Pumpkin Beer - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com Central PA beer enthusiasts and beer bloggers. Homebrewers, brewery workers, and all around beer lovers. Tue, 10 Sep 2024 13:44:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/thebeerthrillers.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-The-Beer-Thrillers-December-2022-Logo.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Pumpkin Beer - The Beer Thrillers https://thebeerthrillers.com 32 32 187558884 It’s Pumpkin Time! (Grandma SueAnn and Amy Review Zombies and Double Zombies are People Too and Braaaiins!) https://thebeerthrillers.com/2024/09/10/its-pumpkin-time-grandma-sueann-and-amy-review-zombies-and-double-zombies-are-people-too-and-braaaiins/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=its-pumpkin-time-grandma-sueann-and-amy-review-zombies-and-double-zombies-are-people-too-and-braaaiins Tue, 10 Sep 2024 13:44:58 +0000 https://thebeerthrillers.com/?p=15499  

It’s Pumpkin Time!

So…. a couple leaves have changed color on the tree in our front yard.  So…. it’s technically not too early, right?  I can talk about pumpkin spice now?  They were the first ones I saw in the store and I had to grab a couple for me and Grandma SueAnn to enjoy.   (See: A Beer Review by Grandma SueAnn [Beer Review: Braaaiins! by Spring House Brewing Company].)

We were shopping at the local Weiss and I saw it on an end-cap and I had to have it.  Braaaiins by Spring House Brewing Company.  I grabbed the 4pack with the approving nod from the boyfriend.  I could hardly wait long enough for them to chill.  Grandma SueAnn was in agreement; kicking our pumpkin beer drinking season off with a loved classic was the way to go. The first pumpkin beer of the year, near end of August, and I had to grab it!

Braaaiins! by Spring House Brewing

Once chilled this pumpkin ale is the perfect beer to kick off Autumn with.  It is described on Untapped as “our pumpkin ale is brewed with generous amounts of real pumpkin blended into the mash.  The subtle fresh pumpkin flavor is enhanced by the addition of a touch of traditional autumn spices and sweet dough, thus creating a beer with an orange amber color, warm pumpkin aroma, a bold malt center and a crisp finish.  We are proud to offer you a balanced and delectable fall treat.  Suitable for zombies.”  It has an 8.5% ABV so I isn’t anything to mess around with.  It has an overall rating on Untapped of 3.70.

Zombies are People Too by New Trail Brewing

On another occasion we swung into West Connection Beer Vault in Hummelstown (find West Connection Beer Vault on Facebook).  Amongst the mix of six we picked out were two from New Trail Brewing. (We also scored a fantastic Barleywine by 3 Floyds Brewing – Pillar of Beasts. See Ben’s beer review of that here: Beer Review: Pillar of Beasts by 3 Floyds Brewing.)


Zombies Are People Too and Double Zombies, two pumpkin beers from the mid – Central PA brewery up in Williamsport. They clock in at a 5.7%ABV and an 8.5% ABV respectively. My first instinct was to see if Grandma SueAnn could tell the difference between the two New Trail pumpkin beers. (Because who better to try out new pumpkin beers with than Grandma SueAnn?) Yes, the Double Zombies has a higher ABV but Double Zombies is also supposed to be packed with, according to Untapped “twice the strength, maple syrup, vanilla, and pumpkin spice.”  Grandma SueAnn thought she tasted just a bit more spice to Double Zombies but she happily helped me drink both pumpkin beers.

Overall though we enjoyed both of the New Trail pumpkin options. In the mid-state (Harrisburg area) you can find them at your different beer distributors and bottle shops like Breski’s Beverages, West Connection Beer Vault, Brass Rail, Bradford Village Beer and Soda, as well as at your grocery stores like Wegmans, Weiss, and Giant. You might even be able to find them in some gas stations like Rutters, WaWa, or Sheetz. So be on the lookout and the hunt!

Check out our Instagram post about the pumpkin beers: Pumpkin Beers on The Beer Thrillers @ Instagram. (And be sure to follow us on Instagram at: https://instagram.com/the_beer_thrillers).

