Beer Review of Pliny the Elder: Is It the Best Double IPA of 2024?

Beer Review of Pliny the Elder: Is It the Best Double IPA of 2024?

Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company


Pliny the Elder, brewed by Russian River Brewing Company, is one of the most celebrated Double IPAs in the craft beer world. Since its introduction, it has consistently ranked high on beer lists and won numerous awards. In this review, we’ll delve into what makes Pliny the Elder so special and whether it still holds up in 2024.

History and Background

Russian River Brewing Company, located in Santa Rosa, California, was founded by Korbel Champagne Cellars in 1997. Vinnie Cilurzo, the current owner and brewmaster, took over in 2003. Pliny the Elder, named after the Roman naturalist and historian who first documented hops, was one of the early trailblazers of the Double IPA style. Its creation set a new standard for hoppy beers and helped popularize the style.

Russian River Brewing Company

Russian River Brewing Company, founded in 1997 in Santa Rosa, California, has become a cornerstone of the American craft beer movement. Initially started by Korbel Champagne Cellars, the brewery underwent a significant transformation when Vinnie and Natalie Cilurzo took ownership in 2003. Under their stewardship, Russian River quickly garnered a reputation for producing high-quality, innovative beers. Vinnie Cilurzo, a pioneer in the industry, is credited with brewing the first commercially marketed Double IPA, which set the stage for the brewery’s future successes.

Russian River’s commitment to excellence is evident in their diverse beer portfolio, which includes both hop-forward beers and expertly crafted sour ales. Their flagship beer, Pliny the Elder, has become a benchmark for Double IPAs, celebrated for its balance and complex hop profile. In addition to Pliny, the brewery is renowned for its barrel-aged sour beers, such as Supplication and Consecration, which showcase their expertise in blending and aging. These beers have not only won numerous awards but also have captivated the palates of beer enthusiasts around the world.

Beyond their beer, Russian River Brewing Company has played a significant role in fostering a sense of community within the craft beer industry. They host the annual “Pliny the Younger” release, a much-anticipated event that draws beer lovers from across the globe to their Santa Rosa and Windsor locations. This dedication to community engagement extends to their philanthropic efforts, with the brewery regularly supporting local charities and causes. Through their commitment to quality, innovation, and community, Russian River Brewing Company continues to be a leader in the craft beer world, inspiring brewers and drinkers alike.

Russian River Brewing Company is a pinnacle in the craft beer community.


Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company

Pliny the Elder pours a clear golden amber with a moderate, foamy white head that leaves a nice lacing on the glass. The beer’s clarity and color are immediately inviting, signaling a well-crafted brew. The head retention is impressive, maintaining a thin cap throughout the drinking experience, which enhances the visual appeal.


The aroma of Pliny the Elder is a delightful bouquet of fresh pine, citrus, and floral notes. There’s a dominant scent of grapefruit and pine needles, complemented by subtle hints of malt sweetness. The aroma is robust and tantalizing, setting high expectations for the taste. As the beer warms, additional nuances of tropical fruits, such as mango and pineapple, become more apparent, adding to its complexity.


On the palate, Pliny the Elder delivers a complex yet balanced flavor profile. The initial taste is a burst of citrus and pine, with grapefruit and orange zest leading the way. As the beer settles on the mid-palate, notes of resinous pine and floral hops become more pronounced. The malt backbone provides a slight caramel sweetness that perfectly balances the hop bitterness. The aftertaste is clean and crisp, with a lingering bitterness that invites another sip.

What sets Pliny the Elder apart is its ability to be intensely hoppy without being overwhelming. The interplay between the hops and malt creates a harmonious balance that many Double IPAs struggle to achieve. Each sip reveals new layers of flavor, making it a beer that you can enjoy both quickly and thoughtfully.


Pliny the Elder has a medium body with a smooth, slightly dry mouthfeel. The carbonation is just right, providing a refreshing effervescence without being too fizzy. The beer feels well-rounded and satisfying on the tongue, making it easy to enjoy despite its higher alcohol content (8% ABV). The finish is dry and crisp, encouraging the next sip.

Overall Impression

Pliny the Elder lives up to its legendary status. It’s a well-balanced, flavorful Double IPA that showcases the best qualities of hops and malt. Whether you’re a seasoned craft beer enthusiast or new to the world of IPAs, Pliny the Elder is a must-try. It’s no wonder this beer has remained a favorite among beer aficionados for years.

