Chambersburg Breweries Back Up the LGBTQ+ Community

Chambersburg Breweries Back Up the LGBTQ+ Community

Chambersburg Breweries Showing Their Support

Yesterday, the three breweries of Chambersburg PA showed their support and pride as they got behind the LGBTQ+ community, each making a Facebook (and other social media) statement. This is in response to the recent borough council vote about equal rights.

At the recent borough council for the Chambersburg Borough, the council voted 7 to 3 to repeal an anti-discrimination ordinance that has been in place.

ABC27 News has covered the story and provides some insight here:

Chambersburg Borough council voted 7-3 Monday night to repeal an anti-discrimination ordinance protecting members of the LGBTQ community.

According to the Pennsylvania Youth Congress, at least 71 of Pennsylvania’s 2,562 municipalities have passed LGBTQ-inclusive local nondiscrimination ordinances as of January 2022. Chambersburg becomes the first to repeal one.

Out of about 60 people who spoke, only five or six were in favor of repealing the ordinance.

The ordinance was passed by a strong Democratic majority in the fall of 2021 but the council now has a Republican majority and council President Allen Coffman said repealing the anti-discrimination ordinance is what voters elected them to do.

Many people, including several members of the LGBTQ community, spoke passionately during the public comment period lasting several hours.

“We were all brought into this world with the same inalienable rights. So I think by creating special protections for people, we open the door for other special protections for other people,” said councilman Bill Everly. “I’ve been doing some work with the LGB, looking at this and out in California, they’re also trying to attach other quote alphabet letters to the LGBTQ people. So if we pass this ordinance, I mean, we don’t repeal this ordinance, who’s to say another special interest group will come forward.”

“I’ll talk about something that I’ve been discriminated in my life. I was a man that was 100 pounds heavier than I currently am and I was discriminated in my life,” Everly said. “However I have not taken that platform to carve out a special exemption for me and others such as myself. And I think it’s important that we as a community come together and not divide us even more and I think this divides us a little bit.”

In lieu of the ordinance, Mayor Kenneth Hock signed a proclamation condemning all forms of bigotry, discrimination and oppression against all individuals.

ABC 27 News: Chambersburg Borough Council Votes To Repeal LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Each of the breweries yesterday turned to their social media accounts to state their stances on the issue. All in favor of the ordinance and against the appeal. All against hatred and in diversity, and solidarity, and helping the community.

Gearhouse Brewing Statement

Gearhouse Brewing Company’s Social Media Post

The elephant in the room, when myself and the other co-founders of GearHouse Brewing Co started out some odd six years ago now we always came back to one thing, creating a community gathering place where everyone was welcome. The actions of the Chambersburg Town Council do NOT reflect the values we live by and run our business. As someone who was born in Chambersburg, graduated CASHS, and chose to start a business here I am profoundly saddened by the current reputation of our town. We will be taking action to support local non-profits that champion the diverse citizens in our community. Van Gray

Gearhouse Brewing Company (Facebook)

GearHouse Brewing also announced the release of “Be Proud” with a portion of the proceeds being donated to Pride Franklin County.

TBC Brewing Company’s Statement

TBC Brewing Company’s Facebook Statement

So many of our local friends and colleagues have already expressed their outrage over the Chambersburg Borough Council’s recent unprecendented actions with such fiery eloquence. We share in their anger and also in their commitment to serving all members of this diverse community, but rather than run the risk of being passionately redundant, we’re just gonna leave this here….

TBC Brewing Company (Facebook)

Roy-Pitz Brewing Company’s Statement

Roy Pitz Brewing’s Statement

When we started Roy-Pitz nearly 14 years ago in our hometown of Chambersburg, we built the company’s mission first and foremost around sharing a philosophy of a passionate fulfilling life. For us, this meant building an experience and business that was inclusive of all and celebrated the unique individuals who were our customers, employees and partners in the communities we are a part of. Recently, the Town Council of Chambersburg voted 7-3 on an action that we believe is not aligned with that mission. We want to be clear that is town consists of an amazing collection of unique and amazing individuals, businesses and ideas and Roy-Pitz plans to continue to stand with and welcome all of them.

Roy Pitz Brewing Company (Facebook)

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-B. Kline

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By |September 6, 2024|
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