Beer Review: Super Villain (Urban Village Brewing Company)
Day four of November means its time for the fourth blog post. Did you think I’d quit and stop now or slow down and not keep up my 30 for 30? Not damn well likely! We’re also doing another beer drank during a streaming session. This time, came from a night of Drew, Rory, and myself, hanging out on the couch drinking (well, Drew and I drank; Rory was participating in Sober October), while Rory played ‘The Last of Us’. A zombie game for the PS4 (PlayStation 4).
I chose to lead off with this for this particular streaming session primarily because it is pure ‘nerd culture’ can label. And I always love good can art, and always really hope it correlates with a good beer. Luckily and thankfully this one does.
Nerd culture definitely speaks to me. Look at my numerous beer reviews on here that are Star Wars themed, or video game themed, or some TV show themed. Jon Voight’s Car, Out of Order – Blue Milk, Moon of Vega, This is the Way, This is Nut The Fluff You’re Looking For, etc. You can see Josh also is very fond of nerd culture / pop culture and beers clashing with his latest review – Terpenes in Time.
Don’t worry this won’t be the last in that vein – if you’re interested in that. Especially this month where I’m doing 30 blog posts, so you will be definitely getting a lot of beer reviews, and so there will be a fair amount of nerdy, pop culture, or mainstream movies / shows / references in the beers I review.
Beer: Super Villain
Brewery: Urban Village Brewing Company
Style: IPA – New England
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: None
Untappd Description: Loads of oats and milk sugar give this IPA great mouth feel. Hop blend of Vic Secret, Mosaic and Motueka pair up with this for a super juicy IPA
My camera angle isn’t the best because I was taking it looking down from the couch, but, this is similar to that of nearly all other New England IPAs. Its golden yellow / orange and very cloudy, murky, dank. The head wasn’t much and was gone pretty quickly, but it did leave nice lacing on the glass. Everything seems to be on style and on point.
Aroma is that lovely hop juicy-ness of New England IPAs. You get some nice hop aroma from this, a blend of fruity mango, passionfruit, peach, with a hint of melon. No earthy, and no pine to this. You get some note of vanilla or sweetness to.
This is extremely juicy and very super smooth despite how it looks like you could kind of chew it. Its certainly opaque and not one bit transparent and murky and dank looking, cloudy, like most typical New England IPAs are, but it drinks incredibly smooth and silky like. Most likely from the milk sugar and lactose. This is probably borderline a Milkshake IPA or possibly could even be described as that all but in the style used to name it on Untappd. This is a very fruity juicy New England IPA from the hops selected. Vic Secret, Mosaic, and Mouteka. Notes of mango, peach, and melon are most abundant, with some more subtle notes of passionfruit and a wee bit of grapefruit. (Thankfully not much more than subtle grapefruit, as I’m not a huge fan.) You get the smoothness and softness of the drink from the combined milk sugar and oats used. There is a creaminess to it in that smoothness and softness. The milk sugar gives off a lactose vanilla like flavor that also is subtle, but due to the smoothness you take notice of it. The oats make it have that softness to the drink that helps round it out too. Its also not a crazy high ABV at 6.5% so it’s a nice pint that won’t leave you fully buzzed after just one can. This is a fun drink; from the can label down to the last sip, which did leave a bit of sediment in the glass (I don’t recommend drinking that). All in all a great beer and one to look forward to again.
My Untappd Rating: ****.25
Global Untappd Rating: 3.92 (as of 11.4.20)
As always, you can check out the video game streaming we do on Drew’s page: Knights of Nostalgia.
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-B. Kline
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