6 Best Beer Apps For Your Smartphone

6 Best Beer Apps For Your Smartphone

6 of the Best Beer Apps for Your Smartphone

6 Best Beer Apps For Your Smartphone

One of the oldest beverages in the world, probably 13,000 years old, if not older, beer is still one of the most popular ones in this day and age. Many people had their first beers in college or experienced it at local breweries, and from there, their interest in beer grew.

Believe it or not, there are beer apps for your smartphones as well. This is where you can nourish your thirst for beer or even learn more about it in depth. In this article, we have listed 6 best beer apps for your smartphones!

Keep in mind, that most of these apps will only work if you’re residing in the US. They are available for free download on both Android and Apple phones, though some of these apps may require in-app purchases. You’ll get to know more when you navigate through these apps on your smartphone.

Before we go ahead, make sure you have an internet connection to stay connected to these beer apps. On that account, Xfinity offers good internet speeds at affordable rates and 24/7 support at the Xfinity customer service number. This will ensure that you keep using these beer apps.

6 of the Best Beer Apps

Check out these 6 best beer apps to download for your smartphone:

DigitalPour – Find Beer Near You

DigitalPour Dashboard

Are you familiar with seeing DigitalPour menus at your favorite bars, breweries, or growler shops? Now, you can check that from your smartphone!

Download the DigitalPour app and find out what the local DigitalPour-affiliated bar has on the menu. You can check out what’s on tap, what bottles and cans are available at the moment, and how much of a keg is priced.

You can even mark your favorite beverages across any of the DigitalPour locations by typing into the app search bar. This will help you to keep track of them.

Also through this app, you can check ABV percentages, bitterness rankings, and the keg type that is being served at the nearby local brewery!

Untappd – Local Breweries Near You


This is one of the best and most versatile beer apps you can download on your smartphone. If you are curious about trying new beers, then this is the one for you.

You can earn badges for trying out different kinds of beers. Through Untappd, you can locate breweries near you, and different venues that you can attend with your friends. If you are a frequent traveler, you can definitely use this app to try different beer products.

What’s also fun about this app is that you can create a list of your favorite beers, and get alerts from Untappd when it is available in the local venues. Untapped is free to download, and very easy to use once you get used to the layout.

BJCP Styles – Promoting Beer Literacy

BJCP stands for Beer Judge Certification Program. If you ever want to look up a beer-Wikipedia, BJCP Styles has all the information you need.

It consists of all information on styles, rules, methods of making it, certifications, flavors, and not to forget, strengths of all types of beers This app can be used by a beer judge, home brewer, or simply a beer enthusiast!

Even those who are studying for their BJCP certification can take advantage of this useful app. The BJCP Styles app comes in handy every time because you can quickly look up the style description in this app.

Tavour – Online Home Delivery


This app is like a food delivery app, except it’s for beers.

You can order beers right from the app for local or out-of-state delivery in the US. All you need to do is choose the beer that you want from a wide variety of options, select the number of beers you want, and have them delivered to your doorstep!

Do keep in mind that Tavour is dedicated to craft beer, and if that’s not what you’re looking for, then this isn’t the right app for you. However, you will definitely find some good craft beers on this app that you won’t find in other places.

Download the Tavour app for free, if craft beer is what you’re looking for.

iBeer – Beer Stimulator App

This app is all fun and games. It changes your smartphone into a drinking beer stimulator. That way, you can pretend to drink a beer from your phone. The stimulation in this app looks realistic, and to add to it, it has a naturally-looking bubble effect.

How it works is that you need to hold it sideways and tilt it up slowly, as if you’re tilting a glass to drink. As you keep drinking, the quantity of the beer being shown in your phone will lessen, and eventually empty out.

iBeer is the app to download when you’re having fun with a group of friends.

Brewee – Navigator App

Brewee is a navigator app, much like Google Maps, except that it helps to locate breweries near you!

Microbreweries grow like crazy, which is why you’re sure to find multiple and the best breweries near you. This app contains the largest database of breweries and can also help you connect with a community of other beer enthusiasts who share the same love for beer as you do.

You no longer have to be frustrated with irrelevant searches of the best beer places near you. Brewee will narrow them down for you by giving you relevant recommendations.

If you are looking for new breweries to enjoy with your friends, you can easily look up on Brewee!

Final Thoughts

The above-mentioned apps allow you to enjoy craft beer right from your smartphone, whether you’re looking it up, ordering one for yourself, or getting more information about the different types of beer. It’s amazing that with just a smartphone and the internet, the digital world is letting you have access to all the information you need about beers!

With so many different apps, there’s a whole world of beers to explore right from your smartphone!

  • Annalise Smith

Paid Blog Article

(This was a paid for blog article. I was reached out to by Annalise Smith and asked to have this article posted on the site. I reviewed the content, and okayed the content, and posted in exchange for a monetary value. I have (and still do) personally used some of these apps and are able to give my full thoughts elsewhere if need be. This article was written by Annalise Smith and sent to me. I only edited it to have it fit onto the website.)

-B. Kline

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