Joe Black Takes Over Olde Bedford Brewing Company Olde Bedford Brewing Company (OBBC) is now under new ownership with the start of the new year, as Dave (pictured above) and Mary Heller have passed on ownership of (OBBC) to long time Bedford resident Joseph Black. We know Joe will do a fabulous job continuing the [...]
This is the poll for the FACEs Conference – The Rock Division – Round One. You can vote once per day, and you can vote once per poll (there is a poll for each division in round one). Be sure to share and send to your friends and breweries to let everyone vote! Voting runs [...]
The Battle of the Breweries (2021) – VOTING LINKS Since this is the landing page post – survey, I will keep all of the voting links here for quick reference and jumping point, and so they don’t get lost in all the muddle. HEELs Conference:* Triple H Division: Round One* Ric Flair Division: Round One [...]
Day three was our last and final day of the trip and we packed as much into it all as we could. Starting off with the morning, going to Bushy Run, checking out the battlefield, the visitor center, the encampment, and watching the Reenactment of the Battle at Bushy Run (1763; making this the 256th [...]