Tag: Milk Porter

  • Beer Review: Koko Buni (Creature Comforts)

    Beer Review: Koko Buni (Creature Comforts)

    Beer Stats

    • BJCP Style: American Porter
    • ABV: 6.5%
    • IBU: N/A
    • Hops: Unknown (Typically bittering hops only)
    • Malts: Unknown (Typically chocolate malt)
    • Adjuncts: Cocoa Nibs, Toasted Coconut, Ethiopian Coffee
    • Brewery: Creature Comforts Brewing
    • City: Athens, GA
    • Aroma: No hops, Cocoa, Roasted Malt, Coffee
    • Appearance: Jet Black, Fluffy Tan Head, Good Head Retention
    • Flavor & Aftertaste: Roasted Malt, Chocolate, Coffee, Medium Sweet, Restrained Hops Bitterness, Bitter Sweet Finish
    • Palate: Full Bodied, Silky, Soft, Medium Length Finish

    I would dare say this might just be one of the best Milk Porters on the market. Creature Comforts introduced Koko Buni Milk Porter in October of 2014 as their first seasonal beer. There have been a few tweaks along the way; however, it’s basically the same recipe today as it was back then. It was a big hit then and is still a much anticipated release today. What makes it so special? All the ingredients are perfectly harmonized and balanced start to finish.

    As is typical of Creature Comforts, they source some local ingredients for additions to the recipe; coffee beans from 1000 Faces Coffee and cocoa nibs from Condor Chocolates in Athens, GA. They reached outside of Georgia to Ethereal Confections of Woodstock, IL for additional cocoa nibs. The results are a silky smooth Porter with just the right amount of cocoa nibs and coffee to play well with the roasted and chocolate flavors from the dark malts grain bill.

    Koko Buni is jet black and pours to a fluffy tan head exhibiting very good retention. You won’t encounter any hops aromas in the nose; but you be delighted in the distinct coffee, cocoa and roasted malt notes that drift lazily from the frothy head. The mouth-feel is full bodied, soft and silky smooth. Every sip brings complex, yet balanced mix of roasted malt, coffee, and chocolate flavors laced with coconut. There is a very mild baker’s chocolate-like bitter sweet character that flows start to finish. The finish is very pleasing and medium in length.

    As you can tell, this is definitely a favorite Porter of mine and I look forward to it coming out every year mid to late fall. This is one of those beers you feel right at home with on a snowy winter evening in front of the fireplace; but also don’t mind pouring right into your favorite coffee cup on a cold Saturday morning. Creature Comforts has made a nice supply of 12 oz. cans available throughout it’s markets.

    Thanks for reading. Until next time…Let Us Drink Beer!

    As always – Please Drink Responsibly.