Beer Review: Flavor Guided Juice Missile (Tattered Flag)

Beer Review: Flavor Guided Juice Missile (Tattered Flag)

Flavor Guided Juice Missile by Tattered Flag in collaboration with Hop Hedz Gear

This is part two of our Tattered Flag and Hop Hedz Gear collaboration releases beer reviews. The release was three beers – Going Rogue, Flavor Guided Juice Missile, and Flavor Guided Juice Missile DDH with Guava. This is the second of the three beer reviews, the first we tackled was Going Rogue, a raspberry sour. This – (the regular version) Flavor Guided Juice Missile is a DIPA (Double / Imperial IPA). We will cover the DDH (Double Dry Hopped) with Guava version next time.

If interested in more information on Tattered Flag and Hop Hedz Gear’s can release, check out my review of the Going Rogue.

To watch the awesome video Bart did as part of Hop Hedz Gear and his work with the Tattered Flag guys, check that out here:

I also want to say thank you to Justin for dropping the 4-pack of beers off to me while we were chilling at Boneshire Brew Works the other day. Nothing beats fresh off the canning line; day of canning beers. One of my favorite aspects of helping the canning line is standing there tilting a few back while getting some work done.

Tattered Flag beers

Now that we got all the official and important information out of the way, lets get to the beer review.

Flavor Guided Juice Missile by Tattered Flag

Beer: Flavor Guided Juice Missile
Brewery: Tattered Flag
Style: IPA – Imperial / Double – New England
ABV: 8.1%
IBU: (None Listed)
Untappd Description: Double NEIPA brewed with a monster amount of wheat and oats hopped and Double dry hopped with Amarillo, Denali, and Cashmere Cryo hops for big notes of earthy berries up front complimented with a crisp melon and citrus finish.

Like a typical IPA from Tattered Flag, this is a bright, juicy, NE-IPA that is delicious and tasty.

Appearance is a good hazy, normal looking New England IPA (or IIPA / DIPA). Orange – yellow with a golden hue, hazy, thin white foamy head. Good carbonation, good texture, and good appearance.

Nose is nice and hoppy as well, just like a good IPA should always be. This has got a very powerful citrus punch to it, you get a bit of a cantaloupe and melon rind. A good New England IPA / DIPA always has that juicy, tasty, silky like smell to it, where you can taste the haze and the juice and the hops before you even sip it. Just making you want to take that first sip. Always love taking a good strong sniff of a NE-IPA before even sipping. Just like a roasty stout, you just know exactly what you’re in for as soon as you take a sniff of a NE-IPA.

And exactly how it smells, is exactly how it tastes. Juicy, hoppy, citrusy, notes of the cantaloupe, melon, and melon rind really light this up. Its strong too, tasting more like a 9.5%+ beer than an 8.1% ABV, but even still, 8.1% is good enough for most folks to get them in trouble after a few. The mouthfeel is spot on with this, slick, and easy sipping, light, but you get the weight of the ABV, a full bodied beer that feels right as you drink. This is a great example of the NE-IPA style, its a strong drink but good for the summer heat all at the same time, juicy and tasty and not holding anything back.

My Untappd Rating: ****.50
Global Untappd Rating: (none yet, first to drink it, as of 7.10.20) EDIT: 4.11 (as of 7.13.20)

Cheers everyone, make sure to check out the other parts of this review series. Hope you enjoy! And make sure to go and grab the beers at Tattered Flag. They won’t last long I’m sure!

-B. Kline

Tattered Flag and Hop Hedz Gear Beer Release:

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