Beer Review: Going Rogue (Tattered Flag)

Going Rogue by Tattered Flag in collaboration with Hop Hedz Gear

It’s not every day I get to review beers that aren’t even released yet, so this is a fun change of pace. Yesterday (Wednesday, 7.8.20) was my first day off work since starting back up, and my plan was to stop at Boneshire Brew Works for a beer or two (they had Rotunda’s Wootenberries sWheat Tart – which was actually the plan for today’s beer review) and then run my errands. I had the Rotunda sWheat Tart, then the Sly Fox and Stoudt’s Black Lager collaboration, and then Justin – the head brewer at Tattered Flag stopped out to join me at Boneshire Brew Works after he got done at work.

Needless to say, I never ran my errands.

Justin left around 8:45ish or so, and I ended up leaving a bit after around 9-930ish. After that, I went do D. Scott’s place to drink some of the new beers and hang out, we enjoyed the Going Rogue sour and the Flavor Guided Juice Missile (regular version). We watched the latest Halloween (from a few years back) and Friday the 13th, Part V.

My beer at Boneshire Brew Works with the beers Justin dropped off for me.

Justin was telling me it was a long day of canning at Tattered Flag and doing the behind the scenes stuff for Bart’s Hop Hedz Gear promotion with the beers. Speaking of that promotion, you can watch their video here:

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Bart does a great job of being entertaining and funny with his promotions, in-person and online. So always be sure to check him out and check out his store – Hop Hedz Gear.

The four-pack of beers from Tattered Flag that Justin dropped off

So, this friday (tomorrow – 7.10.20) Tattered Flag is releasing three of those pictured; the ones done in promotion with Hop Hedz Gear. They are: Going Rogue (Sour Fruited), Flavor Guided Juice Missile (IPA) and Flavor Guided Juice Missile DDH w/Guava (Double Dry Hopped IPA). Mercenaries of Juice will get released the following friday (7.17.20).

Going Rogue by Tattered Flag

Beer: Going Rogue
Brewery: Tattered Flag
Style: Sour – Fruited
ABV: 6%
IBU: None
Untappd Description: Sour ale conditioned on raspberry puree, cinnamon, vanilla, and lactose.

Apologies for the bad picture above, but it was a long night and D. Scott’s basement (where his studio is set up and the TVs are) has some poor lighting when we’re not doing the streaming or podcasts or YouTube videos. But, anyway, this is a pretty reddish / pinkish to purplish sour. Big foamy head to it, lot of carbonation, with a nice dark sour look to it. Creamy appearance. Nice carbonation. Nice interspersed bubbles.

The nose for this is very heavy raspberry. With hints of the cinnamon sticking out as you take your first whiffs before sipping. You get a sense of the lactose, but nothing definable as far as that goes. The majority of the aroma on this bad boy is the raspberry, and its very powerful and upfront, like a good sour should be.

This is a delicious sour. Its tart, not extremely sour, but just downright tasty. The cinnamon hits a bit hard, so if you’re not into that ‘bite’ this might be off-putting, but its not major detraction or problem even for non-cinnamon fans I would think. The raspberry is incredibly tasty and the most potent part of this beer. This tastes and feels like a big strong beer, but its only 6% so it’s actually quite a bit lighter than you would think. The vanilla and lactose rounds it out nicely, smoothing the cinnamon edges, and making it a smoother and slicker beer. This will make for a wonderful four pack of sippers on the porch in this hot weather. You and a buddy could each crack two of these and enjoy a nice hour or so of socially distanced time together on the porch in the hot sun discussing if there will be a baseball season this year or not (and discuss how bad the Phils will do, at least we know they can’t lose more than sixty games this year). From appearance, to nose, to taste, this is a great beer.

My Untappd Rating: ****
Global: I was the first to check it in, so there’s no other ratings yet.

Be sure to be on the lookout for this tomorrow at Tattered Flag. Released with the two Flavor Guided Juice Missiles as well. This will be a great release, and make sure to check out the video Bart produced for Hop Hedz Gear. This will definitely not be a release you will want to miss out on.

I want to thank Justin for the beers, was a nice surprise and drop, and was great hanging out with you at Boneshire. Always great to get beers fresh off the canning line. I will likely have the review of the Flavor Guided Juice Missile tomorrow to accompany this review. I was thinking of doing this as a multi-beer review, but I figured I’d split it up into a few beer reviews due to their release and all. So be on the lookout tomorrow for the Flavor Guided Missile review. Also, since I switched it up, be on the lookout in the near future for the Rotunda Wootenberries sWheat Tart review as well.

I do also want to point out that I edited the home page and start of the blog. So please be sure to check that out at HOME PAGE and let us know what you think of the changes. The top is now more navigable and there’s more easily accessible links, as well as links right to our social media accounts. Also, the font has been changed, and I hope its more readable and flowing. Not that there was anything wrong with our old font or that it was unreadable, but I just like this new font a bit more. But all the same, let us know what you think of the changes. Good or bad. Love to hear from you guys. Thanks!

Cheers all!

-B. Kline