Rating: 9.5/10

Food Pairings

Pliny the Elder pairs wonderfully with a variety of foods. Here are some suggestions:

  • Spicy Dishes: The beer’s hoppy bitterness can complement and cool down spicy foods like buffalo wings or spicy Thai curry.
  • Grilled Meats: The citrus and pine notes enhance the flavors of grilled chicken, pork, or steak.
  • Cheeses: Pair with aged cheddar or gouda for a delightful contrast between the beer’s bitterness and the cheese’s richness.
  • Seafood: The beer’s bright, citrusy notes complement the delicate flavors of seafood dishes like grilled shrimp or fish tacos.
  • Desserts: Try pairing with a citrus-based dessert like lemon tart to highlight the beer’s fruity notes.

Brewer’s Notes

Pliny the Elder was first brewed in 2000 and was one of the first commercially brewed Double IPAs. It is named after the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder, who first mentioned hops in his writings. The beer is brewed with Amarillo, Centennial, CTZ, and Simcoe hops, which contribute to its distinctive aroma and flavor. The brewing process involves multiple hop additions, including a generous dry hopping stage, to maximize the hop character.

Untappd notes: 8% ABV, 100 IBU, and has over 280,000 ratings, with a global average rating of 4.5.

Untappd description reads: “PLINY THE ELDER – (Double IPA) Brewed with Amarillo, Centennial, CTZ, Cascade, Warrior, and Simcoe hops. Well-balanced with malt, hops, and alcohol. Slightly bitter with aromas of citrus, pine, and floral”

Comparisons to Other Double IPAs

When comparing Pliny the Elder to other Double IPAs, its balance and drinkability stand out. While some Double IPAs can be overwhelmingly bitter or overly sweet, Pliny strikes a perfect harmony. Beers like The Alchemist’s Heady Topper or Tree House Brewing’s Julius offer different takes on the style, with Heady Topper leaning towards more intense bitterness and Julius showcasing juicy, fruity hop flavors. Pliny the Elder, however, maintains a classic profile that has stood the test of time.

Pliny the Elder and Nimble Giant are two highly esteemed Double IPAs that showcase the diverse approaches to the style by their respective breweries, Russian River Brewing Company and Tröegs Independent Brewing. Pliny the Elder is celebrated for its balanced profile, offering a harmonious blend of pine, citrus, and floral hop notes, supported by a subtle malt backbone that provides a smooth, drinkable experience despite its 8% ABV. Nimble Giant, on the other hand, leans towards a more robust and juicy hop character, with prominent tropical fruit flavors such as mango and pineapple, alongside resinous pine and a slightly sweeter malt presence. Both beers are exemplary in their own right, with Pliny the Elder appealing to those who appreciate a classic, well-balanced Double IPA, while Nimble Giant caters to those who enjoy a more fruit-forward, intense hop experience.

Consumer Opinions

Pliny the Elder has garnered a cult following over the years. Beer enthusiasts often praise its consistency and quality. Many reviews highlight its balanced hop profile, clean finish, and the ability to enjoy multiple servings without palate fatigue. The beer has become a benchmark for the Double IPA style, with many breweries aiming to replicate its success.


My Rating: ****.5
Global Untappd Rating: 4.4995 (or 4.5) (as of 2.26.24).


Pliny the Elder is a benchmark in the world of craft beer, particularly within the Double IPA category. Its masterful balance of hops and malt, combined with its rich history and consistent quality, make it a beer that every craft beer lover should experience. Whether you’re revisiting it or trying it for the first time, Pliny the Elder is sure to impress.

Pliny the Elder stands as a testament to the artistry and dedication of Russian River Brewing Company. Its ability to balance intense hop flavors with a smooth, drinkable malt backbone sets it apart from many other Double IPAs. This beer has not only withstood the test of time but continues to be a benchmark in the craft beer industry. Its consistent quality and refined complexity make it a must-try for both seasoned beer enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Moreover, Pliny the Elder’s legacy is bolstered by its historical significance. As one of the first commercially brewed Double IPAs, it paved the way for an entire genre of hoppy beers that have become staples in the craft beer world. The beer’s namesake, Pliny the Elder, who first documented hops in his writings, adds an intriguing historical depth that complements its modern-day acclaim. This blend of history and innovation has helped Pliny the Elder maintain its iconic status.

In summary, Pliny the Elder is more than just a beer; it’s a symbol of the craft beer revolution. Its harmonious blend of flavors, rich history, and the unwavering dedication of Russian River Brewing Company make it an enduring favorite. Whether you’re enjoying it for the first time or revisiting an old favorite, Pliny the Elder offers a consistently exceptional experience that continues to set the standard for Double IPAs worldwide.

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