Both are wonderful beers for this time of year and will definitely get you into that fall and pumpkin season feeling!

  • Drink more beer!
    • Amy

Double Zombies by New Trail Brewing

More Pumpkin Beer Reviews by Grandma SueAnn and Amy

Looking for more pumpkin beer reviews by Amy and Grandma SueAnn? Then check these out:

More New Trail Beer Reviews

Amy’s Column Series

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Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #5 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #9 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of August 2024.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

Pumpkin Patch Noir – Chocolate Pumpkin Stout (Homebrew Recipe) https://thebeerthrillers.com/2024/08/21/pumpkin-patch-noir-chocolate-pumpkin-stout-homebrew-recipe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pumpkin-patch-noir-chocolate-pumpkin-stout-homebrew-recipe Wed, 21 Aug 2024 13:05:12 +0000 https://thebeerthrillers.com/?p=15467

Pumpkin Patch Noir – a Chocolate Pumpkin Stout

Pumpkin Patch Noir

Introducing Pumpkin Patch Noir, a dark, decadent creation that brings together the cozy essence of autumn and the rich complexity of a stout. This beer is an ode to chilly nights spent by the fire, wrapped in warm blankets, and the scent of spices lingering in the air.

Appearance: Pouring a deep, velvety black with a creamy tan head, Pumpkin Patch Noir is as visually striking as it is delicious. The head slowly dissipates, leaving behind a delicate lacing that clings to the glass, hinting at the full-bodied experience that awaits.

Aroma: As you bring the glass to your nose, the first thing you’ll notice is a blend of chocolate and roasted malts, mingling with the unmistakable scent of pumpkin pie spices. Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and a touch of clove rise from the glass, evoking memories of freshly baked pumpkin treats.

Flavor: The first sip is an indulgent journey. The stout’s rich, roasted malt backbone provides a smooth canvas for layers of dark chocolate and cocoa, followed by the subtle sweetness of real pumpkin. The spices are perfectly balanced, adding warmth without overwhelming the palate. As the flavors develop, a hint of vanilla emerges, rounding out the taste and leaving a lingering, pleasant sweetness.

Mouthfeel: Pumpkin Patch Noir boasts a full, creamy body that coats the palate, making each sip feel like a luxurious treat. The carbonation is moderate, giving the beer a soft effervescence that enhances its drinkability while preserving its rich character.

Finish: The finish is smooth, with the roasted malts and chocolate gently fading, leaving behind a delicate spiciness and a whisper of vanilla. It’s the kind of beer that invites you to take another sip, savoring the complex interplay of flavors.

Pairing: Pumpkin Patch Noir pairs beautifully with autumnal desserts like pumpkin pie, pecan pie, or a slice of rich chocolate cake. For a savory match, try it with roasted meats or a hearty beef stew. It’s also a fantastic companion to a cheese board featuring aged cheddars and blue cheeses.

Seasonal Appeal: This is the perfect beer for fall festivities—Halloween gatherings, Thanksgiving feasts, or simply enjoying a crisp evening with friends. Pumpkin Patch Noir is more than just a beer; it’s a celebration of the season, capturing the essence of autumn in every glass. So, grab a pint, take a sip, and let the flavors of Pumpkin Patch Noir transport you to a pumpkin patch at dusk, where the mysteries of the night are just beginning to unfold.

The Recipe

Pumpkin Patch Noir: A Chocolate Pumpkin Stout Recipe

Ingredients (for 5 gallons)


  • 8 lbs Pale Malt (2-row)
  • 1 lb Chocolate Malt
  • 1 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt (60L)
  • 0.5 lb Black Patent Malt
  • 0.5 lb Roasted Barley
  • 0.5 lb Flaked Oats

Pumpkin & Spices:

  • 3 lbs Pumpkin Puree (canned or roasted fresh pumpkin)
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Allspice
  • 0.5 tsp Cloves
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract (add during bottling)


