Teamsters working nationwide at Anheuser-Busch have voted by an overwhelming 99 percent to authorize a strike.
The resounding vote allows the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee to call a strike if Anheuser-Busch fails to come to terms on a strong new contract. The union is seeking an agreement that improves wages, protects jobs, and secures health care and retirement benefits for 5,000 Teamsters across the company’s 12 U.S. breweries. The current agreement expires Feb. 29, 2024.
Anheuser-Busch is one of the largest brewing companies in not just the United States, but also in the world. Employing one of the largest production work forces for beverage companies, short of just Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
Teamsters stand firm in our fight for the best contract at Anheuser-Busch, and this powerful strike vote proves it. Our members’ labor, talent, and sacrifice are what put Anheuser-Busch products on the shelf, and we are committed to getting a contract that rewards and recognizes their hard work. If Anheuser-Busch’s executives can’t get their act together to negotiate an agreement that respects workers, we will see them out on the streets
Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien
Under pressure from the Teamsters, the company reached tentative agreements to end tiered health care and restore retiree health benefits last month. However, Anheuser-Busch has delayed negotiating on important job security issues since mid-November, despite repeated requests by the union. The global beermaker pulled in $58 billion in 2022. The company also recently announced $1 billion in stock buybacks to wealthy investors as it simultaneously ignores the need to protect good jobs.
Anheuser-Busch can’t kick this can down the road much longer. The Teamsters don’t want to be forced onto the picket line at any employer, but we are fully prepared to walk if Anheuser-Busch doesn’t get serious about negotiating a record contract that also protects good union jobs. It is the workers — the dedicated and tireless members of the Teamsters — who make this company a success and who have earned to share in that success.
Jeff Padellaro, Director of the Teamsters Brewery, Bakery, and Soft Drink Conference
There are no dates currently set for negotiations. Anheuser-Busch Teamsters recently rallied in New Hampshire, California, and Florida. More actions will take place soon across the country.
If this company wasn’t willing to come to a fair agreement with the Teamsters, we would strike. My Teamster brothers and sisters have a lot of fight in us and, by all means, we will stand united.
Josh Blanton, an Anheuser-Bush worker with Teamsters Local 947 in Jacksonville, Florida
Anheuser-Busch is obviously best known for its Budweiser line of beers (Budweiser, Bud Lite, etc), as well as the Clydesdale Horses seen in their annual commercials during the Super Bowl.
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.3 million hardworking people in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at
The following comes via Untappd. Anheuser-Busch is a Subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev. They are a macro brewery from St. Louis, MO United States. They have 492 unique beers, and over 2.8 Million ratings, with a global average rating of 2.66 (as of 12.18.23).
Their Untappd description reads: The leading American brewer, bringing people together for more than 160 years.
You can find them at the following social media pages:
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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:
We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)
We had just gotten home from our State College visit where Amy had her Walk to End ALZ event on Saturday, November 4th. While signing into my Mozilla Firefox browser for the day, on the ‘pocket’ articles that constitutes my opening homepage, there was an article about a link between beer and Alzheimer’s and how beer could help in preventing Alzheimer’s.
In a groundbreaking exploration into Alzheimer’s prevention, researchers have uncovered a potential game-changer: hop flower extracts, a common ingredient in beer. This discovery sheds light on the multifaceted role of hops, long recognized for their stabilizing properties in all types of beers.
The Study: Investigating Hop Varieties
The University of Milano-Bicocca spearheaded a meticulous study, putting four widely-used hop varieties—Cascade, Saaz, Tettnang, and Summit—under scrutiny. The objective was to discern their impact on preventing the clumping of brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s. The researchers subjected these hop varieties to amyloid proteins and human nerve cells, seeking a breakthrough in the fight against this debilitating form of dementia.
Remarkable Findings: A Shield Against Protein Clumping
The study yielded promising results. Hop extracts not only impeded the clumping of amyloid beta proteins around cells, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, but also showcased antioxidant properties. This dual action not only protects the body’s cells but also points towards a potential preventive measure against neurodegenerative diseases.
Beer Production Dynamics: Hops in the Spotlight
Hop shoots growing up out of the ground out of our home gardens.
While hop extracts are integral to all beer production, their concentration is notably higher in ales, such as the renowned Indian Pale Ales (IPA). Additionally, these extracts find their way into herbal teas and soft drinks, underscoring their versatility beyond the brewing process.
Autophagic Pathways: A Renewal Process Unleashed
An intriguing aspect of the study was the activation of autophagic pathways by hop extracts present in beer. This renewal process involves breaking down and repurposing old cell components, enhancing overall cellular efficiency. This additional layer of complexity highlights the potential holistic benefits of incorporating hops into dietary habits.
Tettnang Hops: A Standout Performer
Tettnang Hops hanging on the vine.
Delving deeper into the study, Tettnang hops, cultivated in the Bodensee district of southern Baden-Württemberg, Germany, emerged as standout performers. These hops demonstrated a unique ability to clear out malfunctioning proteins, attributed to their heightened levels of antioxidants. This specific finding elevates the potential of hops as a key component in foods designed to prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
Understanding Alzheimer’s: The Role of Amyloid Beta Proteins
While Alzheimer’s is a complex disease influenced by various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environment, the study pinpointed amyloid beta proteins as a significant contributor. These naturally occurring proteins tend to clump together, forming plaques that disrupt cell function, leading to the development of Alzheimer’s.
A Complex Landscape: Potential Remedies and Medications
Recognizing the complexity of Alzheimer’s, the study does not propose a singular solution. However, it aligns with recent strides in medication development. The FDA’s accelerated approval of Aducanumab, an immunotherapy targeting beta-amyloid proteins, stands out as a notable achievement. Ongoing research aims to determine its impact on cognitive decline over time, offering hope for the future.
A Holistic Approach: Beyond Hops
(Take note, we personally do not believe much in holistic approaches, and prefer the more scientific backings of the Alzheimer’s community and research, but to give all the information, we are presenting it here.)
While the findings emphasize the potential of hops, it is crucial to note that the study does not advocate increased beer consumption, as alcohol remains a recognized risk factor for Alzheimer’s. However, the research underscores the multifaceted approach to Alzheimer’s prevention, with hops serving as a foundational element in a broader strategy.
Exploring Alternatives: Olive Oil and Cognitive Health
Beyond hops, recent scientific publications, including the MICOIL study, highlight the potential benefits of extra virgin olive oil in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s without adverse side effects. These diverse interventions showcase the evolving landscape of combating Alzheimer’s, combining innovative therapies with dietary strategies for a comprehensive approach.
In Summary
Nugget Hops Hanging on the Vine
A brief, recap and summary of the article and study as a whole:
In a groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Milano-Bicocca, researchers explored the potential of hop flower extracts, commonly found in beer, as a preventive measure against Alzheimer’s disease. The study focused on four prevalent hop varieties—Cascade, Saaz, Tettnang, and Summit—to investigate their impact on inhibiting the clumping of amyloid beta proteins, a key factor associated with Alzheimer’s. The findings revealed that hop extracts not only successfully hindered the clumping of these proteins around cells but also exhibited antioxidant properties, showcasing potential protective effects on the body’s cells. The study highlighted the versatility of hop extracts, commonly used in beer production, especially in ales like Indian Pale Ales (IPA), as well as in herbal teas and soft drinks.
Tettnang hops, cultivated in the Bodensee district of southern Baden-Württemberg, Germany, emerged as standout performers in the study. These hops demonstrated a unique ability to clear out malfunctioning proteins due to their elevated levels of antioxidants. The researchers suggest that this specific characteristic positions hops, especially Tettnang hops, as potential key components in foods designed to prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Despite the complexity of Alzheimer’s, the study adds a promising dimension to the ongoing exploration of preventive measures, showcasing the potential of incorporating hop extracts into dietary habits to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
While the study emphasized the positive aspects of hop extracts, it cautioned against increased beer consumption, given that alcohol remains a recognized risk factor for Alzheimer’s. However, the research underscores a multifaceted approach to Alzheimer’s prevention, aligning with recent advancements such as the FDA’s accelerated approval of Aducanumab, an immunotherapy targeting beta-amyloid proteins. The evolving landscape of combating Alzheimer’s encompasses not only innovative therapies but also dietary interventions, as evidenced by the potential benefits of extra virgin olive oil highlighted in recent scientific publications, providing hope for a comprehensive strategy in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.
Of course, the most reliable and accurate information, as well as help for loved ones, as well as caretakers can be found at the Alzheimer’s Association’s website. They are the leading fighter against Alzheimer’s and Dementia and their website has all the resources a person could need for their fight against Alzheimer’s. You can also go to their website to donate and to help fund research to fight Alzheimer’s.
