Black Friday Releases and Events Across Pennsylvania (2023)

Black Friday Releases and Events Across Pennsylvania (2023)

Black Friday

We’re soon coming up on Black Friday – November 24th 2023 – and in the craft beer world that means the release of stouts. Big, dark, heavy, glorious stouts. Its “finally” Stout Season!

This is also the big Goose Island Bourbon County release each year, and to counter that – many smaller breweries across the country, and in Pennsylvania in particular, do big stout releases of their own, or events celebrating the stouts they have. (See Amy’s review of Bourbon County – 2019 Vintage.)

We will do our best to keep this post updated til the big day in a few weeks. So keep coming back to it and checking it out to see if there’s any changes.

Breweries / Events and Releases / Locations:

Brewery Beer Release Or Event Name City or Location
Allegheny City Brewing First Street imperial Stout Release Pittsburgh
Allusion Brewing Company Three Beer Releases Vandergrift
Broken Goblet Brewing Company Fritz’s Stickybun Stout Release Bensalem
Brothers Kershner Brewing Pugsly Porter series release Skippack
Chatty Monks Brewing Depth Release Reading
Collusion Tap Works Betrayal Release Day York
Eleventh Hour Brewing BYS Release Pittsburgh
Fegley’s Brew Works Rude Elf and Imperial Coffee Stout Release Allentown / Bethlehem
Forest and Main Brewing Reflections of Reality and Double Barrel Gmork Release Ambler
Free Will Brewing Ralphius Release Perkasie
Genova’s Italian Restaurant and Brewery Market St Lager Release & Giveaway West York
Imprint Beer Co. Seven Deadly Sins Release Hatfield
Moo-Duck Brewery Skeksis Release Elizabethtown
New Trail Brewing Company Cookie Day Release Williamsport
Neshannock Creek Brewing Company Door Busters – Imperial Oatmeal Stout – Release New Castle
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Damn Ye – Dark IPA Release Croydon
Pour Mans Brewing Company Black Friday Case Special Ephrata
Recon Brewing Fixed the Newel Post Release Butler
Something Wicked Brewing Black Friday Release – Return of the Darkside Hanover
Spring House Brewing Tasty Little Devil Release Lancaster
Stable 12 Brewing Company Trojan Horse Series Release Phoenixville
Troegs Independent Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Mad Elf Release Hershey
Voodoo Brewing – North Shore Big Black Voodoo Daddy Tap Takeover Pittsburgh (North Shore)
Warwick Farm Brewing Port Barrel Series Jamison
YAH Brew Event Details Hershey

(Last updated 11:54 PM 11.11.23)
(Last updated 8:15 AM 11.17.23)
(Last updated: 7:56 AM 11.19.23)
(Last updated: 7:16 PM 11.22.23)
(Last updated: 8:01 PM 11.22.23)


Black Friday 2023

So this Black Friday, instead of running around chasing the newest Bourbon County Releases and buying up all that AB InBev, why not hit up some of your local craft breweries doing big releases or beer events for Black Friday. Theres so many good stouts (and porters, and schwarzbiers, and other dark beers) to be had just in your own backyard in Pennsylvania. Here alone by us in Central PA we have a lot of great choices for dark beers – from YAH Brew, Moo – Duck Brewery, Troegs Independent Brewing, Boneshire Brew Works, etc, etc, etc, etc.

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