Round Three is done and over with, and now we are getting down to the nitty gritty. We’re down to the final six breweries / competitors in the most arbitrary March Madness tournament possibly in beer (and maybe even writing) history. Like the previous Round (Round Three) the first segment will be going over the results of the previous round, and then we’ll be getting into the actual voting. Make sure to like, share, and pass this page around so everyone can vote for your favorite brewery!
Round Three Statistics
The amount of votes and enthusiasm for this March Madness breweries bracket has been incredible, so let me once again say thank you to all the voters, fans, readers, and breweries posting and sharing.
- Total Votes: 1,447 (six questions)
- There was four upsets (out of six match-ups)
- Isle of Que Brewing (12) defeated Fourscore Beer Company (1) – 149 to 115
- Rubber Soul Brewing Company (11) defeated Dewey Beer Company (2) – 182 to 65
- Troegs Independent Craft Brewing (8) defeated Urban Artifact (5) – 145 to 96
- Boneshire Brew Works (7) defeated Funk Brewing Company (6) – 118 to 115
Results of Round Three:
- Isle of Que Brewing (12 seed) (149 votes) defeated Fourscore Beer Company (1 seed) (115 votes)
- Rubber Soul Brewing Company (11) (182 votes) defeated Dewey Beer Company (2 seed) (65 votes)
- Rotunda Brewing Company (3 seed) (127 votes) defeated Mad Chef Brewing Company (10 seed) (101 votes)
- Ever Grain Brewing Company (4 seed) (129 votes) defeated Tattered Flag Brewery (9 seed) (108 votes)
- Troegs Brewing Company (8 seed) (145 votes) defeated Urban Artifact (5 seed) (96 votes)
- Boneshire Brew Works (7 seed) (118 votes) defeated Funk Brewing Company (6 seed) (115 votes)
Round Four Now Begins
And unleash the competitors into the final round of one on one competition! There is six breweries / competitors left, and they are facing off to see who goes on to the final match – a triple threat to decide who is the best brewery in this arbitrary and random tournament! So lets go! Its time to vote everyone! Voting will last until Sunday, March 28th, ending at 11:59 PM / Midnight.
Round Four Match-Ups
Round four sees some interesting match-ups. Will Isle of Que Brewing continue is Cinderella run? Which of the Harrisburg – Hershey – Hummelstown breweries will move on?
- Rotunda Brewing Company (1) vs. Isle of Que Brewing (6)
- Ever Grain Brewing Company (2) vs. Rubber Soul Brewing Company (5)
- Boneshire Brew Works (3) vs. Troegs Brewing Company (4)
Who will advance on to the triple threat match?
Round Four Voting
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Past Articles and Results
For more information on The Battle of the Breweries (2021) – The Beer Thrillers version of March Madness; you can scroll through the previous articles and voting results.
Information Articles:
- March Madness (2021) – The Battle of the Breweries – The Beer Thrillers Way
- Round One Results and Round Two Set-Up
Voting Pages:
- Round Three: The Terrific Twelve Voting (and Round Two Results)
- Round Two: HEELs Conference
- Round Two: FACEs Conference
- Round One: HEELs Conference: Triple H Division
- Round One: HEELs Conference: Ric Flair Division
- Round One: FACEs Conference: Stone Cold Steve Austin Division
- Round One: FACEs Conference: The Rock Division
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To help your favorite breweries win, be sure to share this page as much as you would like. Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Myspace, your own sites, your local newspaper…. whatever you like. Also, be sure to follow us on our social media accounts to stay up to date on the tournament and our other articles, which include brewery reviews, beer reviews, travelogues, hiking trips, brewery news, events, and much much more!
Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Influence. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think.