Mead Review: The Meadalorian (Space Time Mead and Cider Works)

Mead Review: The Meadalorian (Space Time Mead and Cider Works)

The Meadalorian by Space Time Mead and Cider Works


Hang in there with me on this one, for this is my first mead review here on the blog. I was originally just gonna keep it the same “Beer Review: The Meadalorian” but thought about it some, and decided with it being mead, that it needed its own category and section, so thus – Mead Review rather than Beer Review for the title of the article. So this is my first mead review here on the blog (as a direct full review).

I picked up the mead when we visited Scranton and stopped at the meadery completely by happenstance. You can read about our trip to Scranton. “Travelogue: Scrambling around Scranton.” The Space Time meadery was a cool little hang out, we tasted and sampled several of the meads, and the store inside was decked out very cool (especially if your a space nerd). Fully recommend stopping in if you are in the Scranton area.

As I’ve said, this is my first time reviewing mead fully on here, I will do it similar to that of beer reviews, but just let it be forewarned that while I enjoy mead, I am not nearly as much of a connoisseur of mead or as knowledgeable about mead as I am about beer. (If I can really be said to be knowledgeable about beer either.) So just take this for what it is then.

Star Wars

This is week three of my doing Star Wars themed beer reviews (every Wednesday until the completion of ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ I will be doing a Star Wars themed beer – or in this case mead – review). Previously I’ve covered:

I have done plenty of other Star Wars themed beers as well, and they’ll be linked at the end of this article.

Just like last week, you can join in on the discussion forums about The Book of Boba Fett, by going to these forums:

Despite what the timer says on my stove in the beer picture (…yes…. I haven’t set the timer on it yet…. my microwave hasn’t been set either, that just blinks 00:00 at me; the stove is just completely way off), I uncorked this mead at 9PM and started drinking it then. I had gotten off work at 6PM, had dinner with my parents, and came home to have this so I could write up the review and be all ready to go with it before having to go to work on Wednesday – the next day.

Firstly, let me say I don’t have a wine pen or wine opener, or de-corker, or whatever fancy term they use. I am about as far from a wine enthusiast or expert as they come. So I used a screwdriver, and in the process, ended up making a mess of wood, and dropping the cork down in. ….as Vonnegut would say – So It Goes.

While enjoying my adult beverage, my friend over at The Knights of NostalgiaDrew – streamed the second part of his Majora’s Mask randomizer, and I watched / listened as I played a game of SW:CCG on GEMP.

I’ve recently gotten back into SW:CCG and started looking up the cards on GEMP and playing games on there (three games so far, 1-2 so far). GEMP is an online format to play the old SW:CCG game (Star Wars Customizable Card Game). You can find the site and program here: GEMP-SWCCG. The PC (Players Committee) oversees it, and runs the program and website, and also offers several tournaments through it (especially now with COVID-19 and the pandemic, which has caused a lot less gaming in person, and has driven many more players to the online tournaments). I built an AOBS deck for DS (Agents of the Black Sun) and a Communing deck based around Qui-Gon for LS.

So I got a game in last night while sipping this delicious mead (I lost, by 15 Force Differential. I played against a Shadow Collective deck, which was based primarily on the Crimson Dawn from the Solo movie). I haven’t played the game in roughly 7 – to – 8 years, so there was a lot of reading cards in this game, and despite not knowing what 98% of them did, I think I somewhat held my own.

But enough about my blabbering about nerd crap, let’s get to the review.

Mead Review

Mead: The Meadalorian
Brewery: Space Time Mead and Cider Works
Style: Mead – Traditional
ABV: 12.1%
IBU: None
Untappd Description: This is the way! A medium dry/semi sweet traditional mead using Locust blossom honey. A nice replacement for a semi dry white grape wine!

Space Time Mead and Cider Works is located in Dunmore; basically the suburbs of Scranton. They have 62 unique beers (or meads) and have a total of 707 ratings. They are considered a Meadery. They have a global average rating of 3.93 as of 1.11.22. Their Untappd description reads: “Space Time Mead & Cider Works’ mission is to produce the highest quality and innovative craft mead (honey wine), cider, and wine in a manner that respects the past and works for a better future, while living in the present.”

Aroma for this is a wonderful grape like, dry wine smell. Its got a dry wine smell that really hits, but at closer whiff, it gives off a lovely sweet smelling of honey. I picture it like a good Thanksgiving wine, one that is dueling with its dryness and sweetness at the same time.

