Dallas Brewery Creates “Eagle Tears” in Response to “Dallas Sucks” Ale

Dallas Brewery Creates “Eagle Tears” in Response to “Dallas Sucks” Ale

The fierce rivalry between Dallas and Philadelphia isn’t just confined to the football field anymore. It has spilled over into the craft beer scene, with breweries from both cities taking playful jabs at one another. This time, it’s Dallas’ Noble Rey Brewing Co. striking back with a beer they’ve named “Eagle Tears,” a direct response to Weyerbacher Brewing’s “Dallas Sucks” ale from Easton, Pennsylvania.

Eagles Tears by Noble Rey Brewing Company

A Tale of Two Beers

Weyerbacher Brewing lit the fuse in this rivalry with the release of “Dallas Sucks,” a light, approachable pale ale clocking in at 4.5% ABV. Perfect for a morning tailgate, it’s a brew designed to poke fun at Dallas fans while being easy to drink for Eagles supporters gearing up for game day.

Noble Rey Brewing didn’t take the jab lightly. Just a month after “Dallas Sucks” hit the shelves, they announced “Eagle Tears” on their Facebook page, boldly claiming, “When we heard some guys from PA made a beer called ‘Dallas Sucks,’ we did what we do best…make a better beer w/ a better name, & a WAY BETTER DESIGN!!!” While the all-caps enthusiasm raised some eyebrows, the sentiment landed: Dallas fans now have a comeback of their own.

What’s in a Name?

“Eagle Tears” might not win awards for originality in comeback strategy, but it’s undeniably clever in execution. The beer’s name, branding, and design lean heavily into the playful rivalry. The label features a sorrowful eagle shedding a tear—a not-so-subtle nod to Eagles fans after a tough loss to the Cowboys. But what about the beer itself?

Noble Rey describes “Eagle Tears” as a bold, hoppy creation—a hazy IPA with juicy citrus notes and a bitter finish. At 6.5% ABV, it’s a step up from “Dallas Sucks” in strength and complexity, giving Cowboys fans bragging rights in the beer department.

Brewing Rivalry: All in Good Fun

Dallas Sucks by Weyerbacher Brewing Company (photo courtesy of Weyerbacher)

Joshua Lampe, Chief Operating Officer of Weyerbacher Brewing, said the idea for “Dallas Sucks” came from a tailgate session where a friend sported a shirt bearing the same slogan. “We decided to put a beer together and call it Dallas Sucks, because, honestly, they do,” Lampe joked. The beer’s lighter ABV was intentional, catering to tailgaters who want to enjoy a few brews before kickoff without overdoing it.

When Lampe heard about “Eagle Tears,” his reaction was laughter. “The ribbing and one-upmanship makes a sports rivalry fun,” he said. “If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t be in the beer business.”

Brewing Buzz Beyond the Game

This friendly feud is more than just a playful spat. It’s a testament to how craft beer culture intersects with regional pride and sports fandom. “Eagle Tears” and “Dallas Sucks” aren’t just beers—they’re part of the larger conversation about how local breweries can creatively engage with their communities.

But Noble Rey’s naming choice did stir up some unintended associations. A quick Google search reveals that “Eagle Tears” is also the name of a firearms lubricant company. While the beer and the product are unrelated, the shared name adds a humorous twist to the saga.

The Case for a Beer Showdown

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this rivalry, it’s that sports fans love a good beer-fueled competition. So, why not take it a step further? A Flipadelphia-style tournament featuring “Dallas Sucks” and “Eagle Tears” would be the ultimate way to decide which city brews the best trash-talking beer. Fans from both sides could toast to the playful banter while celebrating the creativity and craftsmanship of their local breweries.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, “Eagle Tears” and “Dallas Sucks” are more than just beers—they’re a celebration of regional pride, community, and the camaraderie that craft beer fosters. Whether you’re an Eagles fan, a Cowboys die-hard, or just someone who loves a clever beer name, this brewing rivalry offers plenty to cheer about.

So, what’s your pick for game day? A refreshing sip of “Dallas Sucks” or a bold pour of “Eagle Tears”? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to stay tuned to The Beer Thrillers for more craft beer news and reviews!

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