. These guys are working hard and deserve it, and I know you’ll be entertained by their antics. Their videos are fun watches.

Cheers to them – Cheers to the Central PA Pour! Cheers to Bret, Dave, Kevin, and Ben!

Thanks For Reading

As I just said above, it bears repeating – follow, like, subscribe, etc. It honestly takes very little effort to do these things but can make a huge difference in the start up of content creators. Getting early views, clicks, likes, subscribes, follows, comments, etc; starts putting them more and more in front of the Google and YouTube and other algorithms and this makes a huge difference. These guys are working hard and deserve the little bit of time it takes for that all.

We had an absolute blast working with them and doing the podcast (if you could call that working). Josh and I will definitely be back as it was a fun time hanging out with them in their studio. Maybe March for our Battle of the Breweries tournament, who knows, but we definitely would like to be back out with them. Maybe we’ll even have Amy in the hangout as well.

Thank you all for reading, and here I’ll plug myself this time and ask everyone to like, follow, and subscribe to us, it really does mean a lot. Thanks everyone. Cheers! Oh, and I almost forgot, but I’ll sneak it in here – you might notice it in the bottom crawl, but we’ve just recently moved up from #9 on FeedSpot’s Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs to #8. Not a huge bump, but a move up, and a move up is always a good thing! Once again, thanks all for the support and the help in that. Cheers!

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

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Last Updated: January 7, 2023By

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