Top Five Articles

Its time for another list of ‘top articles’ from our blog. And what better time then Football Sunday? Its the first full NFL Sunday of football games, so I figured today’s not a bad day to start things off with a list of some of our top articles. I like to do lists every so often so newer visitors and followers and fans of the blog can see some of our older and more popular articles. Give them an idea of the scope of the blog – we’ve been here since May 2019, and we’re up to 230+ some articles. We are currently ranked #9 on FeedSpot’s Top 100 Beer Blogs as well as #11 on FeedSpot’s Top Pennsylvania 30 Blogs. As of 9.13.20 we currently have 715 likes and 753 followers on our Facebook page. On Twitter we currently have 227 followers and on Instagram we have 134 followers. We just started and launched a YouTube Channel (due to post our first video soon), and before even posting a video we are up to 6 followers. We have a Facebook group as well, which currently has 71 members. We also just started an Influencer Page, where you can check us out as well.


I have done a few lists before and will post them at the end of this article.


So this article will be broken down into a few Top 5 lists. Top five beer reviews, top five industry news, top five articles (non-beer review). So lets break it down and see what all we got to show for seventeen months of blogging!


Top 5 Beer Reviews on The Beer Thrillers

  1. Beer Review: Dillston (Boneshire Brew Works)
Dillston by Boneshire Brew Works

First published on July 15th, 2019. This is our most viewed beer review.

2. Beer Review: The Hog (Boneshire Brew Works)

The Hog (Boneshire Brew Works)

Noticing a trend here with Boneshire Brew Works beers and the popularity of the reviews for them. This was published on December 22, 2019.

3. Beer Review: Harrishire (Boneshire Brew Works and Harris Family Brewing)

Harrishire by Boneshire Brew Works and Harris Family Brewing

Did I mention that Boneshire Brew Works beer reviews are popular on here? This time it was a collaboration with the Harris Family Brewery that will soon be opening in Harrisburg. I can’t wait for their opening, been looking forward to them for a long time. This was first published on August 18th, 2019.

4. Beer Review: Mango Guyabano sWheat Tart (Rotunda Brewing Company)

Mango Guyabano sWheat Tart by Rotunda Brewing Company

J. Doncevic’s first on this list. This was published on July 18th, 2019.

5. Beer Review: Caucus-Race 6.0 (Zappa Hops) (Boneshire Brew Works)

Caucus-Race 6.0 using Zappa Hops by Boneshire Brew Works

And once again, rounding out our top 5 viewed beer reviews, is another Boneshire Brew Works beer. Four out of five, an impressive showing. Who knows though, maybe by the next time I do a list article like this they will be beat by another beer or brewery. The This is The Way beer by Broken Goblet gets a lot of search views. So you never know. This was first published on August 13th, 2019.


Top 5 Non-Beer Review Articles

  1. A Sneak Preview of the New Rubber Soul Brewery
Rubber Soul’s new brewery under construction in Hummelstown, Pennsylvania

I was invited out for an early preview and look around the new Rubber Soul brewery that is nearing its completion (now in September 2020). This was my article previewing the brewery and brewing company. It was published on February 29, 2020.

2. Brewery Visit: Mellow Mink

Mellow Mink logo

Back in January 2020 (feels like ages ago now), me and J. Doncevic were invited out to Mellow Mink brewery by Matt Miller (co-owner and head brewer) for a tour and visit. Was a fantastic time and we absolutely loved it. Article was published on January 22nd, 2020.

3. The Grand Opening of Hemauer Brewing

Hemauer Brewing Company’s logo

The celebration and announcement of Hemauer Brewing Company’s Grand Opening. Article was published on April 27th, 2020.

4. Breweries Around the Outskirts of Harrisburg (9.6.19)

An article I originally wrote and published elsewhere and then published on my own blog as well. About the breweries (at the time) in the immediate Harrisburg area. Article was published September 6, 2019.

5. Brewing a Traditional Lithuanian Farmhouse Ale – Keptinis

Keptinis mashing

Karl Larsen’s fantastic and amazing blog post for us about brewing Keptinis. If you are a home brewer this is absolutely a must read. This article was published on May 2nd, 2020 for us.


Another fantastic read is Andrew Parys’s piece on What Makes a Great Quarantine Brewery. That was published on May 2nd, 2020 as well.


Some list articles we’ve done in the past:


Well thank you everyone for reading. Hopefully you’ll find some great articles to read and hopefully you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane!


Until next time.


-B. Kline


The Beer Thrillers