Yards Brewing Company vs Saint Arnold Brewing Company

Yards Brewing Company vs Saint Arnold Brewing Company

Yards Brewing Company vs. Saint Arnold Brewing Company – A Friendly Wager

A Friendly Wager

A great ‘tradition’ that has popped up around the big sports championships each year seems to be city vs. city craft brewery bets / wagers. First time I remember seeing it was when Sam Adams challenged Sweet Water Brewery back in 2017 over Super Bowl 51…. and well, we all know how that turned out (the infamous 28 – 3). (You can read about it here: Sam Adams Issues a High Steaks Challenge to Atlanta Based Brewery). Over the years there’s been lots of breweries who have participated in these types of bets and challenges and wagers. City brewery vs. city brewery. Usually with stuff like a case on the line, or having to keep the other brewery’s beers on tap, or having to make a beer in honor of the winning team, etc.

I just want to point out that as a Phillies fan – ya’ll know who I’m rooting for in this wager.

Terms of the Agreement

As announced today, on all of the social media platforms for both Yards Brewing Company and Saint Arnold Brewing Company, the wager is simple – “WHEN the Phils win, Saint Arnold himself will pose for a photo with Yards beer, our merch, and a Phils flag. IF Houston wins the Series, we will have to share a photo of us drinking Saint Arnold Beer, wearing Saint Arnold merch, and holding the ‘Stros flag. It is a win-win deal!” (Yards Brewing Company.)

Here is the full announcement by both challengers:

Yards Brewing Company:

Game on! Saint Arnold Brewing Company in Houston is feeling pretty confident so we challenged them to a bet they couldn’t resist:

WHEN the Phils win, Saint Arnold himself will pose for a photo with Yards beer, our merch, and a Phils flag. IF Houston wins the Series, we will have to share a photo of us drinking Saint Arnold Beer, wearing Saint Arnold merch, and holding the ‘Stros flag. It is a win-win deal!

Then we thought, “Let’s make it a win-win-WIN!” Yards will donate $1 of every pint of Philly Standard sold in our taproom on game days to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region and Saint Arnold will donate $1 of every pint of H-Town Pils sold during Series games to Kids’ Meals, Inc. regardless of the outcome.

Now let’s start drinking and helping. #GoPhils#RedOctober#MadeByPhila

Yards Brewing Company – Facebook

Saint Arnold Brewing Company:

Game on!

Yards Brewing Co., in Philadelphia, is feeling pretty confident and they are challenging us to a bet we couldn’t resist.

If Astros win the World Series, Yards Brewing will have to share a photo drinking Saint Arnold Beer, wearing Saint Arnold merch, and holding the Astros flag that we are going to mail to them. If the Phils win (very unlikely), Saint Arnold himself will pose for a photo with Yards Brewing beer, their merch, and Phillies flag. It is a win-win deal!

Then we thought, “Let’s make it a win-win-WIN!” Saint Arnold will donate $1 of every pint of H-Town Pils sold during the World Series games to Kids Meals Houston Kids’ Meals, Inc. and Yards Brewing will donate $1 of every pint of Philly Standard sold in their taproom through the end of the series to Ronald McDonald House Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region.

Now let’s start drinking and helping. Go ’Stros!

Oh, we almost forgot! Yards Brewing, what kind of beer would you like us to send when we win? Art Car IPA is a good one to drink the pain away.

Saint Arnold Brewing CompanyFacebook

The Charities Involved

Its so great to see that these two breweries are going a step above and beyond with their wager and involving the local communities and charities. And this is what is so great about the craft beer community – how much a part of the REAL community they are. For more information on the charities involved, you can click the links below:


Let’s take a look at who the competitors are, so the fans can see the challengers (and why they should be rooting for Yards Brewing Company and the Phillies):

Yards Brewing Company

All information comes provided by Untappd. Yards Brewing Company is a regional brewery with 717 unique beers and an overall average rating of 3.62 (as of 10.28.22), with a total of 674,000~ ratings. Their Untappd description reads: “Yards Brewing Company has been proudly brewing, bottling and now canning in the City of Brotherly Love since 1994. We’ve grown from a garage-sized operation in the Manayunk section of Philly to Roxborough, Kensington, Northern Liberties, and now to our newest location – a 70,000 square foot brewery and taproom – at 500 Spring Garden Street. Philadelphia Pale Ale and Brawler, both nationally recognized ales, lead a balanced portfolio of quality, handcrafted beers including eight year-round offerings and several seasonal and limited releases. Founder, Tom Kehoe, and the Yards Crew share a commitment to supporting the good people and organizations making their backyard a better place to live and work. Here at Yards, it’s always been about working hard, having fun and giving back. The Brew Unto Others motto reflects our commitment to quality, community and sustainability. It’s also a call-to-action. We encourage you to get together, to enjoy our beer, each other’s company and to Brew Unto Others every day. #YARDS #BrewUntoOthers

Social Media for Yards Brewing Company can be found at:

Saint Arnold Brewing Company

All information comes provided by Untappd. Saint Arnold Brewing Company is a regional brewery with 206 unique beers with 786,000~ ratings and a global average rating of 3.79 (as of 10.28.22). Their Untappd description reads: “Saint Arnold Brewing Company, located in Houston, is Texas’ Oldest Craft Brewery. Our goal is to brew world class beers and deliver them to our customers as fresh as possible. Our customers are beer lovers – people that appreciate great, full-flavored beers.

