NO KIDS…. ALLOWED….. (LoveDrafts Brewing)

No Kids Allowed

So, as many have seen go around and around the internet lately, LoveDrafts Brewing has gotten some nationwide (or near close to it) notice due to their post on Facebook (and Instagram and other social medias) stating their policies as the brewery opens. (Grand Opening is set for August 7th.) (We’ll have more on that soon.)

You can read their Facebook post here:

“Here’s a little reminder as opening day quickly approaches. You must be 21 or older with a valid ID (state issue ID card, state issue Driver’s License, Active Duty Military ID, or Passport). No other identification will be accepted. A picture on your phone isn’t good enough. A hole punched in the corner of your card makes it invalid. A concealed carry is not identification. And so on.

No children will be allowed inside. Private events, where the entire facility has been rented for weddings and so on will be the only exception to this rule.

Otherwise, no one under 21 will be given access to our building. It’s not going to happen. There are plenty of other places to take your kids, have a few beers & cocktails, and then drive them home. We’re not the one and We’re not sorry about it.

#notafamilyrestaurant #nokidsallowed #brewery— at Lovedraft’s Brewing Co.

LoveDrafts Brewing Co. (FaceBook)


Who doesn’t love a good controversy? To say the above post didn’t ‘blow up’ and go viral is a bit of an understatement. People took to social media and especially to LoveDraft’s comment section to voice their opinions; either way on the issue. Pro or con. For it, or against it. The above post has certainly garnered a lot of attention. With people commenting from across the country (and even across the pond) stating their support (or lack of support) for the small – not even open yet – brewery. There has been a large uptick in their social media followers and likes as well due to the post.

Snoopy: No Dogs Allowed

Ironically, dogs are allowed (because, frankly, who doesn’t love dogs?), so just swap “KIDS” for “DOGS” in the above Snoopy / Peanuts clip.

What are your thoughts?

We here at The Beer Thrillers are curious about everyone else’s thoughts, especially since LoveDraft’s is smack dab right in our little community area. What does everyone think about their no kid policy? Especially given the verbiage of their post?

How about dogs?

How about kittens?

What about martians? Moon plants? Pet rocks?

Let us know in the comments section!

We will be posting another article – most likely on Friday – about their grand opening (set for Saturday – August 7th). So be on the lookout for that. As always, thanks for reading, and cheers everyone!

-B. Kline

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