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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:
We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.
Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – Facebook, Facebook Group, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)
“Our Lahaina!” My sister’s text hit me like a shovel to the back of my head. The town was gone. Just gone. Although my sister and I grew up on the island of Oahu, home to Honolulu and Waikiki, we had walked down Front Street of Lāhainā just before the onset of the pandemic. It was my final evening in my home state after visiting every brewery on four different islands as part of my book, Hawai’I Beer: A History of Brewing in Paradise.
We strolled down the streets of the first capital of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi under the shade of a 150 year old Banyan tree the length of a street block, eventually making it to the stonewall as the waves of the Pacific lapped against it. The fire has wiped out the shops where we browsed and the restaurant where we ate dinner. The Banyan tree might survive; the stonewall is now remembered for where people leapt over it to seek refuge in the ocean from the firestorm.
Hundreds of people are still unaccounted for, meaning the death toll will climb above the current number of 114. Over 2000 buildings no longer exist. Those were homes, churches, museums and businesses. Among the businesses that have been lost are breweries.
The beautiful and peaceful view from Maui
“Maui deserved good beer” is what Garrett Marrero, the president and CEO of Maui Brewing Company, said during the interview for my book when I asked why Maui was a good place to start his brewery. He has been one of the strongest community members leading the recovery efforts. His brewery locations all survived. The same cannot be said of Waikiki Brewing Company’s Lāhainā location. Kohola Brewing Company was also completely destroyed. I remember its taproom vividly—the small bar near big warehouse doors is where I chatted with two tourists from Wisconsin about the travels for my book. A cool driftwood coffee table was off to the side. The photos Kohola posted on Instagram of their ruined brewery make me queasy. I can’t bear to remember it that way. And, as a one-time brewery owner, I can empathize with how much of the hard work and love of Kohola’s owners and staff put in to create a special place.
View from Maui Brewing’s patio
Kohola Brewing Company
“Kohola” is the Hawaiian word for humpback whale and whales dive deep then inhale as they resurface. I have no doubt that Kohola and Maui as a whole will breathe and resurface.
We can help. For Kohola Brewing Company, they have a link on their Instagram page to support their staff. Maui Brewing Company has started a national, international “Kōkua” brew, a beer with a recipe that Maui Brewing designed and supplied. “Kōkua” is Hawaiian for “extending support and cooperation.” Any brewery can participate. Encouraging your local brewery to participate would be great. Buying the beer when it’s released will likewise help; 100% of the proceeds will go to charities.
For me, I kōkua by supporting the Maui Humane Society and Art Supplies for Lāhainā. As Maui resurfaces, animals and art can help it breathe again. I hope you’ll find some way to kōkua Maui, too. Mahalo nui loa (Thank you very much).
Paul R. Kan
Donate to Maui wildfire relief; get a free book. Paul is offering to send a free copy of his book, Hawai’i Beer: A History of Brewing in Paradise, to anyone who makes a donation of any amount to help Maui relief. It’s on the honor system, and people can e-mail Paul at, after they’ve made a donation to provide their address. If you’re looking for a beer-related way to support, Maui Brewing has a relief fund that is soliciting donations.
Paul grew up in Hawai’i and knows its unique culture, traditions, and history. He is the author of Hawai’i Beer: A History of Brewing in Paradise, which the North American Guild of Beer Writers awarded second place for Best New Book of 2021. He currently lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Paul R. Kan Articles
The following are articles that Paul R. Kan has written here for The Beer Thrillers:
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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:
We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.
Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – Facebook, Facebook Group, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)
Broad Street Market on fire this morning (July 10th, 2023) (photo courtesy of CBS 21 News)
The Broad Street Market Caught on Fire This Morning
The historic Broad Street Market caught on fire early this morning, July 10th, 2023. The fire call came into the Harrisburg Firefighters Bureau a little after 1 AM in Harrisburg. The blaze was large and out of control at first, with flames and smoke being seen blocks and neighborhoods away.
The market at Third and Verbeke streets is made up of two buildings, a stone one that faces Third Street, and a brick building to the rear. It was the brick building that burned. The building has stood for 145 years.
Harrisburg Fire Chief Brian Enterline said approximately half the building was destroyed; the other half sustained significant damage. On the half of the building that was destroyed, the roof was gone and only the walls remained standing.
Broad Street Market set up for Fourth of July (photo courtesy of Broad Street Market)
The Broad Street Market was constructed in 1863, and is considered one of the country’s oldest continuously running and operated market houses.
Overall, the market has over 40 vendors, a mixture of grocery and prepared food vendors.
According to eyewitnesses, the brick building appeared largely gutted, with much of its roof sustaining heavy damage.
The Broad Street Market is owned by the city and operated by an independent nonprofit. The market claims to be the oldest continuously operated market house in the country.
The Broad Street Market is a revered landmark in the Harrisburg community. It is adjacent to The Millworks Brewery and Restaurant and also houses a ZeroDay Brewing Company location – ZeroDay Outpost at Broad Street Market.
The stone building sitting in front was built in the early 1860s while the brick building followed in the 1870s. The brick building, which burned early Monday, is 145 years old while the stone building celebrates its 160th birthday this year. The market itself was founded in 1860.
Several community stalwarts, like Urban Churn and The Millworks posted on social media this morning discussing their sadness over the fire.
Community helpers have announced that as soon as more information is available they will be broadcasting and announcing ways that the community can aid and assist and help in the rebuild and restructuring of the market going forward.
It is devastating, this is a building that has served the community for a long time.
Harrisburg Fire Chief – Brian Enterline
The market is open only Thursdays to Saturdays. According to its website, it was founded in 1860. The stone building was completed in 1863 and the brick was built between 1874 and 1878. It claims to be the oldest continuously operated market house in the U.S.
The market in Harrisburg’s midtown neighborhood has about 40 vendors between the two buildings, mostly selling food. The courtyard in between serves as a spot for music, community events and additional vendors.
Nearby breweries include The Millworks (adjacent to the Broad Street Market) and ZeroDay Brewing Company, a brewing company located downtown, that also had an ‘outpost’ at the Broad Street Market. For more articles about these breweries, check them out below:
Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:
If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!
-B. Kline
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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:
We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.
Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – Facebook, Facebook Group, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!
We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.
The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!
If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.
Budweiser Renews World Cup Sponsorship With FIFA for World Cup 2026
Despite the World Cup 2022 fiasco, Budweiser has renewed World Cup sponsor deal with FIFA. Budweiser will still be the official World Cup beer through the 2026 tournament in the United States, after brewer AB InBev renewed with FIFA. Budweiser is brewed by AB InBev.
Last year, as we discussed here – Qatar Bans Alcohol Sales at World Cup in Last Second Decision – with just days to go before the tournament kicked off, Qatar banned alcohol sales at the World Cup. Creating a disturbance for the Budweiser and FIFA sponsorship deal that had Budweiser proclaimed The Beer of the World Cup. (This happened just two days before the tournament began in Qatar, World Cup organizers withdrew a longstanding promise to let fans at stadiums buy beer with alcohol.)
The Budweiser brand by AB InBev was the official beer of the World Cup since the 1986 tournament. Despite this, Budweiser is still more than willing to become the sponsorship again for the Men’s Tournament in 2026 – hosted by North American countries (United States, Mexico, and Canada).
FIFA seemed unable to protect AB InBev under pressure from Qatar in a dispute which appeared to be a potential breach of contract issue for soccer’s world body. The conservative Muslim nation signed up to honor FIFA’s commercial partners when it started bidding to be host in 2009.
Though sales of Budweiser dropped in stadiums, the global publicity over the dispute arguably boosted the brewer and left little doubt which brand was tied to the World Cup.
AB InBev is certainly looking forward to having Budweiser brand being the official beer of the World Cup again; especially after recent set backs with their Budweiser Light (Bud Light) brand in the wake of the Republican / Conservative outcry in recent months.
Budweiser will also be the official beer of the Women’s World Cup which is set to kick off next month in Australia and New Zealand. (This was already a deal in place before today’s announcement.)
A renewal for the 2026 World Cup seemed a done deal even during the dispute in Doha. FIFA president Gianni Infantino said then that relations with AB InBev were good and handshakes had been exchanged before arriving in Qatar.
The Men’s World Cup Tournament is scheduled for 2026 and will see an increased tournament structure; going to 104 games (from the previous 64). The tournament is due to be co – hosted by the North American countries of Canada, United States, and Mexio.
FIFA World Cup tournaments are the most popular sporting events in the world. We are deeply connected to the fans and to football all over the world, which is why we’re excited about extending the relationship with FIFA.
