Category: Style

  • Flying Dog Deep Fake Non Alcoholic Beer

    Flying Dog Deep Fake Non Alcoholic Beer

    Flying Dog’s DeepFake Non-Alcoholic IPA

    Flying Dog Brewing: DeepFake Non-Alcoholic IPA

    Its Dry January, and you’ve made it to day three. Are you already craving an IPA? Any kind of beer? Even a driplet, a drop, a single hop flavored droplet of beer? Well then, Flying Dog’s DeepFake might just be the answer for you.

    Flying Dog’s DeepFake Non-Alcoholic IPA is going to be right up your alley if you are looking for a kick ass hazy IPA but without the alcohol. (Now of course, even non-alcoholic beers do have some level of alcohol – in this case its less than 0.5% ABV, as is most non-alcoholic beers.)

    You are also getting a low calorie beer with DeepFake as well – coming in at only 39 calories “per can”. (In this case the cans are 12 oz cans.) Thats certainly a lot lower than most beers on the market, especially the heavy beers like stouts, porters, barleywines, Belgians, etc. And even some of the hazier and adjunct heavy milkshake IPAs as well.

    All of this makes this a no brainer for Dry January, oh what, we didn’t even get to the taste yet? Oh well, why didn’t you ask already!

    What on the surface might smell and taste like an IPA, is in fact a masterful forgery engineered to trick the senses – a smooth drinking non-alcoholic brew bursting with delicious hop flavor. Only 39 calories per can!

    Flying Dog – Deep Fake

    Brewed with Mosaic, Citra, and Simcoe hops, makes this a perfect “IPA Imposter”. Honestly, it takes a double take and a double sip to realize your not drinking a real Hazy IPA and instead drinking a non-alcoholic beer.

    So during Dry January – or any time you’re reaching for a non-alcoholic beer – grab DeepFake and give it a try. You will certainly be surprised that its not a real IPA!

    Flying Dog Brewing Company

    Recently Flying Dog Brewing Company has been in the news with their being purchased by FX Matt (Saranac Brewing). (FX Matt Brewing Company Acquires Flying Dog Brewery) Which has completely changed the landscape of craft beer in the East Coast area. Read the linked article to learn how the buy out changes Flying Dog’s production and corporate make up.

    Flying Dog Brewery Articles

    If you are looking for more articles on Flying Dog Brewery, please check out our articles below:

    For More Information on Flying Dog Brewery

    The following comes from their Untappd bio. They are a subsidary of Saranac Brewery (F.X. Matt Brewing Co.), and are a regional brewery (now out of Utica, New York rather than Frederick, Maryland). They have 96 unique beers, and have over 2 Million ratings with a global average rating of 3.62 (as of 1.5.24). Their Untappd description reads: We are craft beer crusaders who stand tall and never eat shit.

    You can find them on the following social media platforms:

    Some Non-Alcoholic Beer Related Articles

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

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    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)


  • Hops, History, and Innovation: The Fascinating Tale of the IPA

    A single hop hanging on the vine.

    Hops, History, and Innovation: The Fascinating Tale of the IPA

    In the diverse universe of craft beer, one style consistently captures the imagination and palates of enthusiasts: the IPA, or India Pale Ale. With its bold flavors and storied past, the IPA has become a cornerstone of the craft beer revolution. But what exactly is hidden behind those three letters, and how did this beer style rise to such prominence? Let’s embark on a journey through the history, characteristics, and myriad variations of the IPA to uncover the secrets behind its enduring popularity.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of craft beer, one style stands out for its bold flavors and rich history: the IPA, or India Pale Ale. This beer style has captivated the taste buds of enthusiasts around the globe, becoming a staple in the craft beer movement. But what exactly does IPA stand for, and why has it garnered such a passionate following? Let’s dive into the hoppy heart of the IPA to understand its origins, characteristics, and the variations that keep beer lovers coming back for more.

    The Historical Roots of the IPA

    Hops growing on a wooden arbor, full vines.

    “IPA” stands for India Pale Ale, a name that hints at its colonial origins but belies its British birthplace. The creation of IPA dates back to the late 18th century, a time when Britain’s empire spanned the globe. Brewers in England discovered that by bolstering their pale ale with extra hops, the beer not only withstood the grueling sea voyage to India but also arrived in better condition. The natural preservative qualities of hops helped prevent spoilage during the long journey under harsh conditions.

    Originally favored by British expatriates in India, the style evolved over the years, adapting to tastes and brewing innovations. Modern IPAs are celebrated for their diverse hop profiles, offering flavors from citrusy and floral to piney and resinous, expertly balanced with malt sweetness.

