Beer Review: There’s Nuttin’ Butter Than a Nice Pair of Cam Pants (Westbrook Brewing Co.)

Beer Review: There’s Nuttin’ Butter Than a Nice Pair of Cam Pants (Westbrook Brewing Co.)

There’s Nuttin’ Butter Than a Nice Pair of Cam Pants by Westbrook Brewing Co. in collaboration with Edmund’s Oast Brewing

So what do you do when its an extremely ugly Thursday – National Stout Day – raining, freezing cold, ugly out? …..You drink a barleywine of course! Ugh! Face Palm!

Yea, this was a fubar. I thought this was a stout, so I grabbed it, poured it without reading it, and was about to dig in for National Stout Day…. and lo and behold…. it was a barleywine! But this was certainly a delicious mistake! And gee darn, it meant I had to go and drink a stout later in the day. Oh darn… oh no…. more beer…. oh gee, oh darn!

(And of course thats just what I did, having the S’Mores LazaRIS stout from Boneshire. Which made up for this “mistake”.)

Barleywines are one of my favorite styles, and I love the high ABV of them, which can be dangerous at 11AM; but I powered through like a professional. …and drank this fast. It was so easy to drink. I wish I had a whole six pack of this because it went down so smoothly and effortlessly and easily that I need more of it!

Beer: There’s Nuttin’ Butter Than a Nice Pair of Cam Pants
Brewery: Westbrook Brewing Co.
Collaboration with: Edmund’s Oast Brewing Company
Style: Barleywine – Other
ABV: 10%
IBU: 15
Untappd Write-Up: Nutter Butter inspired barleywine with peanut butter, lactose and vanilla. Collaboration with EOBC.

Well, this was far from a mistake to drink. Only mistake was drinking it so fast. This is pure gold. Barleywines are one of my favorite styles and this is no exception, if anything, it’s raised the bar for barleywines and what they can do and be. There is just so much flavor in this.

First off, appearance is when I noticed this was no stout so I read the can… and yep…. oopsies. The coloring is a golden brown, not quite what you see in the picture above due to the flash of the camera, its golden, brown, amber-ish in hue. It had a very healthy foamy head to it that was light in color, great bubbles and retained and stayed for a while. Sipping through it was delicious.

Aroma is peanut butter strongly, like a real nutter butter candy, strong peanut butter, strong vanilla, some caramel notes. It smells sweet, like it should be sugary. You get a good whiff of the lactose vanilla and peanut butter, you get some hints of a boozyness. You can tell your gonna be in for a good smooth drink.

First sip is magical. Its simply wonderful. Its smooth, its easy, its very sweet. Not overpowering or cloying sweet, but sweet. Which is a rarity or barleywines. (At least in my experience.) It has a fantastic mouthfeel. Nice, easy sipping, smooth and enjoyable. You get some booze on the tongue but its not really there. For a 10% its hidden extremely well and barely noticeable, which can be either very dangerous, or a great thing; depending on your plans for the day. This is extremely tasty, you get the vanilla from the lactose, and you get a great peanut butter taste that just is extremely well done, its not too much, its not too overpowering, its just right. I think taste and aroma this is a lot like the Molly Pitcher Peanut Butter Porter; its got just the right amount of peanut butter.

It is to be noted, that this does include peanuts. The can specifically states that it was made with REAL NUTS. So for those with allergies should stay very clear of this beer. So be forewarned about that! (Like I have to stay clear of oyster stouts that use healthy doses of oysters.)

My Untappd Rating: ****.25 (Easily could be boosted up to a 4.5 instead.)
Global Untappd Rating: 4.12 (as of 11.8.19)

Ok, 8 days down, 8 days still good. Kicking this month’s butt so far! (Though a few days have been harder than others.) Same with drinking a new beer a day. Not hard yet. Doing pretty well on that front as well!

Today is a special day as we’re double-dropping. Pretty much simultaneously here as it looks. In just minutes (check 1PM) J. Doncevic’s review will drop. Look for it here. It should be great! I always love reading his reviews! (I’ll link it in here once its fully posted.)

Ok everyone, cheers and enjoy your Friday!

-B. Kline

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