This will be my last post for 2024. And then its onto 2025! But I won’t be celebrating the New Year here in Pennsylvania, I will be celebrating in Las Vegas – amongst all the glitz and glamor, the gambling, the alcohol, the lights, the sounds, and all the craziness that comes of it. I am actually just about to get picked up by friends to be taken to the airport and leave Pennsylvania behind for a few days of Las Vegas fun to celebrate the 40th birthday of another friend.
Viva Las Vegas

In just moments Esteban and Laura’s son – Marcos – will be picking me up, and taking myself, Esteban, and Laura to Harrisburg International Airport (HIA), where we will meet up with Josh (MasterMind X Studios) and Drew (Knights of Nostalgia), to fly to Las Vegas and spend the next few days there. (We will be flying back on January 3rd.)
Drew is turning 40 today, and this trip will be to celebrate his birthday, celebrate New Years Eve / New Years Day, to visit his father (who will be driving up from Texas), and to most importantly – have some fun. I’ve known Drew since 5th grade (his 6th grade). The above link is his Facebook page, and this is his YouTube page where he streams video games (typically older games). (See: YouTube – Knights of Nostalgia. And also see: Facebook – Knights of Nostalgia.)
Drew and Esteban used to run a podcast together called “So a Mexican and a Scot Walk Into a Bar…” I appeared on several podcast episodes – including ones about The Irishman, Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul and El Camino, as well as Star Wars, The Umbrella Academy, and LOST themed ones. Josh (MasterMind X Studios) has also appeared on a few as well. (See: Moon of Vega Beer Review – where I discuss the podcasts a bit more.)
Josh will be joining us on the trip, he runs the MasterMind X Studios Facebook page as well as his own YouTube channel – MasterMind X Studios.
We don’t have a strict itinerary for the trip, but there is certainly things we all want to do while we’re in Vegas.
Some definite things we want to check out are all the various casinos, the fountain show at the Billagio, the old strip on Fremont Street, the Mob Museum, numerous breweries, and much more sight seeing.
Our flight path looks like this:
- Monday: Harrisburg (HIA) to Charlotte. Charlotte to Las Vegas.
- Friday: Las Vegas to Philadelphia. Philly to Harrisburg (via puddle jumper).
In a perfect world, I’ll get to visit all these breweries, but we will see. Time will be both loose and tight while in Vegas (isn’t it always on vacations?), and the ones at the airport are very time restrictive, and are all determinate on terminals, landing times, boarding and off boarding times, etc.
But these are the possible, and hopeful breweries I could get to visit:
Charlotte Airport
- Sycamore Brewing
- NoDa Brewing Company
- Wicked Weed Brewery
Las Vegas
- BrewDog Las Vegas
- Beer Zombies
- Able Baker Brewing Company
- Nevada Brew Works
- CraftHaus Brewing
- HUDL Brewing
- Hop Nuts Brewing
- Voodoo Brewing Vegas
- Chicago Brewing Company
- Ellis Island Hotel and Brewery
- Tenaya Creek Brewing
- Beer District Brewing
Some of these are very doubtful, but some are quite possible. BrewDog is located near the New York Casino, so walkable from where we’ll be staying (Harrah’s Casino). Beer Zombies isn’t too far of an Uber ride from Fremont Street, and speaking of Fremont Street and the Old Strip, there is a few breweries inside of casinos there (Chicago Brewing and Ellis Island). In the Arts District (an Uber drive from the Harrah’s) there are several breweries all in a row – Able Baker, Nevada Brew Works, HUDL Brewing, CraftHaus Brewing, and Hop Nuts Brewing. On a side street somewhere in this area is also Voodoo Brewing Vegas, so that’s also a possible stop.
We’ll see what all we get to, fingers crossed, but would be great to knock off quite a few new breweries from the list.
Time to Go
Okay, Marcos is just about to pull up. I’ve walked Leela, I’ve drank a Fiddlehead Imperial IPA while writing this, and it’s not even 4:30 AM yet. Here’s the kick off to what should be a great vacation! Cheers everyone! Chat with you soon, and I’ll try to keep the social media accounts busy while I’m there. I will do a full recap post once I get back, and might even do some day recaps while I’m there (I am taking my laptop), or I might write each day up individually when I get back and slice them in. We’ll see.
Alright, cheers, and see ya Pennsylvania!
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