Beer Review – LazerSnake (Three Floyds Brewing Company)

Beer Review – LazerSnake (Three Floyds Brewing Company)

LazerSnake by 3 Floyds Brewing.

What do you do after a long day at work where you do a massive give-away that brings in hundreds of people looking to score a Harley Davidson motorcycle? …..I think we all know the obvious answer to that rhetorical question.

LazerSnake is a regular beer from Three Floyds (or 3 Floyds) that has finally started making its way into South Central PA. Its not the highly sought after beers from 3FB like ZombieDust or Alpha Station Middle Finger or obviously Dark Lord but this is a nice staple and “regular” beer to be gotten in six-packs.

So, what we got here is:

Beer: LazerSnake
Brewery: Three Floyds Brewing Company
Style: IPA – American (West Coast IPA)
ABV: 7%
IBU: 55
Untappd Write-Up: LazerSnake is a good old fashioned Indiana Pale Ale. Brewed with Special Bavarian hops that give LazerSnake it’s smooth non-filtered appeal to all craft beer and macro enthusiasts.

This is a perfectly fine beer and like the description reads, it’ll easily appeal to craft brew fans as well as your ‘macro enthusiasts’ (nice way to say “Bud Lite Drinkers” or “typical America”). [Though I like to think “typical America” is becoming more craft beer centered, I don’t truly think thats the case……..yet.]

The coloring is a lovely light golden straw with a slightly dense but still relatively clear view through it (it is listed as unfiltered so the denser appearance makes some sense). The carbonation and bubbling is reminiscent of champagne to some degree, bubbling well after the entire bottle was poured. The head retention was spot on with a wonderful fluffy thick foamy head to it.

Aromatically it has a wonderfully full hoppy smell more on the earthy, grassy, pine narrative. No true notes of anything but the pure hops coming out which just makes this a pure hoppy joy.

The taste is completely as one expects, an earthy, grass, pine resin hop forward west coast style IPA. Bitter but well balanced. A perfectly fine mouthfeel if anything running a bit thin but not to the point to be a problem. It has a lightness to the body and an easy taste to it, not quite as heavy on the bitterness as some similar IBU and ABV IPAs (like Troeg’s Perpetual for example) but it has enough of the hop bittering bite to give it that ‘hop pow’ in your mouth, making it a wonderful grilling beer with burgers and hot dogs on a nice warm summer night.

A wonderful six-pack beer for you and a buddy to kill at a grilling cook-off over summer, a nice relaxing refreshing beer to pound down three over the course of an evening.

And as always with Three Floyds, lets take a moment to say how incredible that label artwork is. Just like their others (ZombieDust, Dark Lord in particular), this is a fantastic bottle label and just fun to look at while sipping on the beer.

My Untappd Rating: ***.5
Global Rating: 3.96 (as of 6.9.19)


Last Updated: June 9, 2019By Tags: , ,

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