Beer Review: AuZealand 2.0 (Boneshire Brew Works)

Beer Review: AuZealand 2.0 (Boneshire Brew Works)

AuZealand 2.0 by Boneshire Brew Works

Version 2.0 of AuZealand hit the taps about a week ago, and just like its predecessor, has quickly become a fan favorite at Boneshire. For good reason too, this is a delicious, smooth, lovely bordering on New England style IPA.

AuZealand, the original, now listed as AuZealand 1.0 was very well received. The original hewed much closer to a Western (regular / typical / original) Coast (or West Coast) Style IPA. The new AuZealand is much closer to a New England Style IPA.

There’s a few other differences between the two recipes. The hops involved are different. Both use Pacific hops, but just different ones. AuZealand 1.0 uses New Zealand Pacific Gem and Australian Galaxy Hops. AuZealand 2.0 uses New Zealand Wai-iti and Australian Summer Hops. AuZealand 2.0 also has lactose, whereas 1.0 does not (which gives it the near-NE style quality, over its predecessor). The ABV has also dropped a bit, where AuZealand 1.0 was a 7.1% the second version is a 6.3%. Neither has an IBU listing.

It has been a little while since I’ve had the original AuZealand, June 18th 2018 to be exact. So it would be neat in the future maybe to see both versions on tap and get to try a side-by-side to see which I ultimately like better. I do recall liking the original very much and gave it a solid ****.50 on Untappd. It currently has a global 3.81 as of 9.23.19 (but, as I look down at some recent check-ins for AuZealand 1.0, they are clearly meant to be AuZealand 2.0, and people are just checking in the wrong beer, so take this all for what its worth.)

Time to break down AuZealand 2.0 and discuss this delicious brew.

Beer: AuZealand (2.0)
Brewery: Boneshire Brew Works
Style: IPA – American
ABV: 6.3%
IBU: No IBU Listed
Untappd Write-Up: IPA brewed with New Zealand Wai-iti and Australian Summer Hops. We also added lactose to this batch.

So, this was the second beer I had when I was supposed to be out running errands Friday. Needless to say the errands got pushed back til after the girls got out of school, because after the Belgian Quad – They Burn Them All Away (which is 13%) and then this, I needed to take a break before getting them.

This was certainly a nice switch going from the 13% dark and heavy Belgian Quad. This was a nice, smooth, easy drinking lactose laced 6.3% IPA. Made for a very nice transition and palate changer.

While me, D.Scott and Shawn (bartender and former owner of Nomad BBQ) discussed politics, sports, BBQ, the casino business, everyday life, beer, and just about everything else, we sat and we drank, (and didn’t know things… thank god for Google), but ultimately, we drank and we talked.

Starting off with the appearance, this has a nice NE-IPA looking orange hue. Not quite pure orange juice look, but definitely more on the NE-IPA spectrum than a West Coast IPA (WC-IPA I guess?) would look. A glowy orange straw color. There was a nice foamed head to it that while not large was pillowy, soft, with large and small bubbles.

Moving on to aroma and it is a lovely smell as soon as its sat in front of you. Hop forward you can smell the distinct New Zealand / Pacific hops. The New Zealand / Australian (and even South African) hops just have a very distinct smell. Not as familiar with the Australian Summer Hops and the New Zealand Wai-iti hops as I am some other Pacific hops, but they definitely have a distinct smell and it is lovely. I am much more familiar with the Galaxy hops and others used in the previous batch. For some information on these new hop varieties, you can check them here: Australian Summer Hops and Wai-iti Hops. Both links direct you to hopslist (a site that gives reviews, and information about all of the various varieties of hops). There is a very heavy peach, passionfruit, a citrusy backbone to these hops in the new AuZealand. Looking it up, this comes primarily from the Summer Hops which I think dominate over the Wai-iti hops (or at least to my nose they do). It works well with the style and definitely with the lactose. Giving it a smooth look, a smooth clear peach and fruit heavy aroma, and a smooth and crisp taste.

The flavor is exactly what you are hoping for, and exactly what its appearance and aroma dictates that it should be. Its a clean, smooth, juicy IPA. Its delicious, its clean, its an entirely fun beer to drink. There is a wide range of flavors and notes you get from the New Zealand / Australian hops. Its fruity and possibly one could describe it as ‘milkshake – esque’ but not really. Its got some qualities of that with the peach and passionfruit notes taking front and center stage, and with the lactose making it smooth and easy it gives it kind of a creamy quality that goes with some milkshake IPAs but this isn’t that heavy of it and doesn’t fully lend to that. I have to assume the lactose is in a small dosage here (in the recipe) and it works for this, making it smooth, adding to the peach and passionfruit and not detracting from the beer at all.

All in all, its just a wonderful, tasty, delicious IPA that I would highly recommend anyone looking for a nice, clean, smooth, IPA to sit and enjoy. Could easily drink one or a four pack of these beauties.

My Untappd Rating: ****.25
Global Untappd Rating: 3.91 (as of 9.23.19)

I got to go to the Lititz Brewfest yesterday (Sunday, September 22nd) so look for a review on here (and most likely Breweries in PA as well). That should be done sometime this week. Also, I am most likely stopping at Ever Grain tomorrow after work, as I need to pick up that new pastry stout for a girl at work, and will probably do a flight while there (can’t NOT do a flight or at least one beer, at a brewery whenever I stop). So look for that review then either tomorrow night or the next day.

Keep drinking and keep commenting people, always love to hear from you all!

-B. Kline

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