AB InBev chief marketing officer Marcel Marcondes
In the press conference the value of the renewal was not stated. The sponsorship was reported to be about seventy five million ($75,000,000) for the previous World Cup, hosted in Qatar.
More Information on Budweiser and AB InBev
The following comes from Untappd.
AB InBev (Belgium) is a subsidary of Anheuser-Busch InBev (shortened to Anheuser-Busch on Untappd). They are a macro brewery out of Leuven, Vlaanderen Belgium. They have 29 unique beers with a global average Untappd rating of 3.35 (as of 6.8.23). Their Untappd description reads: As a company, we dream big to create a future with more cheers. We are always looking to serve up new ways to meet life’s moments, move our industry forward and make a meaningful impact in the world. We are committed to building great brands that stand the test of time and to brewing the best beers using the finest ingredients. Our diverse portfolio of well over 500 beer brands includes global brands Budweiser®, Corona® and Stella Artois®; multi-country brands Beck’s®, Hoegaarden®, Leffe® and Michelob ULTRA®; and local champions such as Aguila®, Antarctica®, Bud Light®, Brahma®, Cass®, Castle®, Castle Lite®, Cristal®, Harbin®, Jupiler®, Modelo Especial®, Quilmes®, Victoria®, Sedrin®, and Skol®. Our brewing heritage dates back more than 600 years, spanning continents and generations. From our European roots at the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium. To the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co brewery in St. Louis, US. To the creation of the Castle Brewery in South Africa during the Johannesburg gold rush. To Bohemia, the first brewery in Brazil. Geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets, we leverage the collective strengths of approximately 164,000 colleagues based in nearly 50 countries worldwide.
Anheuser-Busch is a subsidary of Anheuser-Busch InBev, and is a macro brewery out of St. Louis, Missouri. They have 529 unique beers with a total of 2,866,128 Ratings, and a global average rating of 2.65 (as of 6.8.23). Their top beers are Bud Lite, Budweiser, and Michelob Ultra (in order). Their Untappd description reads: The leading American brewer, bringing people together for more than 160 years.
You can follow them on the following social media:
Budweiser is an American Lager by Anheuser-Busch. It has 12 IBU and is 5% ABV. The Untappd description reads: Known as “The King of Beers,” Budweiser was first introduced by Adolphus Busch in 1876 and it’s still brewed with the same high standards today. Budweiser is a medium-bodied, flavorful, crisp American-style lager. Brewed with the best barley malt and a blend of premium hop varieties, it is an icon of core American values like optimism and celebration.
It has over 461,000 ratings, and its global average rating is 2.61 (as of 6.8.23).
If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including AC Beerfest recaps, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!
-B. Kline
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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The press release, announced on the social media platforms for both companies was the same, and reads as follows:
Attention NJ & MD craft beer lovers- we have an announcement!
New Jersey’s River Horse Brewing Company, in Ewing, NJ has acquired DuClaw Brewing Company of Baltimore, MD. The powerful combination of two beloved brands that each boast a legacy of over 25 years of great beer will ensure the continued success of these products.
While each brand will be managed separately, the efficiencies created by combining facilities and sharing production capacity and certain distribution partnerships will strengthen both entities. Dave Benfield, Founder of DuClaw will continue to be the driving force behind the strategy, portfolio, product innovation and vibe of DuClaw and will ensure the continuity of the highest quality beer. River Horse will be expanding capacity in its Ewing, NJ facility in order to meet the demands of DuClaw’s national distribution footprint. Stay tuned to some new innovative product releases to supplement the amazing DuClaw lineup.
“From the first day that we sat down with Dave to discuss a possible combination, we knew that this would be a wonderful partnership.” Says River Horse’s Chris Walsh. “Dave is one of the most innovative minds in brewing and is always ahead of the curve in his flavor profile formulations.” Dave is thrilled to transition the production responsibilities to the team in Ewing, NJ so he can give 100% of his attention to the part of the business that he truly loves, products, strategy and sales. “The operations side of brewing is challenging, and at the end of the day I was spending too much of my time and energy chasing the latest mechanical, supply or logistical issue, and was taken away from driving the brand the way I wanted.” Says Benfield. “This partnership will allow me to focus on what I am best at.”
Don’t expect to see too many changes though, you should be able to get your favorite River Horse and DuClaw beers at your local store and taverns without interruption.
River Horse is currently seeking new team members. Anyone interested in becoming part of the brewing, packaging or cellaring team should send a resume to
For the moment, it looks like not a whole lot for the consumer. It would appear that both River Horse Brewing Company and DuClaw Brewing Company beers will be appearing on shelves (with possibly greater distribution); on the production side of things, it looks like the two breweries will be using each other’s production facilities and brewhouses.
This should likely increase both brands distribution footprint. But no word on that, or guarantee of that yet. No word on the specifics of the deal yet either.
Reception of the News
The news broke first to a few journalists, then to the public at large. The reception was ‘interesting’ in the Maryland and southern (going to Asheville NC) region. One (anonymous) brewer said “this should have happened 20 years ago”, and another (anonymous) brewer said “I feel bad for River Horse for getting attached to the shitty DuClaw organization”. (Both comments were said on Facebook, but I have chosen to keep the brewers names anonymous.)
For More Information about DuClaw Brewing Company
The following comes from Untappd. DuClaw Brewing Company is a regional brewery from Baltimore, Maryland. They have 81 unique beers with over 1.2 Million ratings. They have a global average rating of 3.69 (as of 6.1.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Maryland Brewery established in 1996. Brewing and drinking what we like. Trying not to take ourselves too seriously. Craft be cherished, rules be damned.”
You can find them on the following social media platforms:
For More Information About River Horse Brewing Company
The following information comes from Untappd. They are a micro brewery from Ewing New Jersey, with a total of 346 unique beers and over 240,000 ratings. They have a global average rating of 3.64 (as of 6.1.23).
You can follow them on these social media platforms:
Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:
Thank you everyone for reading. It seems like the craft beer world is shrinking a bit. More acquisitions, more closings, seem to be happening by the day. Such a shame, but we are kind of at a bad spot economically, and the craft beer bubble was “due to burst” at some point.
Hopefully the trend stops, and we get some stability. Fingers crossed.
Tomorrow Drew and I leave for Atlantic City for the AC Beer and Music Fest. We are also running the 5K on Sunday. God help us.
Thanks for reading everyone, and we’ll keep you updated on any news we get.
-B. Kline
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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Yesterday around noon, a huge brewery shift was announced. F.X. Matt Brewing Company (Saranac) from New York has acquired Flying Dog Brewery (from Maryland). New York’s FX Matt Brewing Company has struck a deal to acquire Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick, Maryland,both companies announced today via press releases, social media, and other formats.
As of this writing, no financial terms have been discussed, disclosed, or announced so far as the deal pertains. Flying Dog’s production will begin shifting to FX Matt Brewing Company’s Utica New York production facility over the summer; unfortunately this means that Flying Dog’s production in Maryland will cease and stop sometime mid August.
They are looking to keep a presence of Flying Dog Brewery in Maryland, choosing not to fully abandon the area that gave birth to Flying Dog Brewery and that supported them.
Flying Dog will maintain a presence in Maryland as FX Matt is seeking a location for an innovation brewery and taproom in Frederick.
FX Matt is a logical fit for Flying Dog as the company has contract brewed many of Flying Dog’s offerings over the years due to capacity constraints at the Maryland brewery.
F.X. Matt Brewing Company Acquires Flying Dog Brewery
…a great opportunity to grow in the Mid-Atlantic region.
FX Matt CEO Fred Matt (in talking about acquiring Flying Dog Brewery)
CEO Fred Matt was very enthusiastic in the announcement of their acquiring Flying Dog Brewery. Discussing how it’ll help them distribute their own, as well as Flying Dog’s brand of beers more, as well as growing their footprint and area scope.
When you think of craft beer in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic, Flying Dog is the first brand that pops into your head. We are excited to join forces with such a great brand and look forward to helping Flying Dog reach new heights.
FX Matt Brewing Company CEO Fred Matt
Flying Dog Brewery’s CEO – Jim Caruso was also very enthusiastic over the deal. Saying how he believes that FX Matt Brewing Company, and CEO Fred Matt, will do a wonderful job of handling the Flying Dog Brewery brand.
I could not imagine a better steward for the Flying Dog brand going forward than FX Matt.