    The term “IPA” stands for India Pale Ale. Contrary to what the name might suggest, IPAs were not originally brewed in India but were instead created in England. The story of the IPA begins in the late 18th century, during the British colonial period. Brewers in England discovered that by adding extra hops to their pale ale, the beer not only survived the long sea voyage to India but also arrived in better condition. Hops, known for their preservative qualities, helped protect the beer from spoilage under the warm conditions and rough handling it endured en route.

    This hop-forward ale quickly became a favorite among British expatriates in India, and over time, the style evolved to cater to changing tastes and brewing techniques. Today, IPAs are celebrated for their bold hop flavors, ranging from citrus and floral to pine and resin, and for their ability to balance hop bitterness with malt sweetness.

    The Characteristics of IPA

    Hops growing on the arbor at The Beer Thrillers headquarters.

    IPAs are distinguished by their prominent hop character, which can impart a wide range of flavors and aromas, including grapefruit, pine, herbs, and tropical fruits, depending on the hop varieties used. While hops are the star of the show, a good IPA also has a solid malt backbone to balance the bitterness, offering notes of caramel, bread, or biscuits.

    The alcohol content in IPAs can vary but typically ranges from moderate to high. The bitterness level, measured in International Bitterness Units (IBUs), can also range widely, making some IPAs more approachable for those new to the style, while others appeal to hop aficionados seeking a bitter punch.

    Defining the IPA

    The hallmark of an IPA is its pronounced hop character. Hops contribute a spectrum of flavors and aromas, including but not limited to grapefruit, pine, herbs, and tropical fruit, influenced by the variety of hops used. Beyond the hops, a well-crafted IPA features a sturdy malt foundation, providing balance with notes of caramel, bread, or biscuit.

    IPAs typically have a moderate to high alcohol content, and their bitterness is quantified in International Bitterness Units (IBUs), with a range that can accommodate both newcomers and seasoned hop lovers.

    The Evolution of the IPA

    The craft beer movement’s growth has fueled both experimentation and the proliferation of IPA sub-styles. Here’s a glance at some of the IPA’s popular variants:

    • American IPA: Known for its use of American hops, this variant boasts a pronounced hop bitterness and flavors ranging from citrus to pine, coupled with a higher alcohol content.
    • Session IPA: Crafted for drinkability over long periods, or “sessions,” these IPAs offer a hop-forward experience with lower alcohol content.
    • Double or Imperial IPA: These are the powerhouses of the IPA world, with heightened flavor, aroma, and alcohol levels, delivering a bold and complex tasting experience.
    • New England IPA (NEIPA): Characterized by its hazy appearance and emphasis on hop aroma and flavor over bitterness, the NEIPA offers a softer, fruitier hop profile.
    • Milkshake IPA: A twist on the NEIPA, milkshake IPAs incorporate lactose for sweetness and a creamy texture, often complemented by fruit and vanilla.

    In Conclusion: The IPA’s Lasting Legacy

    The IPA’s transition from a practical solution for preserving beer for overseas travel to a beloved flagship of the craft beer movement underscores its versatility and appeal. Whether you’re drawn to the assertive bitterness of traditional IPAs, the juicy softness of NEIPAs, or the creative flair of milkshake IPAs, the India Pale Ale stands as a testament to the innovation and exploration at the heart of craft brewing. As the IPA continues to evolve, it promises to inspire both brewers and beer lovers for generations to come. Here’s to the India Pale Ale—a style that not only narrates a rich history but also embodies the vibrant future of craft beer.

    The IPA is a style that continues to evolve, and can continue to evolve. What we view as IPAs in 2040 probably won’t be the same as what we viewed as IPAs in the 1990s. The IPA’s journey from a practical solution for preserving beer to a beloved style in the craft beer community is a testament to its versatility and enduring appeal. Whether you’re drawn to the classic bitterness of a traditional IPA, the juicy haze of a NEIPA, or the innovative twists of a milkshake IPA, there’s no denying the impact and importance of the IPA in the world of craft beer. As brewers continue to experiment and beer lovers continue to explore, the IPA will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of craft beer innovation. Cheers to the India Pale Ale, a style that invites discovery and celebrates the boundless possibilities of brewing.

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)





  • Beer Review: Winter Lager (Samuel Adams)

    Beer Review: Winter Lager (Samuel Adams)

    Winter Time

    We’re due for snow – and I mean S-N-O-W – on Saturday. (Of course we are, the Farm Show kicks off tomorrow – Friday, so of course we would be getting snow.) Winter Lager is the epitome of winter time for me. This dates back to one of the earliest craft beers I got into, and felt like now is as good as any time to dive into and pick it apart for a healthy beer review.

