The Beer Thrillers in 2022

The Beer Thrillers in 2022

The Beer Thrillers logo (current as of 1.1.22)

2021 is Over

2021 is over, and 2022 has begun. Make sure you read our 2021 recap article here: “2021 – The Year That Was”. Needless to say, I’m not gonna miss 2021. While I’m not sad to see it go, at the same time I don’t wish to make myself older. BUT…. 2021 was certainly not a great year in the same vein as 2020.

So let’s get moving on to 2022 and ring in the new year and have ourselves a wonderful, amazing, fantastic year!

2022 – What Will it Hold?

Hopefully 2022 will be a wonderful year for everyone – ourselves included here at The Beer Thrillers. I am expecting big and better things for 2022 than 2021 and 2020 before that. We are currently getting the office / study / studio finalized and will be hosting a whole bunch of brand new content for everyone in 2022. From podcasts to videos to streaming, there will be plenty of new content to go around for everyone who is interested in a whole variety of different things.

We have a bigger roster of writers now at the blog and even more contributors. (Writers now include myself, Josh, AJ, Karl, Andy, and Amy, and contributors include Drew, Dan, Rome, Rory, Kelsey, Josh and several others.)

We will be streaming beer reviews, podcasts, and board games, with occasionally doing other things (you’ll just have to stay tuned to find out!).

Of course we will be continuing doing lots of beer reviews, book reviews, brewery reviews, hike reviews, board game reviews, and a whole host of other reviews!

We will also be getting back into home brewing this year, and so you can fully expect lots of home brewing articles (especially of our journey back into it), as well as videos. On top of this more in the way of hop growing and other to – do and similar topics. Everything and anything under the home brewing umbrella will be covered, you can count on that.

We are also expecting to do a lot more travels and trips this year. One of my goals is to visit several states for brewery tours and hiking (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Tennessee, North Carolina…. are just some of the states I’m planning on visiting this year). You can already check out our travelogue to see some of the past places we’ve hiked, visited, and toured. Also, planning on attending a lot more brewfests this year, so be on the lookout for those recaps as well!

Also, be sure to stay tuned for more brewer interviews, tours, behind the scene chats, videos, and more. There will be lots of things in that vein this year, as well as giveaways and other fun brewery things and industry stuff. Of course always be on the lookout for brewery news here on the blog as well – ranging from openings, closings, new beers, new expansions, new events, and anything else newsworthy!

In a few months it’ll be March, and that means it’ll be time for our annual (this will be our second year doing it) Battle of the Breweries event. In 2021 – The Isle of Que Brewing won our inaugural ‘Battle of the Breweries’. Who will win it in 2022? Be sure to check in and vote often to determine who wins!

Thanks For Reading

As always everyone, thank you for reading!

Last Updated: January 1, 2022By

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