Beer Review: Kirin Zero Ichi (Non Alcoholic Beer)

Beer Review: Kirin Zero Ichi (Non Alcoholic Beer)

Kirin Zero Ichi

Kirin Zero Ichi

Kirin Zero Ichi offers a thoughtful non-alcoholic beer experience with a full-bodied, earthy taste and a distinctly bready malt character.

This beverage is free from artificial sweeteners and bittering agents, making it an excellent choice for any occasion.


Upon pouring, Kirin Zero Ichi reveals a vibrant golden hue that gleams in the light, giving it a refreshing look in the glass. The formation of a white head adds to its traditional beer aesthetic, distinguishing it from the often flat appearance of non-alcoholic brews.

Kirin Zero Ichi


Approaching the glass, you’re met with a gentle blend of aromas. Predominantly light malts offer a reassuring, beer-like scent, enhanced by a surprisingly pleasant, albeit slightly chemical, undertone. Sweet grainy notes mingle within this aroma, inviting further exploration into its flavor.


The taste follows through with a light-bodied sensation that’s easy on the palate. Kirin Zero Ichi diverges from the usual by emphasizing a sweetness derived from health-conscious ingredients. Its rich, bready malts impart a mild and earthy flavor, devoid of the typical bitterness found in many standard lagers.

Mouthfeel and Drinkability

A medium-bodied texture provides a somewhat waxy mouthfeel, enhancing the substantial feel of each sip.

Complexity and Flavors

Kirin Zero Ichi is characterized by a complex flavor profile that begins with sweet, malty notes and transitions into a richer blend of earthy and bready nuances. This non-alcoholic beer stands out with its intricate and mild flavor, offering a unique alternative to traditional Japanese lagers, all without artificial additives.


My Untappd rating would be ***.75.
Global Average Untappd Rating is: 2.08 (as of 10.18.23)

The beer scores a 3.97 for its quality and taste in the non-alcoholic category, impressing with its visual appeal, aromatic profile, and smooth mouthfeel.

Why Drink Kirin Zero Ichi

  • Health Benefits: Low in calories, and rich in fiber and protein, Kirin Zero Ichi presents a healthier alternative to conventional beers.
  • Natural Ingredients: Free from artificial sweeteners and bittering agents, it offers a pure taste that highlights its quality brewing tradition.
  • Versatility: Its pleasant, mild flavor makes Kirin Zero Ichi suitable for various social settings, from casual get-togethers to special events.

Comparison with Other Non-Alcoholic Beer Brands

Kirin Zero Ichi should be compared to other non-alcoholic beers like Kirin Ichiban Shibori Alcohol-Free, Asahi Dry Zero, and Asahi 0.0, each offering unique flavors and attributes that cater to diverse preferences.

Final Thoughts on Kirin Zero Ichi

Kirin Zero Ichi excels as a non-alcoholic option with its authentic, bready malt flavor and healthy profile. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking a satisfying drink without the calories or alcohol.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Distinctiveness: Kirin’s non-alcoholic beer captures the essence of traditional Japanese brews without the alcohol, distinguishing it from typical light lagers.
  • Storage and Shipping: Like other premium beers, Kirin Zero Ichi is shipped under cold conditions to maintain its high quality.
  • Party Beverage Alternative: If you usually opt for cola at parties, trying Kirin’s non-alcoholic beer could enhance your social experience, aligning you with a growing trend towards sophisticated, sober sipping.

Kirin Zero Ichi is not just another non-alcoholic beer; it’s a premium, health-conscious beverage perfect for enjoying a guilt-free beer experience.

Non Alcoholic Beer Articles

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Last Updated: April 29, 2024By

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