    History of Winter Lager

    Samuel Adams Winter Lager has a rich history, having been first brewed in 1989 as one of Samuel Adams’ initial seasonal beers, alongside Octoberfest. This early introduction marked the beer as a pioneer in the realm of seasonal craft brews. Brewed in the style of a Bock, the Winter Lager is designed to be more malt-forward and darker than other popular lagers, setting it apart as a distinctive and flavorful option for the winter months.

    Over the years, Samuel Adams has continued to refine and enhance the Winter Lager, ensuring that it remains a beloved and anticipated release each year. The beer has evolved to incorporate elements that capture the essence of the winter season, such as the addition of cinnamon and orange peel, further enhancing its festive and comforting character. This commitment to quality and innovation has solidified the Winter Lager as a staple in the Samuel Adams lineup, and a favorite among beer enthusiasts seeking a well-crafted and seasonally appropriate brew.

    The Winter Lager’s enduring popularity and consistent evolution are a testament to Samuel Adams’ dedication to creating exceptional seasonal beers. As one of the brewery’s signature offerings, the Winter Lager continues to delight and inspire beer lovers, making it a cherished tradition for many during the winter season.

    Beer Review

    Beer Review: Winter Lager by Samuel Adams

    Beer: Winter Lager
    Brewery: Samuel Adams
    Style: Lager – Winter
    ABV: 5.6%
    IBU: 22
    Untappd Description: For the first time in 31 years, we’re updating the classic Winter Lager recipe to make it crisper and brighter. It’s the same iconic beer, with a wintery remix. Crisp Bock with citrus and spices, lager brewed with orange peel, cinnamon, and ginger.


    Samuel Adams Winter Lager presents itself as a beer of distinction. As it is poured into a glass, the deep ruby-brown color immediately captures the eye, evoking the rich hues of the winter season. The beer’s clarity and the way it reflects light contribute to its visual appeal, setting the stage for the sensory experience to come. Topping the beer is a generous, creamy head that lingers, enhancing the beer’s presentation and inviting the first sip. The combination of these visual elements makes the Winter Lager an enticing choice for those seeking a beer that embodies the spirit of the season. The appearance of a beer is often the first interaction a drinker has with the brew, and Samuel Adams Winter Lager excels in making a memorable first impression. The deep, inviting color and the well-formed head speak to the care and craftsmanship that have gone into creating this beer. Whether enjoyed in a cozy setting or shared among friends, the Winter Lager’s appearance sets the stage for a truly enjoyable drinking experience.


    The aroma of Samuel Adams Winter Lager is a prelude to the sensory journey that awaits. As the beer is brought to the nose, a delightful blend of scents emerges, creating an inviting and comforting atmosphere. Notes of malt, spice, and a subtle hint of citrus intertwine, evoking the warmth and cheer of the winter season. This complex aroma invites the drinker to take a moment and savor the anticipation of the first sip, promising a beer of depth and character. The Winter Lager’s aroma is a testament to the artistry of the brewing process, as it skillfully weaves together various elements to create a harmonious olfactory experience. The interplay of malt, spice, and citrus hints at the beer’s flavor profile, offering a glimpse of the richness that is to come. This carefully crafted aroma adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the beer, making it a true pleasure to engage with before even taking the first sip.


    The first sip of Samuel Adams Winter Lager reveals a tapestry of flavors that reflect the artistry of the brewing process. The beer’s rich and full-bodied taste immediately commands attention, enveloping the palate in a warmth that is characteristic of the season. A harmonious blend of maltiness and a subtle bitterness unfolds, creating a complex and satisfying drinking experience. The initial burst of flavor gives way to a smooth and lingering finish, leaving a lasting impression of the beer’s well-crafted character. The Winter Lager’s taste is a testament to the brewery’s commitment to quality and innovation. The careful balance of flavors, from the robust maltiness to the nuanced bitterness, showcases the expertise that has gone into creating this exceptional brew. Each sip reveals new dimensions of the beer’s taste, making it a delight to savor and explore. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with a hearty winter meal, the Winter Lager’s taste is sure to leave a lasting and positive impression.


    Samuel Adams Winter Lager offers a distinctive and satisfying mouthfeel that enhances the overall drinking experience. The beer’s full-bodied nature imparts a sense of substance and depth, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a beer that can stand up to the rigors of the winter season. The smooth and creamy texture further contributes to the beer’s comforting character, enveloping the palate in a luxurious sensation with each sip. The Winter Lager’s mouthfeel is a key element in its appeal, adding to the beer’s overall sense of warmth and satisfaction. The beer’s 5.6% ABV and 22 IBUs contribute to its well-balanced and comforting character, further enhancing the beer’s overall appeal. The interplay of alcohol content and bitterness creates a sense of harmony in the beer’s profile, ensuring that each sip is as enjoyable as the last. Whether sipped slowly to savor the beer’s complexity or enjoyed more casually, the Winter Lager’s mouthfeel is a defining feature that sets it apart as a beer of exceptional quality and craftsmanship.