Flying Dog Brewery CEO Jim Caruso
Jim Caruso continued:
We have worked with them for many years, they are a prestigious family-owned brewery with more than 135 years of history, they are committed to building on the deep roots Flying Dog has established in Maryland, and their capabilities will take Flying Dog to a new level. “It is important to me that FX Matt Brewing is offering employment opportunities to as many employees as possible and we will provide job placement assistance to team members. Frederick is a great place to live and do business, unfortunately even though we have invested millions of dollars in the brewery, it has too many limitations and puts Flying Dog at too great a competitive disadvantage.
Flying Dog Brewery CEO Jim Caruso
In 2021, FX Matt Brewing Company completed a nearly $35 million brewery upgrade, (as shown in the Brewbound News article linked there) with the investments made possible by the sale of a 20% stake in the business to the Brooklyn Brewery, which has contract produced its beer at F.X. Matt Brewing’s Utica production based facility, for around 30 years.
The deal between FX Matt and Flying Dog will bring together the 14th and 34th largest Brewers Association – defined craft breweries by volume in 2022, respectively, as shown on the Brewer’s Association list here – Top 50 Craft Breweries. This will instantly catapult them by volume into the Top 10 of that list.
Flying Dog Brewery’s CMO – Ben Savage will become head of the Flying Dog Brewing Division after the FX Matt take over.
This acquisition gives our brand immediate capabilities and flexibility to adapt to the changing consumer preferences. There will always be a market for great beer, but the lines between beer, cocktails, spirits, and wine continue to blur. FX Matt Brewing Company gives Flying Dog significant resources to not only optimize our current product portfolio, but also quickly develop products in new, emerging categories.
Current Flying Dog CMO – Ben Savage
The merge between these two will certainly be shifting things in the overall brewing landscape, as far as volume, distribution, sales, and shelf space are concerned.
In 2021 (the latest year that production data is available), FX Matt produced 183,200 barrels of beer (-4%), while Flying Dog’s output reached 81,231 barrels (+4%). The two breweries’ combined output of more than 264,400 barrels of beer would rank them as a top-10 BA-defined craft brewery that year.
Both Flying Dog and FX Matt are elder breweries within their respective corners of the industry. FX Matt was founded in 1888 and is in its fourth generation of family ownership. At 135 years old, it is the fourth-oldest family-owned brewery in the country, according to a press release. FX Matt’s brands include Saranac, Utica Club, Flying Bison and beyond beer offerings such as McKenzie’s Hard Cider and Jed’s mule RTDs.
Members of the Matt family have long been seen as leaders in the industry, with the BA’s annual F.X. Matt Defense of the Industry Award given to a person who advocates for beer at the state or federal level. Earlier this year, Fred Matt was named chairman of the Beer Institute’s inaugural Brewers’ Council.
George Stranahan founded Flying Dog in 1990 as a brewpub in Aspen, Colorado. The brewery added additional capacity in Colorado throughout the 1990s, before acquiring Maryland-based Frederick Brewing Company in 2006. The Frederick facility became its sole headquarters after the company announced it would shutter its Colorado brewery in December 2007, according to the Baltimore Business Journal.
Stranahan’s friendship with gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson colored much of the brewery’s attitude and branding, which was created by artist Ralph Steadman at Thompson’s recommendation, according to the brewery’s website.
Flying Dog Brewery’s Stance on Free Speech and Censorship
Flying Dog Brewery has had a bit of a history of ‘controversy’. They’ve always partnered with local (and national) groups, organizations, and fundraisers about free speech, censorship, and anti – book banning. With beer names like “Raging Bitch” it is easy to see how they drew the ire of different groups over the years.
Flying Dog Brewery has also used a few sexually explicit, or sexually suggestive names over the years as well. With beer names like Pearl Necklace Chesapeakee Stout, and Doggy Style Pale Ale, amongst a few others.
They have been partnered with Ralph Steadman for artwork on their beer cans and beer bottles for quite a while now. Ralph Steadman also did the artwork for Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas, as well as other books (he also recently did the artwork for a new edition of Animal Farm by George Orwell).
Flying Dog has long held free speech as a company value. In 2009, Flying Dog filed a federal challenge after the Michigan Liquor Control Commission rejected a label for Raging Bitch, the brewery’s 20th anniversary beer, as well as several other labels containing the word “bitch.” Flying Dog won its case in 2015 and was awarded a six-figure damages payment, which it used to establish the First Amendment Society.
The brewery terminated its Brewers Association (BA) membership in 2017 after the trade group amended its Advertising and Marketing Code to curtail the use of “sexually explicit, lewd, or demeaning brand names, language, text, graphics, photos, video, or other images” in craft beer marketing.
The following information comes from Untappd. Flying Dog Brewery is a regional brewery fro Frederick, Maryland. They have 88 unique beers, with over 2 million ratings, and a global average rating of 3.62 (as of 5.23.23). Their Untappd description reads: We are craft beer crusaders who stand tall and never eat shit.
You can find them on the following social media pages:
For More Information on F.X. Matt Brewing Company (Saranac)
The following information comes from Untappd. Saranac Brewery (FX Matt Brewing Company) is a regional brewery from Utica New York. They have 412 unique beers with over 800,000 ratings, and a global average rating of 3.47 (as of 5.23.23). Their Untappd description reads: The FX Matt Brewing Company is the only brewery in America to have three district tours in craft beer: – Our founder, FX Matt, was making craft beers pre-Prohibition (including his West End IPA (AKA Legacy) in1914) – The “Utica Club” brand was notably crafty for the WWII era, having made a large variety of styles – Finally, we came full circle back to our craft roots when we initiated the Saranac brand in the mid-80’s. Why does all of this matter? It Means we’ve got a whole lot of expertise in the craft space.
You can find them on the following social media pages:
Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:
I honestly can’t say the last time I had a Flying Dog beer, or a Saranac beer. I know both breweries seemed like a much bigger deal, ten – twelve – fifteen years ago when I was getting into craft beer. I loved the Flying Dog beer art due to Ralph Steadman and the Gonzo / Hunter S. Thompson correlation.
Its interesting and amazing how times change. This might be a big shift for the brewing industry with two Top 35 breweries merging, but I’m not sure it’ll be all that huge. Time will tell.
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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Well happy release day everyone! It’s Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom release day (5.12.23). Did everyone get it already? Physical copy or download?
Earlier in the day I covered Black Flag Brewing Company’s latest release – Motueka’s Mask; in honor of Majora’s Mask. You can find that beer review here:
Was a wonderfully tasty New England IPA released just in time for Zelda day. (I guess we can call today Zelda day can’t we?)
Just like Star Wars – which we cover every year with our May the Fourth articles (May the Fourth 2022 and May the Fourth 2023), this article is going to take a look at Zelda and Craft Beers designed to celebrate the Legacy of Zelda.
There is certainly no shortage of craft beers that illustrate the influence Zelda and the franchise has had on the brewers, creators, and owners of breweries. So let’s celebrate Zelda!
Zelda and Craft Beer
Motueka’s Mask by Black Flag Brewing Company
Craft beer and video games might seem like two completely unrelated topics, but in recent years, many breweries have been releasing beers inspired by popular video games. One of the most popular franchises for video game-inspired beers is the Legend of Zelda series. Fans of the series can now enjoy a delicious brew while they embark on their next quest.
Deviate Brewing, based in Indianapolis, has created a beer that pays homage to one of the most iconic items in the Legend of Zelda series – Lon Lon Milk. Their Lon Lon Milk Stout is brewed with lactose and coffee beans, and it delivers a rich and creamy flavor that would satisfy any adventurer’s thirst.
Another popular Zelda-inspired beer is The Legend of Kolsch by Fifth Hammer Brewing. This light and refreshing German-style Kölsch features notes of honey and biscuit malt, with a crisp and clean finish. It’s the perfect brew to enjoy after a long day of dungeon crawling.
For those who prefer hoppy beers, Schilling Beer Co. has created an IPA that references a famous line from the original Legend of Zelda game – “It’s Dangerous to Go Alone”. Their It’s Dangerous to Go Alone IPA is brewed with Amarillo, Cascade, and Simcoe hops, giving it a bold and bitter flavor that is sure to satisfy any hophead.
Woodland Empire Ale Craft’s Majora’s Mango Wheat is a light and fruity wheat beer that is perfect for those hot summer days. Brewed with mango puree, it’s a delicious and refreshing beer that pays tribute to the Majora’s Mask game in the Zelda franchise.
Last but not least, Hop Butcher for the World has released a beer that is inspired by one of the most famous weapons in the Legend of Zelda series – the Master Sword. Their Master Sword IPA is brewed with Citra and Mosaic hops, delivering a hoppy and flavorful brew that would satisfy any beer enthusiast.
The popularity of video game-inspired beers has been on the rise in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Not only do these beers offer a fun and unique way to pay tribute to beloved games, but they also provide a new way for breweries to get creative with their flavor profiles and brewing techniques.
