Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging

As I’m sure you’ve taken notice, there has been a bit of ‘guest blogging’ going on both here at The Beer Thrillers and over at Let Us Drink Beer. We are going to (basically) be doing a couple of blog posts for each other per month. Two to three, nothing outrageous or crazy. But a nice flow of blog posts. With them being a Georgia based blog, and with us primarily being a Central Pennsylvania (PA) based blog, it makes for a nice dynamic, and a nice interchange of ideas and beers and styles and breweries that people familiar with one blog might not see. Variety is the spice of life, and that is no more evident than in the craft brewing industry.

Some blogs will be beer reviews, some will be brewery reviews, some will just be about interesting news in our areas. Either way, when you visit either blog, it will be easy to find our respective posts. Here on The Beer Thrillers look for “Let Us Drink Beer” and you’ll see their posts. On Let Us Drink Beer you can look for B. Kline or The Beer Thrillers and find my posts.

We, here at The Beer Thrillers, will make sure to keep you updated on both their posts here at our blog, as well as our posts on their blog, on our various social media platforms (primarily FaceBook and Twitter, but elsewhere as well) as well as here on the blog itself.

You can read about their take on our guest blogging and their write-up about it here: Guest Blogger – Let Us Drink Beer at their blog.

So far they have written two blog posts on The Beer Thrillers for us; you can read Let Us Drink Beer’s blog posts here:

You can view my two blog posts at Let Us Drink Beer here:

So please check out their blog and show them some love (and vice versa too of course). And be on the lookout for more fun, exciting, and amazing stuff coming to The Beer Thrillers in 2020! Can’t wait for the new year, the new decade, and plenty of new beer!


-B. Kline

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