    Overall Impression

    In conclusion, Samuel Adams Winter Lager is a beer of distinction, perfectly suited for the winter season. Its rich flavor, warm aroma, and full-bodied nature make it a wonderful choice for those seeking a comforting and well-crafted brew. The beer’s careful balance of maltiness and bitterness, coupled with its smooth and satisfying mouthfeel, ensures that each sip is a delight to the senses. Whether enjoyed in a cozy setting or shared among friends, the Winter Lager is a testament to the brewery’s expertise in creating seasonal brews, and it’s a great option for beer enthusiasts looking to savor a distinctive and satisfying lager during the colder months.

    My Untappd Rating: ***.5
    Global Untappd Rating: 3.53 (as of 1.4.24)

    Some More Articles About Samuel Adams

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

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    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)





  • Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

    Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

    A pint of Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA

    Beer Review: 60 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery)

    Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA has long been a herald of the American craft beer movement, standing out as a consistent and refined example of an India Pale Ale. Here’s a detailed review of this iconic brew:


    The 60 Minute IPA pours a clear, golden amber color with a frothy white head that dissipates gradually, leaving a nice lace on the glass. The beer’s clarity and color are inviting, promising a classic IPA experience.


    This brew greets the nose with a bouquet of floral and citrus hops. There are notes of grapefruit, orange peel, and pine, underscored by a subtle malt sweetness. The aroma is balanced; it’s hop-forward without being overpowering, setting the stage for what follows in the taste.


    On the palate, Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA delivers a beautiful harmony of hop bitterness and malty backbone. The hop profile is complex, featuring flavors of citrus, particularly grapefruit and lemon zest, followed by pine and a bit of herbal quality. The malt presents itself with hints of caramel and biscuit, providing a solid foundation that complements the bitterness rather than clashing with it. The transition from the initial hoppy bite to the underlying sweetness is smooth and well-executed.


    Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation, the 60 Minute IPA has a crisp and somewhat resinous mouthfeel that makes for a refreshing drink. It’s neither too heavy nor too light, striking a nice balance that makes it quite sessionable for an IPA.


    The finish is moderately dry with a lingering hop bitterness that invites another sip without becoming too intense. It’s clean and does not leave an overly resinous aftertaste, which can be common in more aggressively hopped IPAs.

    Overall Impression:

    Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA is an exemplary craft beer that balances accessibility with complexity. It’s crafted to appeal to both newcomers to the IPA style and seasoned hop aficionados. Its method of continuous hopping over 60 minutes during the boil provides a unique depth and variety to its hop character, which is showcased beautifully throughout the drinking experience.

    Food Pairing Suggestions:

    This IPA pairs wonderfully with spicy foods, grilled meats, and sharp cheeses. The hop bitterness cuts through the richness of fatty foods and complements spicy dishes beautifully.


    The 60 Minute IPA remains a staple in Dogfish Head’s lineup for good reasons. It is approachable yet sophisticated, making it a go-to IPA for many beer lovers. Whether you’re a craft beer enthusiast or a casual drinker looking to explore the style, the 60 Minute IPA is a compelling choice that won’t disappoint.

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

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    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

  • The 7 Main Categories of Beer: A Guide for Craft Beer Enthusiasts

    The 7 Main Categories of Beer: A Guide for Craft Beer Enthusiasts

    The 7 Main Categories of Beer: A Guide for Craft Beer Enthusiasts

    The craft beer movement has revolutionized the beer industry, offering an endless array of styles and flavor profiles. Currently, there are seven primary categories of beer: crisp, hop, malt, roast, smoke, fruit and spice, and tart and funky. Understanding these categories can enhance your appreciation of beer and help you guide others in finding their perfect brew.

    Various different craft beer styles and glassware.

    1. Crisp

    Crisp beers are light and refreshing, often described with terms like “Light Lager,” “Blond,” or “Golden Ale.” These beers are typically delicate and fruity, including styles like American Blond Ale, English Blond Ale, and Wheat and Cream Ales. For a sweet and fruity taste, malt-accented brews like Amber Ale, Pale Ale, Vienna Ale, and Oktoberfest fit the bill. Crisp beers can also be hoppier, with “brisk hoppiness” found in Pilsners and India Pale Lagers.

    2. Hop

    Hop-forward beers are known for their earthy, herbal flavors with a malty backbone. Styles like English Pale Ale and Belgian IPA are common examples. American Pale Ale and American Imperial Red Ale offer a blend of initial bitterness with caramel-fruity tones. For a zestier taste, look for American Pale Ale or American Fresh Hop Ale, which feature bold, herbal, and citrus flavors.

