The Beer Thrillers – YouTube Channel
Yes, you heard that right. The Beer Thrillers are starting up their own YouTube Channel. What a crazy world we live in right? What’s next – podcasts? Oh…. wait! But, in the meantime, be sure to check out our YouTube Channel. Some of you might have noticed the YouTube icon added to the ‘social icons’ at the top of each page starting yesterday morning. This was meant to go up yesterday morning before work when I did the work to make the channel but I unfortunately ran out of time, so it’s going up now.
You can click on any of the links in the above paragraph to get to the channel or directly here: The Beer Thrillers YouTube Channel.
There is currently no videos up yet, but we (myself and D. Scott) are filming our first video today, so hopefully editing and everything, I will be posting it Friday. We are also doing our latest podcast – So a Mexican and A Scott Walk Into a Bar… – this edition on The Umbrella Academy; tonight, so be sure to look for that in the future as well.
Some series ideas I have for our YouTube channel are:
- Beer Tastings / Beer Reviews
- Philosophy and Pints (or Pints and Philosophy / Philosophies)
- Let’s Drink and Talk Nerdy
- Beers and Bad Movies
- Books and Brews or Brews and Books
- Fan Mail
- Home Brewing
As you can see, several of the series will be combining my different interests – books, philosophy, movies, nerd culture, etc. There will also be regular series of beer tastings and reviews, and potentially videos of home brewing, once I fully get back into that. Fan Mail will be a mixed bag of things, beers sent for us to review from either fans, breweries, or home brewers; us reading e-mails, texts, etc. And who knows what else.
So please be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the ALERT bell so you get all of our notifications on our videos.
Also, be sure to check out our new Facebook group, you can find our group here: The Beer Thrillers (Group).
Thank you all, and hope you will enjoy the video channel as much as you do about the blog. Don’t worry, I will still continue to do plenty of writing. (And most of the beer review, tastings, will also appear as written blogs too.) Just expanding our horizons and activities.
Cheers Everyone!
-B. Kline
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