Exploring Quebec’s Craft Beer Scene: Top Breweries, Unique Brews, and Must-Visit Festivals

Exploring Quebec’s Craft Beer Scene: Top Breweries, Unique Brews, and Must-Visit Festivals

Exploring Quebec’s Craft Beer Scene: Top Breweries, Unique Brews, and Must-Visit Festivals

Microbrasserie Du Lac St Jean: Some of Quebec’s Best Beer

Exploring Quebec’s Craft Beer Scene: Top Breweries, Unique Brews, and Must-Visit Festivals

Quebec, with its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant culinary scene, has firmly established itself as a hotspot for craft beer enthusiasts. The province’s craft beer scene is not just about the brews; it’s a celebration of local ingredients, innovative brewing techniques, and the passionate communities that bring these beers to life. Whether you’re a seasoned beer aficionado or a curious newcomer, Quebec’s craft beer offerings promise a delightful journey. In this article, we’ll explore the top breweries, unique brews, and must-visit festivals that make Quebec’s craft beer scene so special.

Top Breweries to Visit in Quebec

Microbrasserie Dieu du Ciel! Nestled in the heart of Montreal, Dieu du Ciel! is a cornerstone of Quebec’s craft beer revolution. Established in 1998, this brewery has garnered a loyal following with its creative and consistently high-quality brews. Their brewpub offers a cozy atmosphere where patrons can enjoy a wide range of beers, from the intensely hoppy Moralit IPA to the rich and complex Péché Mortel imperial stout, which is infused with coffee. The brewery’s commitment to quality and innovation makes it a must-visit for anyone exploring Quebec’s beer scene.

Brasserie Dunham Located in the picturesque town of Dunham, this brewery is known for its avant-garde approach to brewing. Brasserie Dunham seamlessly blends traditional brewing techniques with modern twists, resulting in a diverse portfolio of beers. Their brewery is not just a place to taste great beer but also a beautiful spot to relax and take in the scenic views. Highlights include their Saison du Pinnacle, a farmhouse ale that showcases local ingredients, and their tropical-fruit-infused IPAs, which are a hit among hop lovers.

Microbrasserie Le Trou du Diable Le Trou du Diable, or “The Devil’s Hole,” is a brewery that lives up to its intriguing name with a range of adventurous and award-winning beers. Based in Shawinigan, this brewery has become a pilgrimage site for beer enthusiasts. Signature beers like the Buteuse, a Belgian-style tripel, and the Morsure, a potent IPA, reflect the brewery’s dedication to pushing boundaries while maintaining exceptional quality. The brewery’s pub, Le Salon Wabasso, offers a welcoming space to sample their creations and experience the local beer culture.

Les Brasseurs du Nord (Boréale) As one of the pioneers of the craft beer movement in Quebec, Les Brasseurs du Nord has been brewing since 1987. Their Boréale brand is synonymous with quality and consistency, offering a range of beers that cater to diverse tastes. From the refreshing Boréale Blanche, a Belgian-style wheat beer, to the robust Boréale Noire, a dark ale, there’s something for everyone. The brewery’s commitment to sustainability and local sourcing further enhances its reputation.

Microbrasserie du Lac St-Jean is a gem in the heart of Quebec’s Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, known for its commitment to quality and community. Established in 2007 in the picturesque town of Saint-Gédéon, this brewery has become a beloved local institution. It prides itself on crafting beers that reflect the unique character of the region, using local ingredients and traditional brewing methods. Signature brews like the Vire-Capot, a robust and flavorful amber ale, and the Gros Mollet, a rich and malty Scotch ale, have garnered a loyal following. The brewery’s welcoming taproom and scenic location by Lac Saint-Jean make it a perfect destination for both locals and visitors seeking to enjoy exceptional beer in a beautiful setting. Whether you’re savoring their innovative seasonal offerings or enjoying a classic favorite, Microbrasserie du Lac St-Jean offers a genuine taste of Quebec’s brewing heritage.

Unique Brews to Try

Unibroue’s La Fin du Monde (photo courtesy of Unibrou)

Unibroue’s La Fin du Monde No discussion of Quebec’s craft beer scene is complete without mentioning Unibroue. La Fin du Monde, their flagship Belgian-style tripel, is a testament to their brewing prowess. With its complex flavors of fruit, spice, and a subtle malt sweetness, this beer has won numerous awards and is a favorite among both local and international beer lovers.

Le Castor’s Yakima IPA Le Castor, located in Rigaud, has made a name for itself with its organic and innovative beers. The Yakima IPA is a standout, showcasing a vibrant blend of hops from the Yakima Valley. Its citrusy and piney notes, balanced by a solid malt backbone, make it a perfect choice for IPA enthusiasts looking to experience a taste of Quebec’s hop-forward offerings.