    3. Malt

    Malt beers often have fruity, nutty, and toasty flavors. Dark Lagers, English Brown Ales, and Doppelbocks are known for their toasty, nutty profiles. For fruit-forward and toffee flavors, explore Scottish Ales, Belgian Pale Ales, or English Strong Ales.

    4. Roast

    Roast beers are darker and often have coffee-like flavors. Styles like Brown Porter, Oatmeal Stout, and Imperial Brown Ale offer a soft, silky experience. For richer, fuller roasts, try Dark and Dry Stout, American Stout, or Robust Porter.

    5. Smoke

    Smoke-flavored beers evoke the essence of “chestnuts roasting on an open fire,” providing a toasted richness. Examples include Smoked Porters and Rauchbiers, which offer spicy, meaty flavors.

    6. Fruit and Spice

    Fruit and spice beers combine bright flavors like apples, pears, lemons, and bananas with spices such as vanilla, pepper, and coriander. Styles like Belgian Blond Ale, Kristalweizen, and Belgian Strong Blond Ale fit this category. There are also darker blends featuring flavors like figs, cherries, plums, nutmeg, and cinnamon, found in Belgian Dark Ale, Dubbel, and Dunkelweizen.

    7. Tart and Funky

    Tart and funky beers are sour and range from earthy to wine-like. These delicate brews often have a citrus twist, as seen in Berliner Weissbier and Faro. For wine enthusiasts, tart and funky beers like Wild Ale, Flanders Red Ale, Saisons, and Gueuze Lambics offer fruity and vinous profiles, making them some of the most wine-like beers available.


    As the craft beer industry continues to evolve, understanding these seven categories can enhance your beer knowledge and give your establishment a competitive edge. Whether you’re a seasoned beer aficionado or a curious newcomer, exploring these diverse styles will enrich your craft beer experience.

    Stay updated with the latest in craft beer trends by subscribing to our blog and following us on social media. Cheers to discovering your next favorite brew!

    More Beer Information and Education Series Articles

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

  • New Years Day

    New Years Day

    New Years Day

    Ok, my Pennsylvania Dutch is about to come out a little bit.  Pork and Sauerkraut on New Year’s Day is a tradition in my family.  Served with mashed potatoes of course!  I know, I know, sometimes the sauerkraut isn’t so pleasant.  My mom perfected the recipe to take out quite a bit of the tartness and sourness.  We always cut up an apple to put in the sauerkraut, to give it a little sweetness.  Also sautéing some onions and searing the pork in the sautéed onions.  Mix those sautéed onions in with the sauerkraut.

    Then roast the pork in the sauerkraut to cook it through in the oven.

    I’m at a bit of a cross roads when it comes to pairing a beer with this yearly meal.  I think a very malty and sweet hefeweizen will pair nicely with the palate cleansing of the sauerkraut.  I’d reach for a Level Up Hefeweizen by Idiom Brewing Company.  Level Up comes in at a 3.79 overall rating on untapped.  It has a 5.6% ABV, just like a good Hefeweizen should!  It is described on Untapped as “Brewed with 60% malted white wheat and a touch of honey malt, then fermented to provide a balanced profile that sits squarely between clove and banana.  Super smooth, super creamy with a bready finish and light bitterness”

    When you are enjoying that pork and sauerkraut dinner pair it with a hefeweizen if you are still afraid of the sour or tartness of the sauerkraut. Then when I go for seconds I will pair it with a good sturdy stout.  A strong stout is usually what you would reach for to compliment a nice pork dinner.  I’d grab a Wookies and Cream Oatmeal stout from Tall Tails Brewing Company.

    Wookies and Cream comes in on Untapped with a 3.77 overall rating.  It has a 6.11% ABV and is given a rather.  This stout is so smooth it is dangerous.  It will go down even smoother with a delicious pork dinner.  

    • Happy New Year!
    • Drink More Beer!
    • Amy

    Amy’s Column Series

    Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

    (And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)



  • The Ultimate Guide to Craft Beer Styles: Exploring Flavors from Around the World

    The Ultimate Guide to Craft Beer Styles: Exploring Flavors from Around the World

    The Ultimate Guide to Craft Beer Styles: Exploring Flavors from Around the World

    Are you a craft beer enthusiast looking to expand your horizons and embark on a flavorful journey? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the diverse world of craft beer styles, uncovering the unique characteristics, brewing techniques, and flavor profiles that make each variety truly special. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and impress your fellow beer connoisseurs with your newfound knowledge.

    Various different craft beer styles and glassware.

    1. India Pale Ale (IPA)

    Let’s kick things off with a crowd favorite – the India Pale Ale (IPA). Originally brewed with higher alcohol content and generous hop additions to withstand the long voyage from England to India, IPAs have evolved into a craft beer phenomenon. These brews are characterized by their bold, hoppy aroma and intense bitterness, often accompanied by citrusy, piney, or tropical fruit notes.

