Small Business Saturday 2022

Small Business Saturday 2022
Now that you’re done hunting for the Bourbon County Brand Stouts yesterday or hitting up Shangy’s for their hundreds of different Black Friday stouts, or gone down to Aslin to get their yearly releases, its time to celebrate Small Business Saturday.
Lots of breweries are getting in on the act of Small Business Saturday. And to be frankly honest, there is no better shopping day that showcases breweries than this (well, except for the “Small Brewery Sunday” that will be tomorrow). Almost all breweries can be considered “small business” and “local business”. As I always like to say here on the blog, “Support Local” “Drink Local” “Support Small Business” “Support Small Breweries” etc. The brewery owners, brewers, bartenders, cooks, and workers at your local brewery are your own town residents. Their not ‘fat cat CEOs’ like AB InBev, or Coors, or Miller. Their not out jet flying, living it up in clubs, mansions, etc. Their the guy who helps coach your kid’s T – Ball team or helps Tina not fall on her butt at gymnastics too much, or maybe their the ones volunteering to be a crossing guard to get your kids to school safely, etc.
What I’m saying is – craft breweries are local businesses. They support their communities. They help their communities through volunteer work, through giving back, by providing local jobs, by being a local restaurant, local gathering place, a place for fundraiser events, etc.
So lets give back to them and support them and shop the local small businesses and breweries today – Small Business Saturday.
How Can You Help?
Support. Support. Support. Support. Did I say Support? Maybe in capital – SUPPORT? Maybe with spaces – S – U – P – P – O – R – T? Its pretty simple. Shop local. Shop small. Go into any local craft brewery and shop today. Merchandise, beer sales, gift cards, food to go, etc. Check out Facebook and Instagram and Twitter today and see what your local breweries are up to and what sales they have going on. Just scanning over my personal and The Beer Thrillers Facebook newsfeed I was inundated with breweries advertising sales for this whole weekend or today in particular, for merchandise like hoodies, or gift card discounts (20$ for 25$ or 20$ for 30$, etc.), buy one get one free four packs, and all kinds of deals.
A quick search on my Facebook (literally just typing into the search bar ‘Small Business Saturday’ and going through beer / brewery related pages, the following popped up) :
- Pineknotter Brewing Company
- First Sip Studios
- Second Sin Brewing Company
- Trace Brewing
- TBC Brewing Company
- Arboretum Trail Brewing
- Richmond Farm And Brewery
- Black Forest Brewery
- Trails to Ales Brewery
- Roundhouse Brewery
- Something Brewery
- Apex Brewery
- ……etc.
And that was just a quick search. It brought up a lot of non – brewery businesses as well, and obviously my feed is tailored more towards local to Pennsylvania breweries (though some non – PA breweries did sneak in).
But getting back to the short of it – do a little bit of research, look up your favorite local brewery, be it Boneshire Brew Works, Tattered Flag Brewery and Distillery, Troegs Independent Craft Brewery, ZeroDay Brewing Company, Official BBQ and Brewery, Ever Grain Brewing Company, Mellow Mink Brewing, Al’s of Hampden / Pizza Boy Brewing, etc. Just take a two to five second quick search, see what deals they got going on, and check them out.
The great thing is (nowadays) you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. Most of these breweries have their own pages set up and their own merchandise stores and even beer to go or online beer ordering sites that you can just purchase through. Like Burial Brewing Company doing their Tombsgiving Weekend with free shipping (of over 100$ or more though; but still). There is lots of great options for both online, and in person now.
And speaking of shopping online, shipping has become easier and easier. Since COVID – 19 and the pandemic, the shipping laws and sales of beer has become easier and easier. Getting great local beer right to your door, and even getting great beer from some top notch breweries out of state right to your door (like Trillium, Tired Hands, Aslin, Burial, The Veil, Adroit Theory, Dogfish Head, Dewey, etc.) is even easier than it ever was before. No need for beer traders and mules!
So Lets Get Out There and Shop
So get out there and support and shop your local small businesses and small breweries. They’ve all had a rough go the last few years with the coronavirus / COVID – 19 pandemic, the inflation, the CO2 shortages, the staffing issues, the rising costs of things like wings, meat, etc, the aluminum can issues, etc. So lets get out and shop and support our favorite local craft breweries today on Small Business Saturday (November 26th, 2022)!
Thanks For Reading
I wanted to make this quick shout out to all of our awesome local craft breweries. They really deserve our support and sponsorship and business today. Instead of shopping big retail stores or big breweries like AB InBev or Coors or Miller, lets support the small mom and pop breweries. The local guys who provide us such great customer service, great beer, great food, and great atmospheres. Cheers to them! Cheers to all those hardworking brewery staff and owners. And cheers to all of you shopping and supporting local businesses, breweries, and other small stores.
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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