A Word From Brad Moyer of Liquid Noise Brewing

A Word From Brad Moyer of Liquid Noise Brewing

Liquid Noise Brewing

Brad Moyer, brewmaster and co-owner of Liquid Noise Brewing in Marysville Pennsylvania reached out to me today on Facebook, wanting to have an opportunity to speak to people, amidst this trying times. These are unprecedented times, and uncharted waters we are traveling through. It is good to get reassurance from people, and its great that people like Brad want to speak and tell people that it will be OK, and that we will pull through. So enough of my rambling, I’ll let him tell it in his own words:

“We are saddened by this whole Covoid-19 situation, everything from the actual infected patients to our beer is suffering. At this time we are adhering to the suggestions by Governor Wolf and staying closed and only offering to-go growler through 3/20 after that we will be fully closed until the ban has been lifted. It has been a sticky situation across the state declaring who is and is not a “essential” business. Beer distributors? Yes. Breweries No. Liquor Stores? No. And to complicate things the official document released states “food and beverage manufacturers” as deemed essential. Now, I know many small breweries are hanging on to that statement hard. Listen we get it, none of us can afford to shut down and take a huge hit like this. But sometimes the least profitable decision is the safest play to make. That is why we are going to be staying 100% closed until things cool down and life can continue as normal. We love beer, and we love our customers and staff and honestly we wouldn’t want to risk any of those things for any kind of money. We encourage everyone to please follow suit and make the right (and very hard) decision of staying calm and at home. Life will resume soon.”

– Brad Moyer of Liquid Noise Brewing

I appreciate Brad reaching out to me to get this message out to everyone. Please check out their Facebook page for more information, and please, let’s all help out our local breweries in this troubling and struggling time for everyone.

Cheers everyone and I hope to see you guys on the other side of this all!

-B. Kline

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By |September 6, 2024|
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