    West Coast IPA

    The West Coast IPA is a quintessential American style, known for its assertive bitterness and robust hop flavors. Brewers on the West Coast pioneered the use of newer, more pungent hop varieties like Cascade, Centennial, and Amarillo, resulting in a hop-forward and resinous beer that packs a punch.

    New England IPA (NEIPA)

    On the other side of the country, the New England IPA (NEIPA) has taken the craft beer world by storm. These hazy, juicy IPAs are brewed with a unique technique that emphasizes late hop additions and dry-hopping, resulting in a soft, pillowy mouthfeel and an explosion of tropical fruit flavors like mango, pineapple, and citrus.

    2. Stout

    Stouts are the dark, rich, and roasty brews that have captured the hearts of beer lovers worldwide. These full-bodied beers range from dry and robust to sweet and creamy, offering a diverse array of flavors and aromas.

    Irish Stout

    The iconic Irish Stout is a dry, roasty, and slightly bitter brew with notes of coffee, chocolate, and a touch of caramel. Guinness is perhaps the most well-known example of this style, but many craft breweries have put their own spin on this classic.

    Imperial Stout

    For those seeking a more intense experience, Imperial Stouts are the way to go. These robust brews boast higher alcohol content and a complex flavor profile that can include notes of dark chocolate, espresso, molasses, and even hints of dark fruit or bourbon from barrel-aging.

    3. Sour Beers

    Sour beers are a unique and rapidly growing category in the craft beer world. These tart and refreshing brews are produced through the intentional introduction of wild yeast strains or bacteria, resulting in a delightfully complex and acidic flavor profile.


    Originating in Germany, the Gose style is a tart, slightly salty wheat beer that often incorporates unique ingredients like coriander or salt. These refreshing brews offer a perfect balance of sourness, saltiness, and a subtle spicy note, making them ideal for hot summer days.

    Berliner Weisse

    Another German sour style, the Berliner Weisse, is a light and refreshing wheat beer with a distinct lactic sourness. Traditionally served with a shot of flavored syrup (like woodruff or raspberry), these beers offer a delightful interplay of tartness and sweetness.

    A “Periodic Table” of Beer Styles

    4. Belgian Ales

    Belgian brewers have mastered the art of crafting complex and flavorful ales, often incorporating unique yeast strains and brewing techniques that result in a wide range of distinctive styles.


    Saisons, or farmhouse ales, are known for their dry, spicy, and slightly tart character. These rustic brews were traditionally brewed in the cooler months for farm workers and often feature notes of pepper, citrus, and earthy spices.


    Tripels are strong, golden Belgian ales with a deceptively high alcohol content and a complex flavor profile that can include notes of fruit, spice, and a subtle sweetness. These brews are often bottle-conditioned, resulting in a lively carbonation and a smooth, creamy mouthfeel.

    5. Lagers

    While often overshadowed by their ale counterparts, lagers are a cornerstone of the craft beer world, offering a refreshing and crisp drinking experience.


    The Pilsner style is a classic example of a well-crafted lager. These light, crisp beers are characterized by their clean, bready malt backbone and a subtle hop bitterness, making them highly drinkable and refreshing.

    Vienna Lager

    For those seeking a bit more malt character, the Vienna Lager is a great option. These amber-hued lagers showcase a toasty, bready malt profile with hints of caramel and a clean, crisp finish.


    Whether you’re a seasoned craft beer enthusiast or just starting your journey, the world of beer styles offers an endless array of flavors and experiences to explore. From the hoppy bitterness of IPAs to the rich roastiness of stouts, the tart complexity of sour beers, the spicy and fruity notes of Belgian ales, and the crisp refreshment of lagers, there’s a style to suit every palate. So, grab a glass, gather your friends, and embark on a flavorful adventure through the diverse realm of craft beer styles. Cheers to discovering new favorites and expanding your beer horizons!

    More Beer Information and Education Series Articles

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    If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

  • Tree House Brewing Releasing Woodstock IPA, Haze, and Julius Cans

    Tree House Brewing Releasing Woodstock IPA, Haze, and Julius Cans

    Tree House Brewing Releasing Woodstock IPA, Haze, and Julius Cans at their Woodstock Location

    At their Woodstock location – Tree House Brewing Company is releasing Woodstock IPA, Haze, and Julius cans. Located at 54 Joy Road, Woodstock CTTree House Brewing’s Orchard Farm and Fermentory is releasing their newest Woodstock (an IPA), as well as Haze, and Julius cans.

    Haze is a Double IPA that is 8.2% ABV. Woodstock IPA will be a 6.8% ABV IPA, and Julius is an American IPA that clocks in at 6.8% ABV as well. They will be released in typical 16 oz pounder cans as per normal for Tree House Brewing Company.