One reason why the Legend of Zelda franchise is such a popular source of inspiration for brewers is the rich and immersive world that it creates. From the lush forests of Hyrule to the mysterious temples and dungeons, the Zelda games offer a wealth of ideas and themes for brewers to draw from.
In addition to the Lon Lon Milk Stout, Deviate Brewing has also released a beer called Cucco Attack. This hoppy and citrusy IPA is named after the infamous Cuccos (or chickens) in the Zelda games, which can quickly turn on players if they attack them too many times.
Fifth Hammer Brewing has also released another Zelda-inspired beer called Clock Town Lager. Named after the bustling town in Majora’s Mask, this light and refreshing lager features notes of biscuit and honey malt, with a crisp and clean finish.
Meanwhile, Black Bottle Brewery has created a beer that pays tribute to one of the most iconic characters in the Zelda series – Link. Their Link’s Liquid Courage is a barleywine-style beer that is aged in bourbon barrels, giving it a bold and complex flavor that is sure to impress.
Another brewery that has gotten in on the Zelda-inspired beer trend is Burial Beer Co. Their Skorn of Ganon is an imperial stout that is aged in bourbon barrels and features notes of dark chocolate and coffee. It’s a rich and decadent beer that is perfect for sipping on a cold winter’s night.
Overall, the Legend of Zelda franchise has inspired some truly fantastic craft beers that are sure to please both gamers and beer enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re a fan of stouts, IPAs, lagers, or barleywines, there’s a Zelda-inspired beer out there that is sure to satisfy your thirst. So grab a cold one, sit back, and prepare to embark on your next epic quest!
Some Zelda Themed Beers
Lon Lon Milkshake IPA
There are several craft beers with a Zelda theme that have been produced by various breweries. Here are a few examples:
Lon Lon Milk Stout by Deviate Brewing – This beer is a rich and creamy stout brewed with lactose and coffee beans, inspired by the iconic Lon Lon Milk from the Legend of Zelda games.
The Legend of Kolsch by Fifth Hammer Brewing – This is a light and refreshing German-style Kölsch beer named after the iconic video game franchise. It features notes of honey and biscuit malt, with a crisp and clean finish.
It’s Dangerous to Go Alone IPA by Schilling Beer Co. – This beer is a hop-forward IPA brewed with Amarillo, Cascade, and Simcoe hops. The name is a reference to a famous line from the original Legend of Zelda game.
Majora’s Mango Wheat by Woodland Empire Ale Craft – This beer is a light and fruity wheat beer brewed with mango puree. It is named after the Majora’s Mask game in the Zelda franchise.
Master Sword IPA by Hop Butcher for the World – This beer is an intensely hoppy IPA brewed with Citra and Mosaic hops. The name is a reference to the legendary Master Sword in the Legend of Zelda games.
These are just a few examples of the many Zelda-themed craft beers that have been created. If you are a fan of the franchise, you may want to check with your local breweries to see if they have any Zelda-inspired beers on their menu.
Craft Beer Brewers Are Just as Enthusiastic About Zelda
Craft Beer Brewers are just like Craft Beer Drinkers… kinda nerdy, kinda hip, kinda cool, kinda uncool. And that means they are just as enthusiastic about Zelda too. So thats why theres so many pop culture themed beers, like Zelda beers, Star Wars beers, etc.
Calling all Zelda fans and craft beer enthusiasts! The Legend of Zelda franchise has inspired a wave of creative and delicious craft beers, and we’re here to explore some of the best brews that pay homage to this beloved series.
First up on our list is Lon Lon Milk Stout from Finkel & Garf Brewing in Boulder, Colorado. This sweet and creamy milk stout is named after the iconic Lon Lon Ranch from Ocarina of Time and features notes of chocolate and roasted malt. It’s a deliciously smooth and comforting beer that’s perfect for sipping on a chilly evening.
Another standout Zelda-inspired beer is Tears of the Goddess from Red Castle Brewery in Portland, Oregon. This Belgian-style golden ale is brewed with chamomile and honey, and is named after the tears of the goddesses that play a crucial role in the series’ lore. The beer is light and refreshing, with a sweet floral aroma and a crisp finish.
If you’re looking for something a bit hoppier, check out Cucco Attack IPA from Deviate Brewing in Indianapolis, Indiana. This citrusy and hoppy IPA is named after the infamous Cuccos (or chickens) that can wreak havoc on unsuspecting players in the Zelda games. With its bright and refreshing flavors, it’s a great beer to enjoy while embarking on your next epic quest.
For a darker and more decadent option, try Skorn of Ganon from Burial Beer Co. in Asheville, North Carolina. This imperial stout is aged in bourbon barrels and features notes of dark chocolate and coffee. It’s a rich and complex beer that’s perfect for sipping by the fire while reflecting on your latest adventure.
Finally, we have Clock Town Lager from Fifth Hammer Brewing in Queens, New York. This light and refreshing lager is named after the bustling Clock Town from Majora’s Mask and features notes of biscuit and honey malt. It’s a clean and crisp beer that’s perfect for pairing with a hearty meal after a long day of adventuring.
Whether you’re a diehard Zelda fan or just a beer enthusiast looking to try something new, these Zelda-themed craft beers are sure to delight. With their unique flavor profiles and creative names, they’re a testament to the enduring legacy of the Legend of Zelda franchise. So grab a cold one and let the games begin!
Twenty Zelda Themed Beers
Here’s twenty more Zelda themed beers:
Lon Lon Milk Stout from Finkel & Garf Brewing in Boulder, Colorado
Tears of the Goddess from Red Castle Brewery in Portland, Oregon
Cucco Attack IPA from Deviate Brewing in Indianapolis, Indiana
Skorn of Ganon from Burial Beer Co. in Asheville, North Carolina
Clock Town Lager from Fifth Hammer Brewing in Queens, New York
Triforce IPA from Noble Ale Works in Anaheim, California
Heart Container Hefeweizen from SanTan Brewing in Chandler, Arizona
The Legend of Hefe from 11 Below Brewing in Houston, Texas
Majora’s Mask Ale from Fiddlehead Brewing in Shelburne, Vermont
Master Sword IPA from Brew Link Brewing in Plainfield, Indiana
Kokiri Forest Ale from White Lion Brewing in Springfield, Massachusetts
Zelda’s Potion from Seabright Brewery in Santa Cruz, California
Great Deku Wheat from AleSmith Brewing in San Diego, California
Hylian Rye from 18th Street Brewery in Gary, Indiana
Red Potion Ale from Three Heads Brewing in Rochester, New York
Octorok Saison from Side Project Brewing in Maplewood, Missouri
Shadow Temple Stout from The Unknown Brewing Co. in Charlotte, North Carolina
Link’s Lemonade from Blackstone Brewery in Nashville, Tennessee
Dark World Black IPA from Urban Artifact in Cincinnati, Ohio
Spirit Temple Brown Ale from La Cumbre Brewing in Albuquerque, New Mexico
These are just a few examples of the many creative and delicious Zelda-themed craft beers out there. Each beer pays tribute to different aspects of the franchise, from iconic locations and characters to key gameplay elements and lore. So if you’re a fan of both craft beer and the Legend of Zelda, be sure to check out some of these brews and raise a glass to your favorite game series!
The Legend of Zelda Franchise
The Legend of Zelda – Opening Screen
The following comes from Wikipedia, and provides a quick summary of The Legend of Zelda franchise:
The series centers on the various incarnations of Link, a courageous young man of the elf-like Hylian race, and Princess Zelda, a magical princess who is the mortal reincarnation of the goddess Hylia, as they fight to save the magical land of Hyrule from Ganon, an evil warlord turned demon king, who is the principal antagonist of the series. Ganon wishes to use the Triforce, a sacred relic left behind by the three goddesses that created Hyrule, to remake the world in his own dark image. When gathered together, the power of the Triforce can grant any wish its user desires; however, if someone with a heart that does not possess a balance of the three virtues of Power, Courage, and Wisdom attempts to touch the Triforce, it will split into three triangles and bond with three people whose hearts embody the required virtue.
Although their personalities and backstory differ from game to game, the incarnations of Link and Zelda often have many traits in common, such as Link often being left-handed and clad in green, and Zelda being associated with wisdom, light, and prophesy. While the conflict with Ganon serves as a backbone for the series, some games have featured other settings and antagonists, with Link traveling or being sent to these other lands in their time of need.
Not going to go into the full timeline or gameplay, or every little nook and cranny of the entire 20+ game series, but I think the above does a pretty good job at being a quick summary, and I think the following gives you a good jist of the story.
