How to Successfully Open a Bar: A Step-by-Step Guide

A good craft beer bar contains beers of all different styles.

Opening a bar can be a lucrative venture, especially in areas with limited competition. With fewer bars around, you have more freedom to shape your business and attract a loyal customer base. However, before you can start pouring drinks, there are several crucial steps you need to follow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of opening a bar:

1. Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan

Every successful bar begins with a well-thought-out business plan. This document will serve as the foundation of your venture, detailing your business model, concept, and objectives. It should clearly outline your long-term goals as well as the short-term milestones you need to hit along the way.

Your business plan should also cover key details such as staffing requirements, vendor partnerships, and contractor agreements. Equally important is your brand identity—craft a compelling brand kit that includes your unique value proposition, logo, color scheme, and overall visual style. A strong brand will set your bar apart from competitors and resonate with your target audience.

2. Choose the Ideal Location

Once your business plan is in place, the next step is to find the perfect location for your bar. High-traffic areas are generally the best spots to attract a steady stream of customers. However, if you’re aiming for a more exclusive atmosphere, a less conspicuous location might be more suitable.

Consider your budget when selecting a location, as prime real estate in urban areas like downtown Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, or Harrisburg can be costly. While negotiating rent is an option, it’s not always feasible in markets where commercial property prices are on the rise.

3. Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Permits

Since your bar will be serving alcohol, securing the right licenses is critical. Each locality has specific regulations concerning the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with local laws and obtain the necessary permits. This may include a liquor license, health permits, and possibly a building permit if you’re constructing your bar from the ground up.

4. Design a Themed Ambiance

An elegant, beautiful craft beer bar can set the right tone for your establishment.

Your bar’s design should reflect the concept and atmosphere you want to create. The interior should align with the preferences of your target audience. For instance, if you aim to attract working-class patrons, consider a classic, midwestern theme complete with a vintage jukebox. On the other hand, if you’re targeting young professionals, opt for sleek, modern decor with ambient lighting.

Promoting your bar’s interior on social media is also essential. Use platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your bar’s unique ambiance and entice potential customers.

5. Craft a Tempting Menu

A Charcuterie board is a great fun, light, and hip food menu item to include.

A well-curated menu is key to your bar’s success. In addition to offering a diverse selection of local and international drinks, ensure your food offerings complement the overall theme of your establishment. If your bar caters to a luxury crowd, include premium options like charcuterie boards featuring high-quality cheeses and expertly sourced meats such as wagyu beef.

A thoughtfully designed menu can attract both drinkers and non-drinkers, making your bar a go-to spot for a wide range of customers.


Opening a bar is a rewarding endeavor when approached with careful planning and a clear vision. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can create a thriving bar that becomes a favorite in your community. If you’re passionate about the idea, now is the perfect time to turn your dream into reality.

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