    Some Articles We’ve Written About Tree House Brewing Company

    Beer Reviews We’ve Done

    Looking for some beer reviews of Tree House Brewing Company that we’ve covered? Then check these out:

    Other Related Articles

    More Information on Tree House Brewing Company

    The following information comes from Untappd.

    Tree House Brewing Company is considered one of the best breweries in the country (United States). They are a bucket list brewery and a “must visit” for many people. Untappd has them listed as a regional brewery from Charlton Massachusetts. They have 1094 unique beers with over 4.5 Million ratings. They have a global average rating of 4.33 (as of 12.18.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Tree House Brewing Company brews a vast array of ales. The offerings vary based on the season, our moods, and innovations discovered in the midst of day in and day out brewing. Our artisan brewery knows no bounds and we are driven by an intense curiosity of ingredients and how they blend together to create something special.”

    For more information on Tree House Brewing Company, check out their social media pages:

    Thank You For Reading

    If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

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    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

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    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)





  • Pairing Christmas Cookies with Beer

    Pairing Christmas Cookies with Beer

    Christmas Cookies….

    Right away, I blame Scarlet, I hear Cookie Monster yelling “Coooookie” This is where the visualization changes from Cookie Monster chowing down on some cookies to me destroying some Christmas Cookies.  You might have guessed it by this point, I also have a beer in hand.  So let’s figure out the best way to enjoy the holidays with cookies and Beer!

    Christmas Cookies and Beer Styles

    But let’s be honest you are either making the Christmas cookies or you are baking the Christmas cookies.  Let’s kick it off with The Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie.  I’d grab a stout to wash down some Classics.  I don’t just mean that because it is stout season!  The sweetness from the chocolate chips will pair nicely with a full-bodied stout with incredibly rich and creamy flavor.

    Wookies and Cream by Tall Tales Brewing Company

    (See our beer review: Wookies and Cream by Tall Tales Brewing Company)

    B-52 by Cox Brewing Company

    I’ll just go down the list of the classic Christmas cookies I remember over the years.  The next cookie I think of is any sort of sugar cookie!  My Grandma used to make a recipe of her own that was a very soft sugar cookie.  I think she actually called them sugar biscuits.  These need to be paired with a Belgium blonde.  My mouth is watering thinking about this combination again.  Honestly a sugar cookie could pair decent with a wide selection of brews but this will bring some flavors out that you didn’t notice before.

    (We didn’t do any reviews of Belgian Blondes, but Josh did do a review of a Belgian Dubbel – so we present: B-52 Belgian Dubbel (Bottle-Conditioned, 2017) – Cox Brewing Company (CBC)).

    Scarlet Sunrise – Blackberry and Blueberry (Mellow Mink Brewing)

    The next cookie I think of is the peanut butter blossom.  My Aunt used to make these every year.  She knew these were my favorite too.  There are a couple different ways we could go with this one.  We can get a little crazy and pair with any sort of fruited sour and it feels like a grown up PB&J. 

    (Some beer reviews we suggest: Scarlet Sunrise – Blackberry and Blueberry (Mellow Mink Brewing), Kettle Sour Series (Raspberry) (Natchez Brewing Company), and Sour Blueberry (Edmund’s Oast Brewing Company))

    Chocolate Covered Pretzel (Blown Gasket) (Braxton Brewing Company)

    I am the person that believes the best invention, besides beer, was the combination of peanut butter and chocolate.  Obviously why this cookie is my favorite but also try it with a chocolatey stout or porter and it brings out more of the chocolate flavors.

    (Some chocolatey beer reviews we recommend: Grand Cacao (Troegs Independent Brewing), German Chocolate Cake (Wicked Weed Brewing), Chocolate Covered Pretzel (Blown Gasket) (Braxton Brewing Company), Chocolate Confidential (Sudwerk Brewing Co.), and of course – Hershey’s Chocolate Porter (Yuengling Brewery).

    They Burn Them All Away (Broken Goblet Brewing)

    I kind of feel bad for even writing about this one but, the red-headed stepchild of cookies, the oatmeal raisin.  I meant to grab a container of chocolate chip cookies at the bakery in the local grocery store but I accidently grabbed oatmeal raisin in my haste to get to Ben’s parent’s house for a picnic.  I’ll never forget the pure look of heart break on his brother in law’s face at the picnic when he cracked open the container and realized they indeed oatmeal raisin and not chocolate chip like I announced.  Ever since then it’s been a joke to make sure I get the right cookie.

