Wilkes-Barre PA - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com Central PA beer enthusiasts and beer bloggers. Homebrewers, brewery workers, and all around beer lovers. Thu, 04 Jan 2024 20:40:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://thebeerthrillers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-The-Beer-Thrillers-December-2022-Logo-32x32.jpg Wilkes-Barre PA - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com 32 32 187558884 Wallenpaupack Brewing Secures the Naming Rights to Craft Beer Stand at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza https://thebeerthrillers.com/2023/11/09/wallenpaupack-brewing-secures-the-naming-rights-to-craft-beer-stand-at-mohegan-sun-arena-at-casey-plaza/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wallenpaupack-brewing-secures-the-naming-rights-to-craft-beer-stand-at-mohegan-sun-arena-at-casey-plaza Thu, 09 Nov 2023 13:30:10 +0000 https://thebeerthrillers.com/?p=13010 Wallenpaupack Brewing Gains Naming Rights To Craft Beer Stand at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza

Wallenpaupack Brewing Company, out of Hawley Pennsylvania, just announced that they signed a three year deal inking them to the naming rights to the craft beer stand at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza.

Wallenpaupack Brewing Gains Naming Rights To Craft Beer Stand at Mohegan Sun Arena. ASM Global has announced a three-year partnership that gives Wallenpaupack Brewing Company the naming rights to the East Gate concession stand adjacent to Section 108.

We just got word that the signs are up! We are excited to share that we scored a three year partnership with ASM Global for naming rights to the East Gate concession stand adjacent to section 108 at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza!!

You can now enjoy up to eight draft beers including a Casey Plaza exclusive Coffee Porter called Up For A Cup – and a stable of rotating can options of WBC during Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins games and the full schedule of concerts, comedy, and other performances at the arena 🍻

We are honored to have our beers be apart of these events and help add some local flavor to the global talent that will be entertaining our community… Look out for our bar near section 108. Cheers!!

Shout-out to Pocono Sign Company for being great and hooking us up with the signage for our latest endeavor! You guys rock.

Wallenpaupack Brewing Company – Facebook Post

The newly-rebranded beer stand will feature eight unique draft selections of Wallenpaupack Brewing Company beers including year-rounds — Paupack Cream Ale, Largemouth Hazy IPA, and Hawley Hefeweizen— seasonal favorites, series releases, and an Arena exclusive Coffee Porter called Up For A Cup.

With such a variety of our beer on tap, we aim to give craft beer enthusiasts at the arena a vast representation of both the quality and diversity in styles that we pride ourselves on at our brew pub as well as in our self-distribution footprint. This includes our Up For A Cup Coffee Porter—a beer that was created especially for this partnership and will only be available at Mohegan Sun Arena at the Casey Plaza and our brewpub.

Brad Beneski – Wallenpaupack Brewing Company’s Director of Business Development

Lasting into at least 2026, this partnership with Wallenpaupack Brewing Company adds to a recent focus on local purveyors that have been added to the venue’s concourse joining Empanada King, Revello’s Old Forge Pizza, Boozy B’s and Malacari’s Ice Cream & Wine. Also, Wallenpaupack Brewing Company just wrapped up year one of their four – year partnership with PNC Field and the Scranton / Wilkes-Barre RailRiders, showcasing a trend in concentration on local products being available at performing arts and sporting venues.

Commitment is one of the key components of Wallenpaupack’s business, to their guests, to their community, and to their product.

We are committed to providing our guests with a diverse menu featuring local flavors and bringing the menus of some hometown establishments to our audience that stretches beyond the Wyoming Valley. As we begin our 25th event season, we are thrilled to partner with Wallenpaupack Brewing Company to provide their diverse lineup of locally crafted beers to our customers year-round.

Stephen Poremba – General Manager of the ASM Global managed Mohegan Sun Arena

Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Penguin Games

The Wallenpaupack beers will found at all of the home Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Penguin games, as well as the full slate of concerts, comedies, and other performances at the Mohegan Sun Arena.

Its so great to see breweries supporting their local communities and helping the local smaller franchises and minor teams, like the way Ever Grain Brewing supports the Hershey Bears (Hershey Bears and Ever Grain Brewing Team Up to Create Bear Claw Pale Lager), as well as ZeroDay Brewing, Desperate Times Brewing, and several others supporting the Harrisburg Senators on City Island.

From the entire home slate of Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins home games to the ever growing schedule of concerts and other unique performances that are on the calendar, we are privileged to have our beers be part of these events and help add some local flavor to the global talent that will be entertaining our community. We are beyond thrilled and energized to make this partnership a special one for years to come.

Ben Beneski

For More Information

About Wallenpaupack Brewing Company:

Founded in 2017 by Rebecca Ryman, Wallenpaupack Brewing Company is an award-winning 14,000 square foot craft brewery, brewpub and beer garden adjacent to Lake Wallenpaupack in the Pocono mountains. Its beers are revered by judges of international competitions, critics at leading publications, and heralded by the public at large on popular rating apps such as Untappd.
For more info, visit: WallenpaupackBrewingCo.com

About the Mohegan Sun Arena at the Casey Plaza:

Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza is owned by the Luzerne County Convention Center Authority, a government body appointed by Luzerne County. The arena is managed by ASM Global which was formed from the merger of AEG Facilities and SMG in October 2019 creating a venue management powerhouse that spans five continents, 14 countries and more than 300 of the world’s most prestigious arenas, stadiums, convention and exhibit centers, and performing arts venues.
For more info, visit: MoheganSunArenaPA.com

Some Articles Involving Wallenpaupack Brewing

Looking for more articles about Wallenpaupack Brewing? Please check these out:

Wallenpaupack Brewing Information

The following comes via Untappd. Wallenpaupack Brewing Company is listed as a brewpub from Hawley, PA. They have 306 unique beers and over 72,000 ratings with a global average rating of 3.74 (as of 11.9.23). Their Untappd description reads: Wallenpaupack Brewing Company is a full production craft brewery. Our 17,000 sq. ft. facility features a 20 bbl brewhouse, large tap room, outdoor beer garden, a menu of locally sourced, in-house prepared food, merchandise and beer to go.

You can follow them on these social media pages:

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

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