Appearance is crystal clear with a light off clear / yellow hue to it. Like a dry grape wine coloring. Or similar to champagne. Which it also has some of the sparkling and bubbles of champagne, especially after pouring or moving the glass around. It looks honeyed. Its clear and translucent (with the hue that it has), a slight haze cloudiness to it (almost oil like way of looking through it like clear dry wine has when looking through glasses of white wine). It swishes around in the glass nicely.

Oooooh boy, for someone who isn’t a traditional mead drinker, or wine drinker, this has got some kick to it. I mean, I enjoy a high ABV beer (in fact, I actually LOVE the higher ABV beers, particularly stouts), but this kicks and hits in a different way. Not bad! Just not the way this ol’ country bumpkin beer drinker is used to (thats all)! I am totally digging it though (like a Tusken Raider prisoner digging for some black fruits for their milk in a hot Tatooine desert). This is dry…. dry like…. Tatooine? (Oh… what a theme I’m building here! I’m a regular Billy Shakespeare.) It has a white grape, dry, wine line taste, but mixed with a honeyed sweetness. Like the two are married together… stuck in a perpetual orbit…. like two Twin Suns over a hot planet….. BOOOM! NAILED IT AGAIN! (Am I killing it with these analogies or what?!). This is certainly refreshing to my palate of beers, and I am really enjoying it. It does certainly taste boozy (and it should at 12.1%) but I also feel like most / if not all meads typically taste boozy (even the lower ABV ones). This is a warming drink, as in it just makes you warm up drinking it, and flushes them cheeks right up. And as the mead itself warms up and settles in the glass, I think it tastes even better. There is a slight crispness to it, but the sweetness really overrides the dryness and crispness and finishes it out. There’s no bad aftertaste, and no cotton mouth like I’ve had with some dry wines in the past. The mouth feel felt just right, nothing cloying, nothing too heavy or watery. Everything about this was just good, from the first sip to the last and just felt good. Was a wonderful drink from the top of the glass to the bottom and I certainly enjoyed every single second of it (even while losing my game, and listening to Drew getting stuck and frustrated on his Majora’s Mask randomizer). This was great. If you have the chance are in the Scranton / Dunmore area, make sure you stop in at Space Time Mead and Cider works. The owner is a wonderful dude and knows his stuff, and is a huge space nerd (so right there is a win in my books). I have a Futurama mead from them yet to review as well, which I will probably be doing in the days to come.

My Untappd Rating: ****.25
Global Average Untappd Rating: 4.23 (as of 1.12.22)

Some YouTube Videos

Looking for some background info on The Book of Boba Fett, or just more fun YouTube videos? Check these out:

How Are the Hutts so Powerful despite being huge fat space slugs
Who is Black Krrsantan and Why He is Important to The Book of Boba Fett

Star Wars and Legos

As you may have noticed, I am getting more and more into Star Wars Legos and using them more and more in the pictures for these Star Wars beers. Legos are the newer, more hipster, more fun version of the old school models our dads built and made. Or their better puzzles. Or… their just plain freaking cool and fun. Take your pick. But needless to say, I am addicted to buying more and more Lego sets and building more and more of them. To see some of the sets, and to see some of my Star Wars pics, and just our travels and beer pics in general, make sure to follow us on Instagram:

The Book of Boba Fett

I am going to refrain from discussing this week’s episode too much here. But I will say, there is a few interesting things, and I won’t really spoil them. Overall, I wasn’t a huge fan of this week’s episode. But I do like that they progressed the present timeline storyline much more than they have in the past. Some interesting cameos and surprise actors, some homages, and the typical Star Wars cliches abound. Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments. Will be interested in what you all think of this week’s episode.

Wanna check out more nerdy beers we’ve reviewed?

If you are interested in our other nerdy, pop culture, and branded beer reviews, you can check out the following:

Star Wars:

Rick and Morty:

Space Balls:

Game of Thrones:

The Simpsons:

Back to the Future:


A Christmas Story:

Pro Wrestling:


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:



Thanks for Reading

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you!

If you like Star Wars and like our Star Wars themed beers, be sure to check out every Wednesday while The Book of Boba Fett is airing, as I will do a new Star Wars themed beer each week!

Thanks for reading, and cheers everyone!

-B. Kline

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