    An oatmeal raisin cookie needs the help of a Belgian quad.  The golden almost molasses like flavor of most Belgian quads will bring out the natural raisin flavor.  And it will pair nicely with the oatmeal flavor especially if it is an oatmeal raisin cookie has a bit more cinnamon flavor to it.

    (A beer review to check out: They Burn Them All Away (Broken Goblet Brewing))
    (Or for a Belgian Heavy / Belgian Dark: Mad Elf (Troegs Independent Brewing))

    I am summing this up by making sure you know which beer to leave out for Santa with his cookies this year.  Ditch the milk.  Santa wants beer!

    • Drink more Beer
    • Amy

    Amy’s Column Series

    Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

    (And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

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    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)




  • Troegs Brewing Releasing Night Gazer Stout

    Troegs Brewing Releasing Night Gazer Stout

    Night Gazer Stout by Troegs Independent Brewing (photo courtesy of Troegs Brewing)

    Troegs Brewing Releasing Night Gazer Stout

    This Thursday – November 30th, 2023 – Troegs Independent Brewing is releasing Night Gazer Stout at their Hershey brewery. This will be a brewery exclusive. A potentially one – off beer similar to Cyclops Teardrops (insofar as production).

    Troegs Independent Brewing usually follows a pattern for their releases. Scratch Series beers and possible one – off production releases occur on Thursdays. Big beers, seasonals, or the franchise standards (Blizzard of Hops, Double Blizzard, Hop Cyclone, Nugget Nectar, Mad Elf, Nimble Giant, etc.) are released on Mondays.

    Night Gazer Stout

    From the website:

    • ABV:
      • 7.1%
    • Malt:
      • Pilsner, Roasted Barley, Black Patent, Chocolate, Crystal 80, Special B, Flaked Oats
    • Hops:
      • Columbus, Simcoe
    • Yeast:
      • House Ale

    There’s a starman out there, ready to blow your mind. Built on a galaxy’s worth of oats and black malts, Night Gazer is an expansive beer for your celestial musings. This supple stout’s notes of dark roast, toffee and cocoa will serve as your guiding star to the cosmos.

    Night Gazer Stout –

    From their Facebook page, posted earlier today:

    Coming Thursday! An expansive beer to aid your celestial musings, Night Gazer Stout is built on a galaxy’s worth of oats and black malts. Supple notes of dark roast, toffee and cocoa combine in this brewery-only release – a guiding light to the cosmos. Find the limited run of draft and 16-oz. cans here in Hershey. #PABeer #Troegs #Stout

    Tröegs Independent Brewing – Facebook

    Night Gazer Stout will be available only in house at the Troegs Brewery on Hersheypark Drive (Hershey, PA). It will be available on draft as well as in 16 oz pounder cans – (four packs, cases, and singles in the General Store fridge). You can get crowler and growler fills as well.

    Rumor mill is that Troegs might be seeing how this stout does and putting this out onto the distribution market going forward and scaling Grand Cacao back and keeping that as an in – house beer only. (No official word has been said yet.)

    Upcoming Schedule

    From here to the end of the year Troegs Independent Brewing has some decently big heavy releases coming out. Nugget Nectar is looking to be making its yearly return – this year soon after Christmas – very soon after Christmas – with a tentative date being 12.26 (the very day after Christmas). Also upcoming is a Black Cherry Limeade, another Lager scratch, and potentially Peach Orangeade (returning).

    So stay tuned for these future releases.

    I know I can’t wait to get back from AC (Atlantic City) and get to try the stout, as well as the new Scratch 505 Double IPA (DIPA).

    For More Information on Troegs Independent Craft Brewing

    According to Untappd, Troegs Independent Craft Brewing is a regional brewery with 148 unique beers listed (despite their being over 500 Scratches). They have 2.3 Million ratings and as of 11.28.23 have a global average rating of 3.79. Their Untappd bio reads:

    Founded in Pennsylvania in 1997 by brothers John and Chris Trogner, Tröegs Independent Brewing is driven by a sense of adventure and curiosity. Our brewery has been built by family, friends and kindred spirits who share a love of great beer. Together, we all make Tröegs. You might know our Perpetual IPA, the best-selling IPA in Pennsylvania. Or the dark, malty and crisp Troegenator. You may have come across such iconic beers as Nugget Nectar or Mad Elf in your beer travels. Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to try one or two of the hundreds of experimental Scratch Series beers we’ve brewed over the years. Whether you’re already a member of our extended family or you’re just getting to know our brewery, there’s always something new to discover with Tröegs.

    You can find them at the following social media pages:

    More Troegs Independent Craft Brewing Related Articles

    Looking for more Troegs in your diet? Here’s some other Troegs Independent Craft Brewing related articles we’ve written:

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    Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

    As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

    Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

    We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

    We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

    You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

    Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

    You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

    The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

    We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

    The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

    You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

    If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.

    (Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)