Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies in the United States (2023)

Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies in the United States (2023)

Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies in the United States – by the Brewer’s Association (photo courtesy of the Brewer’s Association)

The Top 50 Craft Brewing Companies in the United States

The Brewer’s Association has released their annual “Top 50 US Craft Brewing Companies“. They release this yearly, and its always a gold mine of information on what breweries are producing how much, distribution, sales, and who all is still considered ‘craft beer’ vs ‘macro beer’.

From their report:

The Brewers AssociationOpens in new window (BA)—the trade association representing small and independent1Opens in new window  American craft brewers—today released annual production figures for the U.S. craft brewing industry. 2 In 2022, small and independent brewers collectively produced 24.3 million barrels of beer, on par with 2021’s numbers3, and craft’s overall beer market share by volume grew to 13.2%, up from 13.1% the previous year. 

The overall beer market* shrank 3% by volume in 2022. Retail dollar value was estimated at $28.46 billion, representing a 24.6% market share and 6% growth over 2021. Sales growth was stronger than volume due to pricing, share shift to smaller brewers—who are more likely to sell onsite and via distributed draught—as well as the continued channel shift back to on-premise, which has a higher average retail value. Craft brewers provided 189,413 direct jobs, a 9% increase from 2021, driven both by growth in the number of breweries and a continued shift to hospitality-focused business models. 

Brewer’s Association: Top 50 US Craft Brewing Companies

Growth in Craft Breweries

Overall in 2022 the total number of craft breweries increased. Hitting an all time high of 9,552 breweries open in 2022.

The number of operating craft breweries continued to climb in 2022, reaching an all-time high of 9,552, including 2,035 microbreweries, 3,418 brewpubs, 3,838 taproom breweries, and 261 regional craft breweries. The total U.S. operating brewery count was 9,709, up from 9,384 in 2021. Throughout the year, there were 549 new brewery openings and 319 closings. Openings decreased for a second consecutive year, with the continued decline reflecting a more mature market. The closing rate increased in 2022 but continued to remain relatively low, at approximately 3%.

Of the top 50 overall brewing companies in 2022, 40 were small and independent craft brewing companies.4 

“Breweries that managed to move up the list organically are often those that are adding incremental growth to the category,” said Watson. “Both beer and craft need to create new occasions and new beer lovers to find growth.” 

Brewer’s Association: Top 50 US Craft Brewing Companies

Top 50 US Craft Breweries as per Production

1.D. G. Yuengling and Son IncPottsvillePA
2.Boston Beer CompanyBoston, MiltonMA, DE
3.Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.ChicoCA
4.Duvel Moortgat USAPaso Robles, Kansas City, CooperstownCA, MO, NY
5.Gambrinus CompanyShiner, BerkleyTX, CA
6.Artisanal Brewing VenturesDowingtown, Lakewood, BrooklynPA, NY, NY
7. Stone BrewingEscondidoCA
8.CANarchyLongmont, Tampa, Salt Lake City, Comstock, DallasCO, FL, UT, MI, TX
9.Tilray Beer BrandsAtlanta, Montauk, San DiegoGA, NY, CA
10.Brooklyn Brewing Co.BrooklynNY
11.Deschutes BreweryBendOR
12.New Glarus Brewing Co.New GlarusWI
13.Athletic Brewing Co.MilfordCT
14.Matt Brewing CoUticaNY
15.Minhas Craft BreweryMonroeWI
16.Harpoon BrewingBostonMA
17.Gordon Biersch Brewing CoSan JoseCA
18.Great Lakes Brewing CompanyClevelandOH
19.Stevens Point BreweryStevens PointWI
20.Allagash Brewing CompanyPortlandME
21.Georgetown Brewing Co.SeattleWA
22.Odell Brewing Co.Fort CollinsCO
23.Rhinegeist BreweryCincinnatiOH
24.Three Floyds BrewingMunsterIN
25. Troegs Independent Craft Brewing CompanyHersheyPA
26.Summit Brewing Co.Saint PaulMN
27.Narragansett Brewing CoProvidenceRI
28.Craft OhanaKihei, San DiegoHI, CA
29.August Schell Brewing CompanyNew UlmMN
30.Kings & Convicts BrewingSan DiegoCA
31.Pittsburgh Brewing Co.PittsburghPA
32.Alaskan Brewing Co.JuneauAK
33.Kona Brewing CoKailua – KonaHI
34.Flying Dog BreweryFrederickMD
35.Abita Brewing Co.CovingtonLA
36.Fiddlehead BrewingShelburneVT
37.Creature Comforts Brewing Co.AthensGA
38.BrewDog Brewing CompanyCanal WinchesterOH
39.Revolution BrewingChicagoIL
40.Lost Coast BrewingEurekaCA
41.Rogue Ales BreweryNewportOR
42.Surley Brewing Co.MinneapolisMN
43.Ninkasi Brewing CoEugeneOR
44.Saint Arnold Brewing Co.HoustonTX
45.IndieBrewAtlanta, NashvilleGA, TN
46.Shipyard Brewing CoPortlandME
47.Jack’s Abby BrewingFraminghamMA
48.North Coast Brewing CoFort BraggCA
49.Pizza Port Brewing CompanyCarlsbadCA
50.Made by the WaterNew Orleans, Apalachicola, Asheville, CharlestonLA, FL, NC, SC

Top 50 Overall

The Brewer’s Association also unveiled the Top 50 Breweries overall. I will do an article about that as well in just a bit. But needless to say, Anheuser-Busch Inc is number one. Yuengling is number seven.

For More Information

If you would like to see the Brewer’s Association’s full article, you can find that here:

For more information on the Brewer’s Association, you can find there homepage here:

(The Brewers Association is an American trade group of over 5,400 brewers, breweries in planning, suppliers, distributors, craft beer retailers, and individuals particularly concerned with the promotion of craft beer and homebrewing.)

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