What Did the Pilgrims Really Drink at the First Thanksgiving?
As we gather around our tables this Thanksgiving, raising glasses filled with craft beer, wine, or cider, it’s natural to wonder: what did the Pilgrims drink at the first Thanksgiving? The answer might surprise you, and it’s not as straightforward as you might think.

The Myth of the Pilgrim’s Beer
Contrary to popular belief, the Pilgrims likely didn’t have beer at the first Thanksgiving in 1621. This misconception stems from clever marketing campaigns by beer companies in the early 20th century, particularly after the repeal of Prohibition. The United States Brewers Association even claimed, “It was beer, not turkey, that lured the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock” – a statement that’s more fiction than fact.
(See Also: Recipe: Crispy Beer Roast Turkey [using Troegenator])
What They Actually Drank

Water: The Simple Staple
Believe it or not, water was likely the primary beverage at the first Thanksgiving. The Plymouth area had abundant clean water from freshwater streams and springs, making it a reliable and safe option for the Pilgrims.
(See Also: Munching on some Thanksgiving leftovers?)
Hard Cider: A Possible Treat
While not certain, there’s a chance that hard cider made an appearance at the feast. The Pilgrims were familiar with cider from England, and they may have used wild apples found in the New World to ferment a small batch.
(See Also: Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving)
Why No Beer?
Several factors contributed to the absence of beer at the first Thanksgiving:
- Lack of Ingredients: The Pilgrims hadn’t yet established crops for brewing, particularly barley.
- Time Constraints: Brewing takes time, and survival was the priority in those early days.
- No Brewery: The first recorded brewery license in Massachusetts wasn’t issued until 1637, a full 16 years after the first Thanksgiving.
The Real Story Behind the Pilgrims and Beer
While beer wasn’t at the first Thanksgiving, it did play a crucial role in the Pilgrims’ journey:
- Beer was a staple on the Mayflower, with each person allocated about a gallon per day.
- The decision to land at Plymouth Rock was partly influenced by dwindling beer supplies.
(See Also: Fall Beers)
A Toast to Simplicity
As craft beer enthusiasts, we might feel a twinge of disappointment that our favorite beverage wasn’t part of the first Thanksgiving. However, the Pilgrims’ simple celebration, likely featuring water and possibly some hard cider, reminds us of the true spirit of the holiday – gratitude for survival and new beginnings. So this Thanksgiving, as you sip your carefully selected craft beer, take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come. And maybe, just maybe, raise a glass of water in honor of those resourceful Pilgrims who started it all.
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