Anheuser-Busch Unveils ‘Choose Beer Grown Here’ Initiative

The premier brewing company, renowned for featuring tractors and corn cobs on its beer cans, has unveiled a new initiative to back American farmers during National Agriculture Week.
The American Farmland Trust introduced a new certification and packaging seal called U.S. Farmed, which identifies products made with at least 95% of their agricultural ingredients sourced from U.S. farms. Anheuser-Busch is the first to incorporate the U.S. Farmed certification and seal across several of its beer brands.
This certification is designed to change consumer purchasing habits towards domestically sourced products, with Busch Light beer being the first to showcase the seal this May. Anheuser-Busch is also launching a campaign titled “Choose Beer Grown Here,” which aims to prompt consumers to look for the certification and seal while shopping. Other beer brands under Anheuser-Busch, including Budweiser, Bud Light, and Michelob ULTRA, have also received the U.S. Farmed certification.
Luke Adams, a third-generation farmer and owner of Timm Adams Farms, expressed his enthusiasm for the certification. He highlighted that, until now, the effort and quality behind the barley his family produces were invisible to consumers.
“I’m excited about the launch of the U.S. Farmed certification and proud to be a supplier for the pioneering company in this initiative,” Adams commented. “The knowledge that consumers can actively support farmers nationwide, including my family and our farm workers, is incredibly meaningful.”
The initiative is open to all companies within the consumer-packaged goods sector that source their products domestically, encouraging them to obtain the U.S. Farmed certification. The American Farmland Trust notes that certification fees will assist farmers in accessing necessary support to sustain and safeguard their land, and to devise innovative ways to pass on their farms to future generations.
Anheuser-Busch’s CEO, Brendan Whitworth, emphasized the company’s longstanding relationship with American agriculture. “Supporting U.S. farmers by sourcing top-notch ingredients has been a core part of our identity for over 165 years,” Whitworth stated. “We’ve been partnering with diligent U.S. farmers, many of whom have been our collaborators for generations, to produce our iconic American beers.”
The announcement has received widespread support from various agricultural groups, including the USA Rice Federation, National Corn Growers Association, Hop Growers of America, National Barley Growers Association, and the Hop Research Council.
Harold Wolle, a Minnesota corn farmer and President of the National Corn Growers Association, praised the certification for recognizing the quality of American agricultural products. Peter Bachmann, president and CEO of the USA Rice Federation, highlighted the certification’s role in showcasing the significance of the U.S. manufacturing base and the contributions of American rice growers to the nation’s food landscape.

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