According to the in-game backstories, the world of Hyrule was created by the three golden goddesses: Din, Farore, and Nayru.[28] Before departing, the goddesses left a sacred artifact called the Triforce, which could grant powers to the user. It physically manifests itself as three golden triangles in which each embodies one of the goddesses’ virtues: Power, Courage, and Wisdom.[29] However, because the Triforce has no will of its own and it can not judge between good and evil, it will grant any wish indiscriminately.[30][31] Because of this, it was placed within an alternate world called the “Sacred Realm” or the “Golden Land” until one worthy of its power and has balanced virtues of Power, Wisdom, and Courage in their heart could obtain it, in its entirety. If a person is not of a balanced heart, the triforce part that the user mostly believes in will stay with that person and the remainder will seek out others. In order to master and control the triforce as a whole, the user must get the other parts found in other individuals and bring them together to reunite them. The Sacred Realm can itself be affected by the heart of those who enters it: those who are pure will make it a paradise, while those who are evil will transform it into a dark realm.[32]
In Skyward Sword, the Triforce was sought by the Demon King Demise,[33] an eternal being that had conquered time itself.[34] After a long battle against the goddess Hylia, guardian of the Triforce, Demise was sealed away within her temple.[29][35] Hylia, placing the Hylians on a floating island (called Skyloft) in the sky to protect them, orchestrated a means to stop the demon from escaping: creating the Goddess Sword (later becoming the Master Sword) for her chosen hero[36] and discarding her divinity to be reborn among the people of Skyloft.[37] In time, Zelda and Link (the reborn Hylia and her predestined warrior) enacted the goddess’s plan and Demise was destroyed, but he vowed that his rage would be reborn and forever plague those descended from Link and Zelda.[38] Following the establishment of Hyrule Kingdom, Demise’s prophecy came to fruition in Ocarina of Time, when Ganondorf’s attempt to get the Triforce scattered it with him gaining the Triforce of Power. The Triforce of Wisdom ended up with the Hylian princesses descended from Zelda, each named after her, while the Triforce of Courage is passed to a youth named Link across generations. While the Triforces of Power and Wisdom have been part of the series since the original The Legend of Zelda, it was only in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link that the Triforce of Courage was first introduced, being obtained by Link at the end of his quest. The Triforce, or even a piece of it, is not always distributed as a whole. Such as in The Wind Waker, Link must find all the pieces (called Triforce Shards) of the Triforce of Courage before he can return to Hyrule. Even in the original The Legend of Zelda, Zelda breaks her Triforce of Wisdom into 8 pieces for Link to find, before she was captured by Ganon.
If you want a more thorough read make sure to read the full Wikipedia article or read the book ‘Hyrule Historia‘.
Top Zelda Games
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time box art
Here are the Metacritic rankings for the mainline Legend of Zelda games as of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021. Note that these rankings are subject to change as new reviews are added to the site:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) – 99
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch/Wii U) – 97
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo) – 95
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube) – 94
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii/GameCube) – 95 (Wii), 96 (GameCube)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (Nintendo 64) – 95
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) – 93
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons (Game Boy Color) – 91
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Game Boy Color) – 91
The Legend of Zelda (NES) – 90
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS) – 90
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance) – 90
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo DS) – 87
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GameCube) – 81
Keep in mind that these rankings are based on the average of professional critics’ reviews and do not necessarily reflect personal opinions or preferences.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Widely considered to be one of the greatest video games of all time, Ocarina of Time was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1998. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, immersive story, and stunning graphics, and introduced many of the mechanics and themes that have become staples of the Zelda franchise.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Released in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U, Breath of the Wild revolutionized the Zelda formula with its open-world exploration, non-linear gameplay, and survival mechanics. It was praised for its gorgeous visuals, engaging story, and sense of discovery, and is widely considered to be one of the best games of the modern era.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Originally released for the Super Nintendo in 1991, A Link to the Past is widely regarded as one of the greatest 2D action-adventure games ever made. It introduced many of the gameplay mechanics and design elements that have become hallmarks of the Zelda franchise, including the Light and Dark Worlds and the Master Sword.
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Released for the GameCube in 2002, The Wind Waker was initially controversial for its cel-shaded art style and lighter tone, but has since become a fan favorite. It was praised for its engaging story, memorable characters, and innovative use of sailing mechanics, and is considered one of the most visually striking games in the franchise.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Released for the Wii and GameCube in 2006, Twilight Princess was praised for its immersive world, engaging story, and darker tone. It introduced several new gameplay mechanics, including the ability to transform into a wolf, and is notable for being one of the few Zelda games to receive a T rating from the ESRB.
Some Fun Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom YouTube Vids
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Review
14 Things to Know about Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (GameSpot)
Improved Building Vehicles and Traps
15 Early Game Tips and Secrets – Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Zeltik)
Some Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Links
I always find it funny and ironic mentioning Links on websites with discussion about LINK the character…. but here we are. Here’s some fun links to look up when you have time:
You can now find us on Discord. Its a fun server for us all to hang out on and discuss craft beer, books, video games, movies, and much more. Check it out here:
Thank you all very much for reading. Been a busy week! We always appreciate having you here at the blog, make sure to check out our other articles!
Thank you for reading, I know this was a very long article, and it took me quite a while to do. So I appreciate everyone who read the article, who comments, who shares it, etc. Thank you very much!
In just a bit we are going to be starting up a live stream tonight at Drew’s for Knights of Nostalgia. You can find Josh (MasterMind X Studios), Drew (Knghts of Nostalgia) and myself (The Beer Thrillers) streaming tonight – here: Knights of Nostalgia | Facebook.
Whats your favorite Zelda game? Ocarina of Time? A Link to the Past? The original? Breath of the Wild?
How do you think Tears of the Kingdom will hold up?
Have you gotten to play Tears of the Kingdom yet? Enjoy it?
-B. Kline
Like I always say at the end of these articles — thanks for reading. We appreciate all the views and visitors! Let us know what you think of the site and the blog, and how we could improve it!
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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Yes, its that time again! Fourth year running of us mentioning it. (We started the blog in late May of 2019, so we’ve only gotten to tackle May the Fourth in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 now.)
Its that day again. A nerd day of celebratory and galactic proportions. A day to jump on Nintendo Switch Online, on, on Star and who knows how many other fan sites and branding sites to get tons of Star Wars related deals.
By now I’m sure you’ve seen it all over Facebook already, every brewery from near and far posting a picture of their workers in costume or a Star Wars movie still with a beer on the picture, usually with the branding of “May the Fourth Be With You” somewhere on the image.
I bet you are probably even within about a 20 mile radius of a brewery or bar doing “Star Wars trivia” tonight.
Its also a day here to celebrate Star Wars in general, and on The Beer Thrillers we are definitely doing that! We definitely love covering Star Wars here on The Beer Thrillers, and I think it shows with our sheer number of Star Wars themed beer reviews, Book of Boba Fett review, and even Star Wars book reviews. On our Facebook page you can find us often linking and sharing to various new beer releases by different (somewhat nearby for me) breweries that are Star Wars themed.
So with the idea of the fact that nearly every brewery is doing some kind of Star Wars themed day or releasing a Star Wars themed beer, I’m going to present a small list of near – ish to me places doing Star Wars beer released themed for this year’s May the Fourth Be With You. (I’m not going to run down a list of every place doing just Star Wars trivia, but the breweries that are at least doing a Star Wars themed beer release, or have a Star Wars themed beer on their menu. And of course, if I miss any, be sure to mention it in the comments section.)
May the Fourth Beer Releases
Star Wars meme our friend Josh at Master Mind X Studios made up for us.
Yes, its that time of year when brewers take their beers they’ve made, and decide to give it a Star Wars themed pun and shoot it out on May 4th or nearby arounds to great critical acclaim (and for people like me, who love Star Wars, to grab up and drink up).
(This is also when the mulers come out in droves, charging you 80$ for two four packs that are being sold for 22$, and willing to ship. I have stretches of DMs from yesterday of Floridians telling me “its totally the acceptable price to sell 40$ for a 4 pack”, and even though S&H doesn’t go up if you ship 4 or if you ship 8, still charging 40$ per pack, so 80$ for 8 beers.
Yea, actually, don’t get me started about the insane DMs I got from mulers and re-flippers specifically from the Miami area, trying to get me J. Wakefield Beers of their Star Wars release. I even had one guy DM and tell me that 105$ for a mixed four pack [two of one beer, two of the other], is a very generous offer.)
(Various Facebook posts about Star Wars themed beer releases.)
