Beer Review: Good Vibrations (Dry Hopped Pilsner) (Southern Prohibition Brewing)

Beer Review: Good Vibrations (Dry Hopped Pilsner) (Southern Prohibition Brewing)

Good Vibrations by Southern Prohibition Brewing, a dry hopped Pilsner

Another one of my beer mails, and this time from Southern Prohibition out of Hattiesburg Mississippi. The only can of the bunch I got, so seemed perfect to enjoy with the can shaped Rotunda Brewing glassware I have. Also since Pilsners can be hit or miss with me, seemed like a good beer to try out on a dreary rainy Friday (dreary rainy days can always be hit or miss too, you never know what you are gonna get). And as a mid-day treat it pairs nicely with the pot pie from Rutter’s. Not a bad lunch if I say so my self (and you can’t beat the pot pie at Rutter’s; you can’t really beat the food there in general really).

So right off the bat, you can see this one foams up big time, regardless of how I poured it, it foamed up quick and gave a huge head (…..insert whatever you want here…), even when re-filling the glass and to top myself off, trying to pour different ways, it still had a lot of carbonation and foamed up big time. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and the head on this is nice and pillowy and fluffy and tasty in its own right. Also the bubbles are nice, interspersed, and popping regularly, a sign that the beer has been well made.

My Mississippi beer mail.

So I find myself at noon, enjoying Rutter’s pot pie, listening to Bach, sitting on the front porch, while the girls are inside devouring their hot dogs and wrap from Rutter’s (8$ total, not bad!) spending their last free friday before school season, while I listen to the soft but still somewhat steady beat of rain drops hitting and dripping off the Nugget and Saaz hop arbor in front of me (you can see it slightly in the background of the pic), and enjoying a tasty subtle pilsner.

Beer: Good Vibrations
Brewery: Southern Prohibition Brewing
Style: Pilsner – Other
ABV: 5.6%
Untappd Write-Up: Good Vibrations is a new dry hopped Pilsner. A simple base of Pilsner malt, Vienna, and flaked Rice was used to create a crisp, dry, and bright backdrop for a dry hopping consisting entirely Motueka Beer: Good Vibrations
Brewery: Southern Prohibition Brewing
Style: Pilsner – Other
ABV: 5.6%
Untappd Write-Up:

This is a pretty simple, basic pilsner, spiced up some with the dry hopping. Dry hopping has become such a huge thing in the past few years, that breweries have begun to dry hop just about every style possible, starting obviously with IPAs, and Pale Ales, to Pilsners, to Belgians, and even to Stouts and I even saw a Brown Ale advertised as dry hopped. I’m not super sold on the non-IPA/non-pale ale dry hopping, but I think of the various off-styles for it, pilsner works probably the best. I’ve had a few pilsner dry hopped beers and they’ve been pretty good and the dry hopping typically makes up for some of the things I don’t find enjoyable in pilsners. (And this is merely a “me” thing, not a “pilsner” thing or a “style” thing or “this or that beer was off” thing, its a “me” thing. We all have our styles and tastes that just don’t work with out tastebuds and mouth chemistry, and pilsners are in that range for me sometimes. I do and have enjoyed some, and I will continue to try them out and taste them, I just know going in that I have about a 50/50 on them. Sadly.)

Pouring this out, its a light straw, yellow “beer looking” beer. As I mentioned earlier, lots of carbonation, lots of head, lots of foam, but all looking good.

Aroma is not as ‘hoppy’ as I imagined being dry hopped. I was expecting a lot of hop forward aroma with the subtle backbone of a pilsner, but this really didn’t have the knock out hop aroma.

I’m enjoying this as I sip it. The hop characteristic is very subtle but a bit diffusing of the pilsner notes. There is no punch in the mouth knock out hop characteristics, but it is there with a subtlety. Unlike the Ghost in the Machine Parish Brewing beer I had yesterday, this isn’t an instant gulper, its a much more laid back, relaxed sipper.

This is in the category of pilsners I “like”. Its nothing outstanding or mind blowing or amazing, but it is a great summertime sipping pilsner, thats light, airy, and not high ABV either to really wreck your day, and going with food it won’t hit you at all. It has some of the pilsner bite, so if you don’t like that stay away, but its not as noticeable and subdued most likely due to the dry hopping, that its barely noticeable (except as a bit of an aftertaste).

My Untappd Rating: ***.75
Global Untappd Rating: 3.76 (as of 8.23.19)

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-B. Kline

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By |September 6, 2024|
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