Saison Dupont by Microbrasserie Charlevoix Microbrasserie Charlevoix, based in Baie-Saint-Paul, is renowned for its Belgian-style beers. The Saison Dupont is a highlight, featuring the hallmark characteristics of a classic saison: effervescence, fruity esters, and a dry finish. This beer beautifully reflects the terroir of Quebec, with local ingredients adding a unique twist to the traditional style.

Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!’s Péché Mortel Another gem from Dieu du Ciel!, Péché Mortel is an imperial coffee stout that has achieved cult status. Its deep, roasted coffee flavors, balanced by rich chocolate and caramel notes, make it a perfect indulgence. This beer is a testament to the brewery’s skill in creating bold and complex flavors that leave a lasting impression.

Craft Beer Festivals in Quebec

Mondial de la Bière Held annually in Montreal, the Mondial de la Bière is one of the largest beer festivals in North America. This event attracts breweries from around the world, offering a vast array of beers to sample. The festival’s diverse selection, ranging from traditional styles to experimental brews, ensures there’s something for every palate. In addition to beer tastings, the festival features educational workshops, food pairings, and live entertainment, making it a must-visit for any beer lover.

Festibière de Québec Set against the stunning backdrop of Quebec City, Festibière de Québec is a celebration of local and international brews. This festival offers a unique opportunity to explore Quebec’s craft beer scene in a lively and festive atmosphere. Attendees can enjoy beer tastings, food trucks, and live music, creating a perfect summer outing. The festival’s focus on local breweries provides a platform for discovering new and exciting beers from across the province.

Festival Bières et Saveurs de Chambly Held in the charming town of Chambly, this festival combines craft beer, local cuisine, and music in a picturesque setting. The Festival Bières et Saveurs de Chambly is an excellent opportunity to explore the rich flavors of Quebec, with a wide selection of beers, ciders, and gourmet food. The festival’s relaxed and family-friendly environment makes it a great choice for beer enthusiasts of all ages.

The Craft Beer Culture in Quebec

Local Ingredients and Sustainability Quebec’s craft breweries are deeply committed to using local ingredients, which not only supports the local economy but also adds unique flavors to their beers. Many breweries source their hops, barley, and other ingredients from local farms, ensuring freshness and quality. Additionally, sustainability is a key focus, with breweries implementing eco-friendly practices such as waste reduction, recycling, and energy-efficient brewing processes.

Community and Collaboration The craft beer community in Quebec is characterized by a spirit of collaboration and camaraderie. Breweries often come together to create collaborative brews, sharing knowledge and expertise. These collaborations result in innovative beers that showcase the best of what each brewery has to offer. Community events, brewery tours, and tasting sessions further foster a sense of connection and shared passion among beer lovers.

Craft Beer and Quebec Cuisine Pairing craft beer with Quebec’s rich culinary traditions enhances the overall gastronomic experience. Local dishes like poutine, smoked meat sandwiches, and tourtière find perfect companions in the province’s diverse beer offerings. For instance, a robust stout pairs wonderfully with the savory flavors of tourtière, while a crisp, refreshing lager complements the salty and cheesy goodness of poutine. Exploring these pairings can lead to delightful culinary discoveries.

Tips for Craft Beer Enthusiasts in Quebec

How to Discover New Breweries With so many breweries to explore, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Utilizing apps like Untappd and BeerAdvocate can help you discover new breweries and keep track of your favorite beers. Local guides and brewery tours offer curated experiences, providing insights into the brewing process and the stories behind the beers. Joining local beer forums and social media groups can also provide valuable recommendations and tips from fellow enthusiasts.

Homebrewing in Quebec For those interested in brewing their own beer, Quebec offers a wealth of resources. Homebrew supply stores, like La Chope à Barrock in Montreal, provide everything you need to get started, from equipment to ingredients. Local homebrewing clubs and online communities offer support and advice, making it easier to dive into this rewarding hobby. Experimenting with local ingredients and traditional brewing techniques can result in unique and personalized brews.

Joining a Craft Beer Club Craft beer clubs and subscription services are a fantastic way to explore Quebec’s diverse beer offerings. These clubs curate selections of beers from local breweries, delivering them straight to your door. It’s a convenient and exciting way to discover new favorites and stay updated on the latest releases. Many clubs also offer exclusive beers and events, providing a deeper connection to the local craft beer scene.


Quebec’s craft beer scene is a vibrant and ever-evolving landscape that offers something for every beer lover. From pioneering breweries and unique brews to lively festivals and a strong sense of community, there’s no shortage of reasons to explore this dynamic world. Embrace the adventure and dive into the rich flavors and experiences that Quebec’s craft beer culture has to offer.

Let Us Know!

We’d love to hear about your experiences with Quebec’s craft beer scene. Share your favorite beers and breweries in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more articles, updates, and insights into the world of craft beer in Quebec. Cheers!

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