Star Wars Day Beer Releases
There is a lot of Star Wars day beer releases for today, the biggest notable one is typically RAR Brewery. Who does a Star Wars themed Out of Order beer release every year. This year they are releasing five Out of Order Star Wars themed beers.
RAR Brewing – Out of Order Star Wars
The RAR Brewing Company Out of Order series is one of their most notable series, and they typically do thematic four, five, six pack releases.
This year is a five – pack (not a typical four pack or six pack) that contains two old favorites as well as three new ones; also a new glass and a new ‘mood mat’.
Neshaminy Creek Brewing is releasing a Vienna Lager (German Style Lager) called Bantha Fodder today.
It’s time for MAY THE 4TH STAR WARS TRIVIA NIGHT! We’re pre-gaming our Revenge of the Sixth festivities with a night to flex your intergalactic intellect TONIGHT at 7pm. We’re also tapping Bantha Fodder – our new Spring Bock that is a Croydon Taproom exclusive.
There will be 3 rounds of 10 questions sure to test all you moof milkers out there! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams and the team with the best name so you better come correct. Don your best Star Wars gear and enjoy the soothing sounds of the Cantina Band on repeat! Our friends from the Moocheeze Food Truck will be here all night with a menu full of galactic goodies too. This IS the event you’re looking for.
Magnify Brewing Company is releasing their Blue Milk (Smoothie Sour Ale).
Black Flag Brewing Company – Nerf Herder
Black Flag Brewing Company is re-releasing Nerf Herder (as well as also releasing a Zelda themed beer called Mouteka’s Mask, a parody of Majora’s Mask.)
Bolero Snort Brewing Company
Bolero Snort Brewing Company is going all out. They are releasing in cans – Rancow Attack and Ahsocow. They are also having the following on draft:
In probably my favorite mash up; Second Sin Brewing Company (Bristol, PA) is releasing Obi Wan Jabroni. A mash up of The Rock and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Crooked Crab Brewing Company – Crabdalorian
Always enjoy the pun twists like this one – Crooked Crab is releasing the “Crabdalorian” today in celebration of Star Wars Day / May the Fourth Be With you. (Similarly, Tattered Flag in the past released “The Pandalorian“.)
Brewery Fire – Hoth: Mangalorian
We’ve covered Brewery Fire’s “The Mangalorian” before, but this is a new take on it. A Cold IPA version of it, appropriately titled: Hoth: The Mangalorian.
Divine Barrel has a re-release of their “I Did it For the Wookie” beer.
Bottle Logic – Three Releases
Bottle Logic Brewing Company is releasing three beers for today, but as of time of writing, they have only announced two. “Tatooine Sunset” and “Unlimited Power”.
J. Wakefield Beer
The last I’m gonna highlight here is J. Wakefield Beer’s two releases for today. Dagobah Downpour and Max Rebo’s Sour Ale. Who doesn’t love Max Rebo? Honestly. Coolest musician ever. Other than maybe Droopy McCool who was a Jizz Whailer. (And yes… thats a real term in Star Wars before you get mad at me!)
Help A Brother Out
Here’s gonna be my call out. Help a Brother Out! If you ever see a Star Wars themed, Futurama themed, Zelda themed, Lord of the Rings themed, Seinfeld themed, Simpsons themed, pretty much anything nerdy pop culture themed, beer, shoot me a message. Maybe we can work out a deal or sale or trade or something.
Always looking to get my hands on Star Wars and other nerd themed beers to review for the site / blog. So if you know of any – let me know! I wanna check them all out!
In this article, I broke down what Star Wars Day is (May the Fourth) and discussed what Star Wars articles I had written up to that point. (Don’t worry, there have been PLENTY of new Star Wars content since then.)
One of the first Star Wars themed beers I reviewed here on the blog, and one of our most popular beer review articles. A good friend (Roy Ge) picked it up for me and Drew to drink at his place while we did a podcast about The Mandalorian. Was an absolutely wonderful beer. They have released a few variants since. One of which I am covering in the upcoming weeks with the Obi-Wan Kenobi show.
This is Nut the Fluff You Are Looking for by Fourscore Beer Co.
Picked this big bad boy of a bottle up when I was in Gettysburg with Ming and Don and brought it back to drink with Drew. As you can see on the blog, you’ll be able to find several Fourscore Beer Co reviews (you can even find Amy’s latest beer review right here – Phantomania). They are a phenomenal brewery that loves delving into Star Wars themed beers. We just picked up a four pack of soft swerves from them that were Star Wars themed, and can’t wait to dive into them here for the blog.
One of our most popular articles on the blog (right up there with our yearly March Madness tournament posts, our review of Yuengling’s Hershey Porter, and with the Broken Skulls IPA by Stone Cold). This was the first of the Out of Order series I’ve reviewed, and it was a solo one they originally did, but then brought back when they did their Star Wars release in 2021. You’ll find others from that series down below.
Another excellent beer, and another Star Wars themed beer by Fourscore Beer Co. Had to work to get this one because I missed out on their initial release and it sold out quickly. Got it through a trade chain through the Central PA Whalerz group, and was I ever so grateful. Delicious beer.
From our good friends at Tattered Flag comes this mash-up parody beer called The Pandalorian. This is a very juicy, tasty New Engand IPA that hit the spot on a warm sunny day in November. Soon after my trip back from Indianapolis, (as you can tell by the Vonnegut glass), I got lucky and still had some nice warm November days, and I took full advantage of it laying out and drinking in the sun while reading.
One of the beers I picked up on my trip to and from Indianapolis was Java the Stout by Jackie O’s. It was a delicious stout that “lived up to its name”. Also, the can art is absolutely phenomenal. Its worth checking out just for that.
One of the first Star Wars themed beers I’ve reviewed by Bolero Snort, and a fantastic beer. The other was BoBull Fett and I reviewed that for the premier episode of ‘Book of Boba Fett‘.
In early January I hiked with Ming in the Catoctin Mountain area of Maryland. Afterwards we stopped at Brewery Fire and I picked this up to go. This was my May the Fourth review last year. Wonderful beer, and a great brewery that loves their nerd and pop culture references.
Another beer review from Bolero Snort, and this time a crowler. We traveled out to New Jersey to pick this up the day of the premier for Book of Boba Fett and then reviewed it for the show as our first of the weekly beer reviews for our “Star Wars Wednesdays”. A fantastic beer.
Back to RAR Brewing and their Out of Order series. Part of their Star Wars batch of the Out of Order series (along with Blue Milk making its return). Jabba’s Palace scene on the background on the computer from Return of the Jedi. As you can also see with the BoBull Fett beer review, the beginning of all the Star Wars LEGOs being shown in the beer pics.
On a cold wintery snowy day in January (January 19th), and another Star Wars Wednesday, I took this Hoth like scene pic with another great Out of Order series beer from RAR Brewing.
Our first Mead review on the blog, and it was a fantastic mead. Check out Space Time Meadery and Cidery if you are in the Scranton PA area. You won’t be disappointed.
Let the Haze Flow Through You by Black Flag Brewing Co.
One of several Black Flag beers we’ve covered on the blog. A top notch brewery we love to hit up whenever we’re able to in the Maryland area. (Its about an hour and a half – plus – drive from our location near Harrisburg.) It has quickly become one of Amy’s favorite breweries. In the background you an also see Troeg’s Double Nugget Nectar which we have reviewed as well.
On another of our brewery trips (this time making our way from Burley Oak over to Cushwa for their 5th Anniversary Brewfest) we stopped at Tall Tales Brewing Co, where I couldn’t help trying out a Star Wars themed beer… especially a stout!
Back to RAR Brewing’s Out of Order series for our next Star Wars beer review, another of our weekly Book of Boba Fett “Star Wars Wednesdays” beer reviews. A wonderful sour from RAR in line with their others from the series (and their Out of Order series as a whole).
All of Our Nerd Content
Here’s all of our nerd content, served up best in one single place. Enjoy!
I know ya’ll here for the nerd reviews. So check out our other nerd reviews below:
Seeing all the different brewery releases everywhere on a day like this always gives me big time FOMO feelings. Like I’m missing out on a ton of beer. I have reigned that in a lot in my older years, I no longer due to line waiting, and I tamper down mule buying too much (doing more per cost, not willing to give mules a ton of extra money, etc.). Because deep down we all know – beer is beer. As long as you enjoy the beer, it could be called “Zapp Branigan’s Fart” or it could be called “The Death Star IPA” or “IPA”, and it would all taste the same. I think its good to keep that all in perspective when getting that “FOMO” feeling.
Thank you everyone for checking this out.
Also, make sure you stay up to date on the latest of the Founders Brewing Company’s current ‘saga’:
Today (obviously) is May 4th. “May the 4th Be With You.” Anyone planning on doing any fun silly Star Wars stuff? Any breweries you are hitting up for some fun beer releases?
