Seen Through a Glass Blog - The Beer Thrillers Central PA beer enthusiasts and beer bloggers. Homebrewers, brewery workers, and all around beer lovers. Sat, 15 Mar 2025 01:55:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Seen Through a Glass Blog - The Beer Thrillers 32 32 187558884 It’s Time to Say Something About Canada’s Reaction to Trump’s Tariff (Opinion Piece by Lew Bryson) Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:30:39 +0000 It’s Time to Say Something About Canada’s Reaction to Trump’s Tariff

Lew Bryson, a remarkable writer about beer, whiskey, and all things Central PA recently posted this on his personal Facebook account, and said he didn’t have an outlet for posting it. So I immediately offered to host it here.

For those who don’t know Lew, check to the end of the piece to see my quick biography of Lew, and including links to his podcast as well as our podcast we did with Lew. But quickly, I will say this – Lew is a remarkable person, a fantastic writer, historian, and has an excellent sense of character, intelligence, and understanding. Empathetic and understanding, he understands people, all people, and even more importantly for this opinion piece – he knows what he’s talking about. This is an incredible piece, and I full heartedly agree with it (thus why I immediately jumped at the idea of hosting it here on the site).

Canadian Liquor Store Shelves (photo courtesy of Google, and selected by Lew Bryson)


Here goes. It’s time to say something about Canada’s reaction to Trump’s tariff sabre-rattling. For those of you who have been in a cave — and I can’t 100% say that I blame you — part of Canada’s response, part of their retaliation, to the threat of tariffs imposed on Canadian goods coming into the US has been focused on the US booze industries: spirits, wine, beer, and, I suppose, cider.
Some provinces, like Ontario, that have government alcohol wholesale/retail monopolies of various breadths, have not only stopped buying American booze, but have taken what they have off the shelves in their provincial stores. The LCBO, Ontario’s monopoly system, is one of the five largest alcohol retailers in the world; they have, to the best of my knowledge, taken all American-made products off their shelves; boxed it up and put it in storage. (It’s not like the spirits and wine, the greatest part of this, are going to go stale, to be fair.)
I know a lot of people in the industry on BOTH sides of the border. They have had various reactions to this. Some Americans are outraged; some are confused (“They’ve already paid for those bottles! Why not sell them and then not buy more?!”); some are tentatively supportive; a few strongly support these moves. Almost all of them feel that this is personally unfair; they didn’t impose the tariffs, after all, and — honestly, it’s true — why is booze always the first American product to feel retaliation?
What’s worse, in my eyes, is that some Americans have the attitude of “so what, Canada, who cares? Their whisky sucks, and I don’t need them, and neither does American whiskey.” I’m embarrassed when I hear people who should know better say things like that. First, their whisky by God DOESN’T suck, but that’s not the point. The point is that NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN, and we don’t make it better by pretending it doesn’t matter. More on that below.
But if any of the Canadians I know — some of whom I count as friends of long standing — have a reaction other than blazing defiance, I haven’t heard from them yet. The most common reaction has been pure Canada: a non-smiling “Elbows up!”, echoing Mr. Hockey, Saskatchewan-born Gordie Howe, a player who took no shit off anyone. Anyone who tried to slash Howe was getting a fast elbow to the head. Canada’s ready for this, and they’re not kidding.
Any argument by American producers/suppliers/exporters must be seen in this light. I’ve seen people say that the Canadian response, taking everything off the shelves, leaving only blank space behind, is disproportionate, that it makes no sense, that it goes further than the American tariffs.
Well, they’re right. It IS disproportionate to the tariffs. This doesn’t just affect day-to-day, month-on-month sales. This kind of action also attacks something much more valuable: the brand. Raise the price while leaving the bottles on the shelf, and you paradoxically make people think about the brand more, maybe even realize how much they ARE willing to spend to get it.
But take the bottles away, the facing, replacing it with a “BUY CANADIAN INSTEAD” sign, and the product becomes invisible. You’re not thinking about the Jack, or the Mondavi, and what you’d pay for them. No, you’re automatically thinking “Welp, I guess I’ll get some Lot 40 or Gibson’s 12. I’ll get some Quail’s Gate for dinner, or how about that Italian red? I’ve got no beef with the Italians.” The American brands are no longer even a choice, and that does long-term damage to the brand. As Don Draper put it in his icily cutting response, “I don’t think about you at all.”
Now, multiply that times every American product that we send to Canada. Unless it’s absolutely something where buying Canadian isn’t an option, it’s gone, and the memory is fading, or worse, indelibly tinged with anger.
Why anger? Because of tariffs imposed by an ally, a country that has been an ally for so long, in so many things, that for them to turn on Canada isn’t just economics, it’s betrayal, a shocking discard of trust.
And as I said above, none of this had to happen. We have a trade treaty with Canada, we have over 200 years of trade with Canada with only the ‘small hiccup’ of the War of 1812 to interrupt it (kidding, not kidding, you kicked our asses and sent us home, but we’re cool). We have zero legitimate issues with Canadian trade, and the “look at the tariffs Canada puts on American products!!” misinformation you’ve seen lately are all part of that trade treaty. We have no real trade problems with Canada.
But it’s worse than that, much worse. Trump’s constant needling about the “51st state,” and “Governor” Trudeau, about border issues and annexing part or all of the country, whether or not it’s another of his insanely unfunny jokes, has Canadians concerned, and rightly so. They’re concerned about the intentions of a superpower that has set the tone of restraint in international politics for the past 50 years, but has suddenly begun openly talking about grabbing territory. Canada, Greenland, Panama, Cuba, Gaza; why would they not take Trump seriously?
So for the Canadians, this is not about economics, this is not about money. It is about national existence, and the response should not be expected to ‘make sense’ in economic terms. The Canadians did not choose this fight. It was shoved onto them by one man, President Donald Trump, elected by a plurality of American voters, who apparently support him. If they don’t take that seriously, they’re deluding themselves.
Bottom line, then. Canada has been needlessly forced to this point. They’ve been pushed into the corner, and like any good hockey player, they’ve got their elbows up, ready to push it off and deal it out, and we should not be surprised by that. This game is being played at levels above the liquor store, but it still plays out there, like wars, politicians, and soldiers.
Don’t be angry with your Canadian customer; don’t be angry with your American supplier. Neither of them is to blame. Blame the ones who made this happen.

Lew Bryson Biography

Lew Bryson is a renowned journalist and author specializing in beer and whiskey. He began his career in the beverage industry in the early 1990s, initially focusing on beer before expanding to whiskey in 1997. His writing has been featured in prominent publications such as The Daily Beast, All About Beer Magazine, Whiskey Wash, and Craft Spirits Magazine. Bryson’s passion for craft beer was ignited during a visit to a German beer bar in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he discovered the unique flavors of Altenmünster pilsner.


Bryson has been a full-time drinks writer since 1995 and served as the managing editor at Whisky Advocate magazine from 1996 to 2015. He is known for his extensive knowledge and engaging writing style, which has made him a respected voice in the beer and whiskey communities. Bryson has authored several books, including state brewery guidebooks and “Tasting Whiskey,” and more recently, “Whiskey Master Class,” released in 2020.


Throughout his career, Bryson has been recognized for his contributions to the beverage industry. His work spans multiple platforms, including his blog “Seen Through a Glass,” where he shares insights and reviews on beer and whiskey. Bryson continues to be an influential figure, offering guidance and commentary on the evolving world of craft beverages.


Seen Through a Glass Podcast

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