Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

A pint of Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA

Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA has long been a herald of the American craft beer movement, standing out as a consistent and refined example of an India Pale Ale. Here’s a detailed review of this iconic brew:


The 60 Minute IPA pours a clear, golden amber color with a frothy white head that dissipates gradually, leaving a nice lace on the glass. The beer’s clarity and color are inviting, promising a classic IPA experience.


This brew greets the nose with a bouquet of floral and citrus hops. There are notes of grapefruit, orange peel, and pine, underscored by a subtle malt sweetness. The aroma is balanced; it’s hop-forward without being overpowering, setting the stage for what follows in the taste.


On the palate, Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA delivers a beautiful harmony of hop bitterness and malty backbone. The hop profile is complex, featuring flavors of citrus, particularly grapefruit and lemon zest, followed by pine and a bit of herbal quality. The malt presents itself with hints of caramel and biscuit, providing a solid foundation that complements the bitterness rather than clashing with it. The transition from the initial hoppy bite to the underlying sweetness is smooth and well-executed.


Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the 60 Minute IPA has a crisp and somewhat resinous mouthfeel that makes for a refreshing drink. It’s neither too heavy nor too light, striking a nice balance that makes it quite sessionable for an IPA.


The finish is moderately dry with a lingering hop bitterness that invites another sip without becoming too intense. It’s clean and does not leave an overly resinous aftertaste, which can be common in more aggressively hopped IPAs.

Overall Impression:

Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA is an exemplary craft beer that balances accessibility with complexity. It’s crafted to appeal to both newcomers to the IPA style and seasoned hop aficionados. Its method of continuous hopping over 60 minutes during the boil provides a unique depth and variety to its hop character, which is showcased beautifully throughout the drinking experience.

Food Pairing Suggestions:

This IPA pairs wonderfully with spicy foods, grilled meats, and sharp cheeses. The hop bitterness cuts through the richness of fatty foods and complements spicy dishes beautifully.


The 60 Minute IPA remains a staple in Dogfish Head’s lineup for good reasons. It is approachable yet sophisticated, making it a go-to IPA for many beer lovers. Whether you’re a craft beer enthusiast or a casual drinker looking to explore the style, the 60 Minute IPA is a compelling choice that won’t disappoint.

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By |September 6, 2024|
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