Beer Review: Athena (Creature Comforts Brewing Company)

Beer Review: Athena (Creature Comforts Brewing Company)

Sitting out, enjoying the nice sun, reading, and drinking a great beer from Creature Comforts

If you are from the Central PA area, as you can tell, this picture was not taken from today, but it is me finally getting the review up and done, and its also nice to look at a more beautiful time than the ugly rainy dreary day we had today. So while sipping on just a Perpetual IPA (nothing too fancy I’m afraid) and watching the World Series (have to give a shout out to the Houston Astros, pulling for them since my beloved Phillies didn’t even make the playoffs) as I type up this review.

So I drank the beer, took the picture, and all that back on October 11th. And I’m sure I planned to type up the review and post it then. I know I have many backlogged beer reviews to do (several from Troegs, Tattered Flag, and Rotunda, as well as some from Boneshire, and some from the beer mails I’ve received), and this was most likely planned that night or the day after. Trying to recall what I did that night that led me to not posting the review… and I don’t remember, but I’m going to bet I got drunk. Probably went out drinking with D. Scott or something similar.

But have no fear, as this World Series Game 1 heats up, I’m posting the review up now.

Beer: Athena
Brewery: Creature Comforts Brewing Company
Style: Sour – Berliner Weisse
ABV: 4.5%
Untappd Write-Up: A refreshing, gently tart, German-style wheat beer. Our take on the classic Berliner has a blend of citric and fruit notes with nods to cider and sauvignon blanc.

Its the 8th inning now, and we got a game on our hands, 5-3 Nationals. My prediction for this game ahead of time was 3-1, so I was way off base. I’m still predicting Astros in six, so we’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, back to the review…

This is a beautiful beer. On a gorgeous sunny day like the 11th was, instead of mowing, I sat and drank this while reading, and it was lovely. Its tart, refreshing, not heavy, not boozy, just a perfect mid-day drink.

From as soon as its poured it bubbles up and it doesn’t stop bubbling until you finish drinking it. It is pretty much a champagne beer with a tart and dry finish that leaves you wanting more.

Appearance is straw yellow and clear. Its effervescent with a champagne like bubbling and carbonation that continues until the glass is drained.

Aroma is almost grape and wine like. Some stone fruit smell and notes, but mostly it just has a dry and tart wine-like smell.

Taste is a dry, champagne finish. Its tart, its crisp, its refreshing. Its very crushable and would be an easy all-day sipper on the back patio reading rather than mowing or hedging or weeding. A perfect procrastinator beer. There is a grape-wine/champagne taste, and a bit of a yeasty-taste, but overall its just tart and rereshingly clear and crisp.

My Untappd Rating: ****
Global Untappd Rating: 3.8 (as of 10.22.19)

Sorry this might not be the most comprehensive review, time has slipped on me with this one, and I also don’t think this is as complex a beer for a super deep introspective review.

The Astros just made it 5-4 in the bottom of the 8th, getting some life in them to make a late run here it looks like. Fingers crossed!

I really don’t know how this one got away from me, and how the time spaced out on this as well, felt like I just drank this last Thursday or Friday, but here it was a Friday the week before. Time skips? Like the Futurama episode? No idea.

But I do have plenty of beer reviews that I need to upload. Every Thursday/Friday I tell myself I’m going to post them, and get to them, …and then life happens and it all gets pushed back, so I apologize for that. Thursday and Friday are my days off, and hopefully this week I’ll actually stick to my idea of making it a “writing weekend”.

End of the 8th and its 5-4, so we’ll have to wait and see what the 9th has in store! Exciting start to the World Series this year!

For those wondering, in the picture, the books I was reading that day were:

* AftershocK
* The Killing Joke

I recommend both, definitely recommend The Killing Joke, as any true Batman nerd will tell you, its tremendous.

Ok folks, keep your fingers crossed for the ‘Stros and keep drinking!

-B. Kline

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By |September 6, 2024|
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