3rd Annual Cars for Charity - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com Central PA beer enthusiasts and beer bloggers. Homebrewers, brewery workers, and all around beer lovers. Mon, 08 Jan 2024 19:43:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://thebeerthrillers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-The-Beer-Thrillers-December-2022-Logo-32x32.jpg 3rd Annual Cars for Charity - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com 32 32 187558884 3rd Annual “Cars for Charity” – Malvern Car Show Fundraiser https://thebeerthrillers.com/2023/09/17/3rd-annual-cars-for-charity-malvern-car-show-fundraiser/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3rd-annual-cars-for-charity-malvern-car-show-fundraiser Sun, 17 Sep 2023 14:24:20 +0000 https://thebeerthrillers.com/?p=12456 3rd Annual “Cars for Charity” – Malvern Car Show Fundraiser

Locust Lane Craft Brewery would like to invite you out to the Malvern Car Show Fundraiser – the third annual – Cars for Charity.

The event will be held on Sunday, September 24, 2023 11 AM – 3 PM at Closets by Design Parking Lot: 60 Three Tun Road (Rain date: 10/8).

Locust Lane Craft Brewery is one of numerous vendors for the event – but the only brewery that will be attending. There is also a winery and a distillery.

Event Details

From the events page:

Join us for our third annual car show fundraiser, this year benefiting The Travis Manion Foundation!

Sunday, September 24, 2023 11am-3pm at Closets by Design Parking Lot: 60 Three Tun Road (Rain date: 10/8).

Judges will be choosing the most worthy in a variety of categories, and awards will be given! Enjoy craft beer & wine, Foster Ave Carvery food truck, Richie’s Water Ice & Ice Cream, games, vendors, live entertainment, DJ, and more!

All vehicle makes & models are welcome, including motorcycles. Register NOW to secure your spot and pay discounted admission, space is limited! Pre-register your vehicle, then pay at check-in day of (cash or check). Registration/Donation Fees = $20 for pre-registered vehicles or $25 at the door.
**SHOW PARTICIPANTS PRE-REGISTER HERE>> https://carsforcharity2023registration.eventbrite.com

Schedule of Events:
9am: Participant check-in begins
10:30am – 2:30pm: Judging
11am – 3pm: Car show, live music, DJ, vendors, corn hole, vehicle displays
3pm: Awards & winners announced

Confirmed Vendors:
Closets by Design
Main Line Armory
Locust Lane Craft Brewery
Chaddsford Winery
Foster Ave Carvery
Richie’s Water Ice
Porsche Main Line
Nolan’s Pour House
Beardman Boards
Becca Lynn Designs
Rise of an Empire
Mentality Barbers
Pennsylvania Distilling
El Cheapo Miniature Cars
Tilted Axes – Mobile Axe Throwing
To Love a Canine Rescue – Adoptable Pet Meet & Greet
+Live Entertainment by CBD band & DJ between sets

*Interested in being a vendor? Email Steph@locustlanecraftbrewery.com to inquire.

3rd Annual “Cars for Charity” – Malvern Car Show Fundraiser

Charity Work

Its always so great to see breweries get together and help out their local communities and do charitable work. We always try to actively showcase where breweries do this and promote their events. (If you are a brewery or an event planner that has an upcoming event with breweries – thats for charity – let us know in the comments or e-mail us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com).

Some recent posts about charitable works:


Facebook Event

To get more information, visit the Facebook Event Page: 3rd Annual Cars for Charity (Facebook Event Page).

Locust Lane Craft Brewery

For more information on Locust Lane Craft Brewery, check out the following information from Untappd and their social media pages.

The following comes from Untappd. Locust Lane Craft Brewery is a micro brewery from Malvern, Pennsylvania. They have 69 unique beers, over 34,000 ratings, and a global average rating of 3.73 (as of 9.17.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Our motto is Simply Crafted. Traditional ingredients. Consistent results. Straightforward craft beer. Enjoyed in a fun and energetic Taproom. Cheers!”

You can follow them on the following social media pages:

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