Tag: Perplexity AI

  • The Most Popular Brewery in Each State as per Perplexity AI

    The Most Popular Brewery in Each State as per Perplexity AI

    The Most Popular Brewery in Each State as per Perplexity AI

    Most Popular Breweries by State as per Perplexity

    Taking a look at the most popular brewery in each state can be a bit difficult. But thankfully with AI, we can quick pin down things a bit more succinctly. So I fired up the old Perplexity AI machine, and threw it the commands of “what is the most popular brewery in each state” and then gave it the caveats of using Untappd data, sales data, online mentions, and variables such as website recommendations and such.

    And here’s what it gave us:

    Most Popular Brewery in Each State as of February 2025

    [fusion_table fusion_table_type=”1″ fusion_table_rows=”” fusion_table_columns=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_color=”” hue=”” saturation=”” lightness=”” alpha=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_offset=””]

    Alabama TrimTab Brewing Co.
    Alaska Alaskan Brewing Company
    Arizona Mother Road Brewing Company
    Arkansas Lost Forty Brewing Company
    California Russian River Brewing Company
    Colorado Breckenridge Brewery
    Delaware Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
    Florida Cigar City Brewing
    Georgia Creature Comforts Brewing
    Hawaii Maui Brewing
    Idaho Mother Earth Brewing Company
    Illinois Revolution Brewing Company
    Indiana 3 Floyds Brewing
    Iowa Toppling Goliath Brewing
    Kansas Boulevard Brewing
    Kentucky West Sixth Brewing
    Louisiana Gnarly Barley Brewing Company
    Maine Bissell Brothers Brewing Company
    Maryland Heavy Seas Beer
    Massachusetts Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)
    Michigan Bell’s Brewery
    Minnesota Surly Brewing Company
    Mississippi Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company
    Missouri Side Project Brewing
    Montana Big Sky Brewing Company
    Nebraska Kros Strain Brewing
    Nevada Able Baker Brewing Company
    New Hampshire Smuttynose Brewing Company
    New Jersey Kane Brewing
    New Mexico Santa Fe Brewing Company
    New York Sloop Brewing
    North Carolina Wicked Weed Brewing Company
    North Dakota Drekker Brewing Company
    Ohio Great Lakes Brewing Company
    Oklahoma Roughtail Brewing Company
    Oregon Fort George Brewing
    Pennsylvania Tröegs Independent Brewing
    Rhode Island Whalers Brewing Company
    South Carolina Wicked Weed Brewing Company
    South Dakota Crow Peak Brewing Company
    Tennessee Bearded Iris Brewing
    Texas Yuengling Brewery
    Utah Squatters Craft Beers
    Vermont The Alchemist
    Virginia 3 Floyds Brewing
    Washington Georgetown Brewing Company
    West Virginia Big Timber Brewing Company
    Wisconsin New Glarus Brewing
    Wyoming Snake River Brewing Company


    Notes: A few notes I’d like to point out. Wicked Weed Brewing is listed twice – North and South Carolina. Yuengling Brewery is listed for Texas; where they do technically have a brewery production center. And 3 Floyds is also listed twice – Indiana and Virginia.


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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We are also now on BlueSky as well, so make sure to check us out there also. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #5 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #9 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2025.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)







  • Top Popular Beer Brands

    Top Popular Beer Brands

    Some of the Popular Beer Brands

    Top Popular Beer Brands

    Decided to try out the new Chat GPT 4.0, and see what it said The Top Popular Beer Brands are currently. And here’s what it had to say:

    Here are the top beer brands based on the search results:

    Most Popular Beers in the U.S.

    1. Guinness
    2. Heineken
    3. Corona
    4. Modelo
    5. Samuel Adams
    6. Stella Artois
    7. Blue Moon
    8. Coors Light
    9. Miller Lite
    10. Budweiser

    Some key points:

    • Guinness, an Irish stout, is consistently ranked as the most popular beer brand across different generations in the U.S.
    • Mexican beer brands like Modelo, Corona, and Dos Equis are very popular, especially among younger generations like Millennials and Gen X.
    • Classic American brands like Budweiser, Coors, Miller, and Samuel Adams remain popular choices, particularly for older generations like Baby Boomers.
    • Craft beers like Blue Moon and newer brands like White Claw hard seltzer are gaining popularity among Millennials.

    Top Beers on Reddit

    Based on the Reddit comments, some highly rated beers mentioned include:

    • Local/regional craft beers like Fulton, Castle Danger, Summit (Minnesota)
    • Belgian beers like Chimay, Duvel, La Chouffe, Westmalle
    • German beers like Paulaner, Franziskaner
    • Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
    • Voodoo Ranger, Founders Dirty Bastard (craft IPAs)

    Overall, while major brands remain popular, craft beers and imports from Mexico, Belgium, and Germany are increasingly favored, especially among younger drinkers and beer enthusiasts.

    Resources and sources: 45 Most Popular Beers Ranked from Best to Worst, 25 Most Popular Beers in America According to YouGov, Men of Reddit – What are Your Top Beers?. Chat GPT 4.0, and Perplexity AI.


    Thank You For Reading

    If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

  • The Top 10 Breweries in Pennsylvania as Per Perplexity

    The Top 10 Breweries in Pennsylvania as Per Perplexity

    Breweries in Pennsylvania – Top 10 (as per Perplexity)

    The Top 10 Breweries in Pennsylvania

    This is a generated list using Perplexity AI. It is based off of an aggregate of values – mostly rating system based sites like Untappd, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Beer Advocate, and Rate My Beer. It also factors into play certain key blogs – VinePair, our website (The Beer Thrillers), BiPA, and more.

    Since its middle of December, I thought it’d be a good time to take a look back at the best breweries of 2023. This list is just breweries in PA, and just for statistical purposes the year of 2023. It was ran through Perplexity AI and put in a few different times to make sure the list was accurate and not just a sequence of things, it was told to use user ratings and check in apps, and it was told to just include 2023 and just to include Breweries in PA. It was also done several times with the same parameters to ensure that the AI was selecting the same breweries and not just throwing out random breweries. The AI also provided its sources.

    Top 10 Breweries in Pennsylvania for 2023

    The top 10 breweries in Pennsylvania in 2023, according to various sources, are as follows:

    1. Other Half Brewing
    2. The Referend Bier Blendery
    3. Imprint Beer Co
    4. Fermentery Form
    5. Hidden River Brewing
    6. Antifragile Brewing
    7. D.G. Yuengling and Son Brewery
    8. Troegs Brewing Company
    9. Yards Brewing Company
    10. Lancaster Brewing

    Additionally, the highest-rated beer in Pennsylvania in 2023 is “Le Roar Grrrz” from Bullfrog Brewery, according to VinePair. These rankings are based on various factors such as user ratings, reviews, and check-ins on platforms like Untappd and Yelp.

    Perplexity AI



    Untappd is the most heavily used source and rated source for lists like this. Tomorrow we will be posting the Top 10 Breweries of PA via Untappd, up to and including December 9th. (Statistics were compiled at 11:59:59 PM EST last night.)

    Stay tuned for that article tomorrow.

    Top Breweries

    Some recent lists about top breweries:

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    If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)