  • 1 oz Magnum (60 min) – for bitterness
  • 0.5 oz Fuggle (15 min) – for aroma


  • 8 oz Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (10 min)
  • 4 oz Chocolate Nibs (Secondary fermentation, optional)


  • Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale Yeast or Safale S-04 (English Ale Yeast)


  1. Mash:
    • Heat 3.5 gallons of water to 165°F.
    • Add the grains (Pale Malt, Chocolate Malt, Caramel Malt, Black Patent Malt, Roasted Barley, Flaked Oats) and hold the mash at 152°F for 60 minutes.
  2. Sparge:
    • Raise the mash temperature to 170°F and sparge with 170°F water to collect about 6.5 gallons of wort.
  3. Boil:
    • Bring the wort to a boil. Add 1 oz of Magnum hops at the start of the 60-minute boil.
    • At 45 minutes, add the pumpkin puree directly to the boil.
    • At 10 minutes, add unsweetened cocoa powder and the Fuggle hops.
    • At the end of the boil, add the spice mixture (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves).
  4. Cool & Ferment:
    • Cool the wort to 65-70°F.
    • Transfer to a sanitized fermenter and pitch the yeast.
    • Ferment at 65-70°F for 2 weeks.
  5. Secondary Fermentation (optional):
    • After primary fermentation, transfer to a secondary fermenter.
    • Add chocolate nibs and vanilla extract.
    • Let it sit for an additional 1-2 weeks.
  6. Bottle/Keg:
    • Bottle or keg your beer as usual, aiming for 2.2-2.5 volumes of CO2.
    • Condition for at least 2 weeks before tasting.

Tasting Notes:

Expect a rich, dark stout with a strong chocolate backbone, balanced by the subtle sweetness and spiciness of the pumpkin and fall spices. The roasted malts and chocolate flavors should complement each other beautifully, making this a perfect brew for cooler weather. Enjoy!

More Homebrewing Articles

Homebrewing Recipes

We are circling back to include more homebrew articles. We have gotten some requests for recipes, so we have decided to write them up and post them here. Be sure to check for other Homebrew articles and recipes as well!

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If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #5 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #9 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of August 2024.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

Grandma SueAnn Helps Review More Pumpkin Beers: 2 out of 3 Ain’t So Bad https://thebeerthrillers.com/2023/10/29/grandma-sueann-helps-review-more-pumpkin-beers-2-out-of-3-aint-so-bad/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=grandma-sueann-helps-review-more-pumpkin-beers-2-out-of-3-aint-so-bad Mon, 30 Oct 2023 03:58:13 +0000 https://thebeerthrillers.com/?p=12796 Sunday Visit to Grandma SueAnn’s

Within five minutes of arriving at Grandma SueAnn’s house; she smiled and asked if I was ready for pumpkin beer?!

Does a bear sh1t in the woods?  Hell, yes, I want a pumpkin beer!  I almost launched the food and small baby spoon I was using to feed Scarlet with at my Mom’s head.  Instead, I just smiled at her like the wild-eyed maniac that motherhood has turned me into.  She was talking about diving back into the pumpkin beer haul from last Sunday.

(Last week Amy got to spend time with her mom – Grandma SueAnn – and they dived into the first part of their pumpkin beer haul: Pumpkin Beer Review with Grandma SueAnn – Abomination Brewing: Forbidden Pumpkin, Greater Good Brewing: Giant Pumpkin, and Pizza Boy Brewing: Sunny Side Up Double Coffee Pumpkin.)

Diving Back Into the Pumpkin Haul

Nightmare on East Elm Street – a Pumpkin Ale – by Conshohocken Brewing Company

I let Grandma SueAnn pick the glassware, so go ahead and peep on the cute bear glass.  If you think that is silly just wait until we get to beer #2.  Her pick was the Nightmare on East Elm Street, a pumpkin/yam beer, by Conshohoken Brewing Company.  This is a 6.66% ABV…wait a sec, was that done on purpose?  I see what you did there. 

Tamatoa sees what you did there….

