Beer Review: Juicy Fruit sWheat Tart (Rotunda Brewing Company)

Beer Review: Juicy Fruit sWheat Tart (Rotunda Brewing Company)

Juicy Fruit, another wonderful rendition of the sWheat Tart series.

I think Josh summed it up best by saying : “Unlike the real Juicy Fruit this flavor will last longer than 5 seconds.” And he is absolutely 100% correct with that. This is another fantastic beer in a series (sWheat Tart) that the guys at Rotunda are just killing with. I don’t think you can find a bad one in the bunch.

They’ve been doing this series for a while now, and each new iteration is just as good if not better than the last. Different adjuncts, different varieties, and different tastes, and theres just one common theme: their all very good.

This one is a bit different though, its a Pale Ale – American, where as all of the other prior versions were Sour – Fruited or Sours of some sort. This is not some bureaucratic typo, this is a straight up New England style Pale Ale, and as the picture above shows, its hazy golden, and great tasting.

Beer: Juicy Fruit sWheat Tart
Brewery: Rotunda Brewing Company
Style: Pale Ale – American
ABV: 5.9%
IBU: (blank)
Untappd Write-Up: (blank)

The coloring is hazy, golden, orange juice like, unfiltered. Not puree and nothing crazy like a ton of floaters, but some sediment and some floating activity, none of which is a bad thing. If this was a can, I’d recommend rolling it before opening it, but there is nothing wrong with the appearance or the activity of it.

Aroma is juicy, mango forward, with some slight hop notes, but mostly a juicy fruit gum smell. There is a lot happening here aroma wise, a lot of smells combining, I took notice of mango, grapefruit, citrusy hops, all kinds of things working together in combination to make this an aromatic juicy fruit gum bomb.

The taste is a juicy incredible pale ale unlike any I’ve had prior. Pale Ales tend to be a notch down on the flavor scale and tend to be more grain oriented and less hop oriented, but this is just pure full throttle flavor. Immediately your tongue is inundated with flavor, juicy notes of all kind, mango, peach, gum, grapefruit, melon rind, juicy fruit gum, citrus style hops, everything. Its like the whole fruit cart got dumped into your mouth.

This is definitely one to seek out. Make it a point to stop in at Rotunda Brewery or Batdorf in Annville and try this.

My Untappd Rating: ****.5
Global Untappd Rating: (As of Midnight 8.10-8.11.19 there has not been enough ratings to make a global Untappd rating. After all, it was just released today. I will edit this and provide a post-script with a global Untappd rating at some near future.

Some current scores on Untappd have been: ****.5, ****.25, ****, *****, ***, ***, ***.5, ****.25, ****.25, etc.)

POST SCRIPT: As of 8.18.19, the Global Untappd rating for Juicy Fruit sWheat Tart is: 4.06.

Ok, until next time, keep that liver employed!

-B. Kline

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