Social Media for Saint Arnold Brewing Company:

Let the Games Begin!

Tonight starts the World Series! Game One is in Houston starting at 8:03PM (EST). Good Luck Phillies! Let’s F’n Goooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Some friendly banter posts that both breweries have posted on their Facebook pages.)

Saint Arnold Brewing Company (10.31.22):

Yards Brewing Co. are you ready for game 3?

Saint Arnold Brewery and Yards Brewing Company make friendly bet against World Series teams


Saint Arnold Brewery and Yards Brewing Company make friendly bet against World Series teams

The bet? The losing company must wear the winning team’s merch and hoist the team’s flag inside the beer halls.

Saint Arnold Brewing Company (10.31.22):

H-Town is ready for game 3! If you couldn’t make the trip to Philadelphia, we’ve got you covered! Come to the Beer Garden and watch the World Series on the Super Screen.

What’s better than drinking Saint Arnold beer during the World Series games? Drinking Saint Arnold beer and knowing that the more you drink, the more you help. Don’t forget that Saint Arnold will donate $1 of every pint of H-Town Pils sold at the Beer Garden & Restaurant during the World Series games to Kids Meals Houston Kids’ Meals, Inc..

If you happen to be in Philadelphia for the World Series, you can also drink and help there! Yards Brewing Co. in Philadelphia will donate $1 of every pint of Philly Standard sold in their taproom through the end of the series to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region.

We have a special connection with Yards Brewing Co. because they challenged us to a bet that we couldn’t resist and they will probably regret. If Astros win the World Series, Yards Brewing will have to share a photo drinking Saint Arnold Beer, wearing Saint Arnold merch, and holding the Astros flag. If the Phils win (very unlikely), Saint Arnold himself will pose for a photo with Yards Brewing beer, their merch, and Phillies flag. We will be sending them some Hideaway, cause that’s what they are going to do when we win.

Now let’s drink, help and win!

Yards Brewing Company (10.29.22):

Real Ale? More like Real(Ale)muto! Sunday, Nov 13th, we’re opening up our entire facility & allowing guests to roam the brewery & enjoy rare, one-of-a-kind cask-conditioned brews from Philly area breweries & beyond! Tickets at the link! https://bit.ly/YardsRealAle2022

Yards 2022 Real Ale Invitational


Yards 2022 Real Ale Invitational

Real Ale is back! Sunday, November 13th12-4pm The Yards 2022 Real Ale Invitational will have 50 cask-conditioned beers from the latest and greatest Philly area breweries, your favorite American brewers, and of course, Yards. Sample as you roam our brewhouse and packaging facility. Jam to live music….

Yards Brewing Company (10.29.22):

Game 2 Time! $5 20oz Philly Standard and Philly Standard Lime during all Philly v Houston Championship Baseball games in the taproom! We know it’s a picture of a can, but catching a pint of beer in a glove would have been a mess. #GoPhils #RedOctober #MadeByPhila

Yards Brewing Company (10.30.22):

Looks like Houston managed to avoid the sweep, time to bury ’em at The Bank. ICYMI, we’ve got a wager with Saint Arnold Brewing Company. WHEN the Phils win, Saint Arnold himself will pose for a photo with Yards beer, our merch, and a Phils flag. IF Houston wins the Series, we will have to share a photo of us drinking Saint Arnold Beer, wearing Saint Arnold merch, and holding the ‘Stros flag.

In addition, Yards will donate $1 of every pint of Philly Standard sold in our taproom on game days to Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House and Saint Arnold will donate $1 of every pint of H-Town Pils sold during Series games to Kids’ Meals, Inc. Everyone wins, but mostly Philly.


Phillies – World Series

For more articles and information we’ve posted on the Philadelphia Phillies and the World Series, and our game – day daily Philly beer reviews, check the list below. Make sure you root on the Phillies while drinking and reading too!

Thanks For Reading

I am super – super – super – super pumped for the World Series this year! Its been 13 long years since the Phillies have been in the World Series, and after the disappointing loss to the Yankees, its a great time to avenge ourselves and get the beautiful city of Philadelphia another World Series ring! Grease up the poles! I’m thinking Phillies in 6!

Tonight (actually leaving to go shortly) we’ll be at the Boneshire Brew Works 6th Anniversary Celebration and will be watching the beginning of the game there. Come on out and hang with us and watch the game! (As long as you’re rooting on the Phillies that is.)


-B. Kline

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