THE BATTLE OF THE BREWERIES: Liberty Conference – Round of 64

THE BATTLE OF THE BREWERIES: Liberty Conference – Round of 64

THE BATTLE OF THE BREWERIES: Liberty Conference – Round of 64

Welcome to the first round of the Battle of the Breweries 2025! The Round of 64! This is the LIBERTY CONFERENCE voting page. Scroll down to see the VOTING RULES and then further down for the VOTING survey to fill out to vote. You don’t have to vote for each match, you can leave some blank if you wish not to vote.

The Battle of the Breweries 2025: Liberty Conference – Round of 64

Voting Rules

Voting is straight forward and simple. There are four conferences: APOLLO, CASCADE, LIBERTY, and ZEUS. (All named after different hop varietals.) Each week, from Monday through Sunday, there will be a voting page for each of the conference. Click on the voting page, open it up, and it will have a pop-down survey poll. Starting with the Round of 64, all the way down to the finals of each conference, followed by a Fatal Four Way that will have the winner of each conference fighting for the grand champion!

You can vote daily for each of the conferences, so you can make up to 4 votes (one per conference) per day. Each round will be one week, except for the Finals which will be two weeks. The rounds are as follows: Round of 64, Round of 32, Round of 16, Round of 8, Round of 4, Conference Finals (Round of 2), and the Finals Fatal Four-Way (Winner of each Conference in a four-way match). So for the first week, there will be 32 matches in the conference, then in the second week there will be 16 matches, then 8 matches, then 4 matches, then the last two rounds are just 1 match each.

For the Conference Finals I might just make it 1 voting page rather than 4 distinct voting pages. It all depends on what will be easier for the blog’s coding and all that back house stuff.



The Battle of the Breweries 2025 - Liberty Conference: Round of 64
The Battle of the Breweries 2025 - Liberty Conference
Round of 64

1. Other Half Brewing Company vs. 64. Blonde Bistro Brew Works

32. Sterling Pig Brewing vs. 33. Gearhouse Brewing

16. Strange Roots Experimental Ales vs. 49. Ithaca Brewing

17. Acclamation Brewing vs. 48. The Wellsboro House

8. Jackie O's Brewery vs. 57. Lebanon Valley Craft Brewery

25. Von C Brewing vs. 40. Artifice Ales and Meads

9. New Trail Brewing Company vs. 56. Axemann Brewery

24. Twisted Bine Brewing vs. 41. River Trail Brewing

4. Antifragile Brewing Company vs. 61. Lost Mine-D Brewing

29. Hell in a Bucket Brewing vs. 36. Jackass Brewery

13. Raney Cellars Brewing vs. 52. Morgantown Brewing Company

20. OHSO Brewery and Distillery vs. 45. Victory Brewing

5. Adroit Theory vs. 60. Stone Bridge Brewing

28. Molly Pitcher Brewing vs. 37. Workhorse Brewing

12. Black Flag Brewing Company vs. 53. Liquid Hero Brewing

21. Mad Chef Brewing vs. 44. Abolitionist Ale Works

2. The Veil vs. 63. Tall Tales Brewing Company

31. Eclipse Craft Brewing vs. 34. Robin Hood Brewing Company

15. YAH Brew vs. 50. The Brewer's Art Tavern

18. Ten Eyck Brewing vs. 47. Wyndridge Farm Cidery and Brewery

7. Tombstone Brewing vs. 58. Starr Hill Brewing

26. The Beerd'ed Goat vs. 39. Monocacy Brewing

10. Wolf Brewing vs. 55. Grateful Goat

23. LoveDraft's Brewing vs. 42. Covered Bridge Brew Haus

3. Hidden River Brewing vs. 62. The Brewery and Winery at Hershey

30. Independent Brewing vs. 35. Spring House Brewing Company

14. Inner Groove Brewing vs. 51. Grist Iron Brewing

19. Little Fish Brewing vs. 46. Harper's Ferry Brewing

6. Aslin Beer Co vs. 59. Big Bottom Brewery

27. Stampede BBQ vs. 38. Bright Path Brewing Company

11. Forbes Trail Brewing vs. 54. Ellison Brewing Company

22. Selin's Grove Brewing vs. 43. Hop Nuts Brewing

Tournament Guidelines

We fully encourage everyone to have as much fun as possible with this tournament! Share and comment and talk about the breweries facing off. Upset your favorite brewery isn’t in the tournament? Sorry! It means one of us probably haven’t been there, or they just barely missed our cut when deciding the 256 breweries to include! Social media is a fantastic tool for sharing your brewery or your favorite brewery’s voting page. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, BlueSky, Mastodon, Tumblr, LinkTree, umm…. MySpace? LinkedIn? Pinterest? What other social medias do you cool young kids use? Whichever it is, feel free to share and bolster and brag about how your brewery is doing or encourage others to vote for your favorite brewery!

Please do keep it all in fun though. This isn’t meant to belittle or demean breweries or to create real animosity. Its a fun light hearted competition in the spirit of the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament. So with that in mind please enjoy it!

Liberty Conference Bracket

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