Lots of places are turning their normal Thursday night trivia into “Star Wars Trivia” nights.
So what all are you getting into?
Then, Friday is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). And THEN – its the Craft Brewers Conference May 7th – May 10th. What a busy grouping of days!
Thank you for reading everyone. We are gearing up for the Craft Brewers Conference (CBC) this upcoming week. We are traveling down Saturday and Sunday, and going to be at the conference late Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
We are totally psyched and cannot wait.
Will you be there? What do you hope to see, learn, do? Anything cool we should check out? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:
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You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.
We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.
The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!
If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at Thank you.
This happened previously in 2019, and they temporarily closed the Detroit taproom. This time the taproom is being closed permanently.
(For more information on their previous time being sued, see later in this article.)
As per Detroit Fox News 2:
The Grand Rapids-based brewery abruptly shuttered Monday, citing the impact Covid closures that it said made it difficult to regain foot traffic.
In a statement from Founders, the brewery said the decision to close the taproom was announced to employees Monday morning, and they were not aware of the lawsuit until a reporter contacted them that evening.
That announcement came the same day a lawsuit was filed claiming racial discrimination at the taproom.
The suit, brought against Founders by a Black employee who worked there from June 2021 until April 2023, claims that the “environment became so objectively racially hostile that she had no choice but to resign.”
This is the second racial discrimination lawsuit filed against Founders because of alleged conduct at the Detroit taproom. In 2019, a former employee sued the company.
The employee behind that lawsuit said he was fired in 2018 after telling his supervisor that he planned to meet with the company’s human resources department to discuss the alleged racist work environment.
After that lawsuit became public, Founders closed the Detroit taproom for several months. The company eventually settled with the former employee. When the taproom reopened in 2020, it said it was creating a diversity and inclusion strategy.
In October 2019 they announced that the Detroit taproom would be ‘temporarily closed’, citing that they were going through internal revitalization, and changing their diversity programming and working to ensure a better future for their company and employees.
The tap room soon re opened a few months later, just before COVID – 19 and the coronavirus pandemic hit, causing further issues to the tap room and to Founders Brewing Company.
On May 1st they abruptly shuttered the Detroit tap room again, this time posting on social media that it is permanent and citing COVID – 19 and pandemic related issues as the cause.
According to the new lawsuit, the former employee who worked there until April of this year said she was promoted to a part-time management role with no focus area, while white managers had a focus work area.
While she was a manager, she allegedly was still required to work server shifts and would not receive her managerial pay during those shifts. The lawsuit claims she was the only manager required to work server shifts.
Other instances of alleged racial discrimination were also described in the lawsuit, including someone telling the employee to be careful that her toddler doesn’t “steal any money,” and her allegedly being told that she hasn’t “struggled enough to be black.” She also claims that her name would be intentionally mispronounced.
According to the lawsuit, the employee reported the discrimination. She alleges in the suit that her complaints were dismissed or her hours were cut.
Eventually, she resigned. The lawsuit says that a white manager also resigned because they did not want to “be part of the ongoing discrimination she was being subjected to.”
Founders Brewing Company issued the following statement about the lawsuit:
“We are deeply saddened and concerned to learn of the recent accusations that have been brought against the Detroit Taproom. We take these claims very seriously, and we are conducting a thorough internal investigation.
Since 2019, we have instituted mandatory bias, discrimination and harassment training throughout our organization. We have reexamined our policies and enacted new policies, along with implementing new procedures for the reporting of workplace concerns.
Closing a business is a difficult decision, and this decision was made after a several year evaluation of the Detroit Taproom’s financial performance that began prior to COVID and was made worse by the pandemic. During the closure of our Detroit facility on Monday, we were unaware of the filing. We announced the closing to all of our Detroit staff on Monday morning, and did not learn about the lawsuit filed against Founders until that evening when a reporter contacted us. As with any closure, there was a lot of work that needed to be done to prepare for the loss of this extension, including redistribution of internal assets, conversations with our landlord and pulling together a comprehensive severance plan, all of which take time.
As to the pending lawsuit, we are sorry that this individual did not have a good experience with us, and to the extent it was due to our actions or inactions that contributed to that, we are deeply sorry.”
Founders Brewing Company
Founders Brewing Company Announces Detroit Taproom Closure
Founders Brewing Company Announces the Closure of Their Detroit Taproom
Their announcement, which was posted at 6:30 PM (EST), and which nearly immediately afterwards they turned off and cancelled commenting on, reads:
It is with with great sadness that we announce that the Founders Detroit Taproom will be permanently closings its doors today.
Unfortunately, our Detroit location has not been immune to the struggle to regain foot traffic after temporary Covid closures that have impacted restaurants and bars across the nation. We are working diligently to find new positions within the company for the employees impacted by this closure.
We would like to thank all of our loyal customers, Mug Clubbers, and friends for your support and business over the years. It has been a great pleasure to serve you.
The Detroit Free Press also broke the story shortly thereafter, and in their article stated:
The Grand Rapids-based brewery, Michigan’s largest, cited “an ever changing craft beer market, coupled with the struggle to regain foot traffic after temporary COVID-19 closures” as the reasons for shuttering its second location, which originally opened in late 2017 at 456 Charlotte in Midtown Detroit.
“This decision involved a lot of careful consideration of each aspect of our business, and ultimately, what we felt was best for the company and our employees overall,” said Founders CEO Elton Andres Knight in a statement. “We explored every possible avenue to course correct the business and gave it as much time as we could. We are now working diligently to find new positions within the company for the employees who are displaced upon this closure.”
Founders Brewing Company states that they made the decision to close their brewery ahead of any news or knowledge of the lawsuit filed against them. It is interesting to note that they posted their announcement at 6:30 PM, despite their stating they told employees that morning. The comment section was immediately deleted and blocked, which I can only imagine was filled with a lot of interesting choice comments that they wished not to be seen.
Initial Racial Discrimination Case
In October of 2019, Founders Brewing Company announced that they were closing the Detroit taproom “until further notice”.
Michigan’s largest brewery sent an email to ticket-holders of this weekend’s highly anticipated Canadian Breakfast Stout release and party in Detroit that it’s canceling said release and party while closing the popular Detroit taproom indefinitely “in light of the recent events” and due to safety concerns for its employees.
Mike Stevens and Dave Engbers co-founded Founders in 1997 and, along with Larry Bell and Bell’s Brewery, helped lead the Michigan craft beer boom into the 2000s and 2010s. Founders became best known for its sessionable All Day IPA, which represents more than half its output, as well as its Kentucky Breakfast Stout, Dirty Bastard scotch ale and Centennial IPA.
Founders Brewing Company was certainly one of the early craft giants of the 2010s, but their market share, and value has greatly declined over recent years. While still greatly available and distributed, they have fallen off many ‘favorites’ lists.
Their controversies and issues have also certainly caught up to them over the years.
Lawsuits, racial discrimination cases, employee issues, and much more has caused them heartache throughout the late 2010s and early 2020s.
COVID-19 and the coronavirus has probably been the least of their issues in recent years.
For further information on craft beer market share, check out our two articles here:
For More Information About Founders Brewing Company
The following comes from Untappd. Founders Brewing Company is a macro brewery, and a subsidary of Grupo Mahou-San Miguel, from Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have 975 unique beers, and over 7 million ratings, with a global average rating of 3.96 (as of 5.1.23). Their Untappd description reads: We don’t brew beer for the masses. Instead, our beers are crafted for a chosen few, a small cadre of renegades and rebels who enjoy a beer that pushes the limits of what is commonly accepted as taste. In short, we make beer for people like us. Founders. Brewed for us.
You can follow them on their social media pages here:
Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:
Tomorrow is May 4th. “May the 4th Be With You.” Anyone planning on doing any fun silly Star Wars stuff? Any breweries you are hitting up for some fun beer releases? I know Bottle Logic is releasing some Star Wars beers. RAR Brewing has hinted that they are doing a Star Wars Out of Order drop soon. (But haven’t given any details as of this morning.)
Lots of places are turning their normal Thursday night trivia into “Star Wars Trivia” nights.
So what all are you getting into?
Then, Friday is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). And THEN – its the Craft Brewers Conference May 7th – May 10th. What a busy grouping of days!
Thank you for reading everyone. We are gearing up for the Craft Brewers Conference (CBC) this upcoming week. We are traveling down Saturday and Sunday, and going to be at the conference late Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
We are totally psyched and cannot wait.
Will you be there? What do you hope to see, learn, do? Anything cool we should check out? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with and Beer, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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