Lancaster Craft Beerfest Postponed Again

Postponed… Again
Sadly, for the third year in a row, the Lancaster Craft Beerfest has been postponed. It started in 2020 due to COVID-19 and …well, basically EVERYTHING that year being shut down and closed. Even though things were starting to get back into swing by August, a brewfest was still pretty much out of the question.
They announced that they would be back in 2021…. but then… come 2021, they announced that they were yet again postponing the beerfest. Not much information was given, just that they were postponing and with a Facebook post saying “We’ll be back in 2022”. (That post was just a cover photo and it was uploaded on June 2nd, 2021.)
Fast forward now to 10 hours ago (roughly 7PM last night – May 30th, 2022), and they posted another cover update and profile picture with an actual summary this time:
“Unfortunately due to numerous obstacles this year, we have to postpone the Lancaster Craft Beerfest again. We are thankful for all of your support in the past years and everyone reaching out about this year but we are looking forward to 2023! Hopefully by then, all of the construction will be finished and we’ll have a newly developed venue for you to enjoy the celebration of beer!”
Lancaster Craft Beerfest (Facebook)
Lancaster Craft Beerfest

The Lancaster Craft Beerfest would have been celebrating its 8th annual brewfest back in 2020. It originally stopped due to the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic that swept the world. It has always been a lovely brewfest for the local Central PA beer scene, on par with the Mount Hope / Renaissance Faire craft beer fest, as well as the Harrisburg one, and others.
I got to go to the beerfest in 2019, (which as it stands currently, sadly, has been the most recent, and possibly its last), with my friend Ming – he was the DD (designated driver) who hung out with me at the beerfest. It was a great location, a fun brewfest, and well organized. Lots of food vendors, lots of breweries, local homebrew clubs, etc. Plus we had a gorgeous day – so the added bonus of great weather. We even visited Mad Chef afterwards (first time at the brewery back then).
The Future
What does the future hold for the Lancaster Craft Beerfest? We don’t rightfully know. They state they will be back in 2023, and we certainly and personally hope so. Its a fun brewfest that caters to Central PA breweries and vendors, and helps the local Lancaster Craft Beer scene, which since 2019, has only gotten more breweries. So it would be a shame to lose the beerfest. Fingers crossed that it will make its come back in 2023, even stronger than ever!

Thanks For Reading
As always everyone, thanks for reading. And speaking of brewfests, The Beer Thrillers have quite a busy schedule coming up. On June 4th and June 5th, we will be at the AC Music and Beerfest in Atlantic City (Bader Field). Then I will be taking a road trip / hiking trip / brewery tour trip down through Virginia, upper North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee. Just to return home in time for the Mount Hope / Renaissance Faire brewfest on June 11th.
So lots of fun events coming up, and brewery trips and visits. So be on the lookout and keep your eyes peeled here for some great articles coming up!
And as always, thanks for the likes, comments, subscribes, shares, finger pokes, nose pickings, brain leakings, etc, etc, etc. Keep it up! Love hearing from you guys!
-B. Kline
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