NEES has an overall untapped rating of 3.64. It is described as “A seasonal homage to our original brewery in Conshohocken, we bring you Nightmare on East Elm Street Pumpkin Ale.  Brewed with honey malt, pumpkin puree, lactose and spices.  Nightmare on East Elm Street is pumpkin pie in a glass.  This autumn ale is best paired with candy corn.”  We both thought that the pumpkin flavor was pretty light and finished as a pilsner.  A few on Untapped agree.  Maybe one of the other flavors mellowed out the pumpkin flavor?  It was a great light beer and went down very smoothly. 

An Untappd check-in by a random person on Untappd

Something Something Pumpkin

Something Pumpkin by Eight & Sand Beer Co.

Without hesitation Grandmas SueAnn is popping up to pick out the second beer.  Again, I let her pick.  It’s fun to watch her read about the beers and get to know which ones she likes and which ones she doesn’t.  I love that I get to split beers with my mom, watch my daughter play and watch football at the same time. 

Grandma SueAnn arranged this beer photography. I think she’s got a future in it.

That first beer was only a 6.66% ABV but Grandma SueAnn is posing the bears with the beer.  I told you to watch out for the pic of beer #2.  Aren’t they cute? She picked the Something pumpkin by Eight and Sand.  This is a pumpkin/yam beer coming in at 6%.  It is described as “Our pumpkin cream ale treats your taste buds to notes of pumpkin pie crust, warm cinnamon, smooth vanilla, and autumn spices.”  SP has an overall rating on 3.90 on Untapped.

We both agreed Something Pumpkin is nice and light but filled with flavor at the same time.  It has a sweet flavor but not the overly sweet some cream ales can have.  Maybe it should have been classified as a cream ale and not a pumpkin/yam beer.

An Untappd review of Something Pumpkin by Eight & Sand Beer Co. by someone on Untappd

Some of us pumpkin lovers don’t settle for subtle fall flavors.

….Some of us being myself and Grandma SueAnn.

Only the best pumpkin, only the most truest of pumpkin flavors for us.

I know you will never believe this, but Grandma SueAnn turned me down to split the 3rd and final beer of the pumpkin beer stash.  She seemed sleepy as Scarlet was keeping her on her toes.  Don’t worry, we will add more seasonal beers to the stash. 

I’m sure this also won’t be the last time you’ll be seeing Grandma SueAnn reviewing some beers with us here on The Beer Thrillers; so please let us (and by extension her) know if you are enjoying her beer reviews. I am getting a kick out of doing these reviews with her and sharing them on our blog.

  • Drink More Beer!
  • Amy
The Pumpkin Haul from Bradford Villa Beer and Soda

SueAnn Beer Reviews

Pumpkin Beer Reviews

Conshohocken Brewing Company Articles

Eight and Sand Beer Co. Articles

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

Thank You For Reading

If you like this article, please check out our other many articles, including news, beer reviews, travelogues, maps, and much much more. We greatly appreciate everyone visiting the site!


Thanks again for reading everyone. Take some time to check out the site, we greatly appreciate it. We have affiliates and sponsors with Pretzels.com and Beer Drop.com, which can save you money on their products if you are interested. Check out our articles on them. Make sure to check out our beer reviews, brewery reviews, Amy’s weekly column, book reviews, hike reviews, and so much more.

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address: thebeerthrillers@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting our blog. Please make sure to follow, bookmark, subscribe, and make sure to comment and leave feedback and like the blog posts you read. It will help us to better tailor the blog to you, the readers, likes and make this a better blog for everyone.

We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

We are also working on a project of creating printable and downloadable PDFs and resources to be able to check and keep track of all of the breweries you’ve been to. So stay tuned for that project once we are finished with the Brewery Maps of the US States.

You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. As well as our brand new Tumblr page. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

You can now find us on our Discord Server here: The Beer Thrillers (Discord Server). We’ve also joined LinkTree to keep track of all of our social media pages, as well as hot new articles we’ve written.

The Beer Thrillers on LinkTree can be found here: The Beer Thrillers LinkTree.

We have partnered with an affiliateship with Beer Drop.com. You can check out that partnership and receive great discounts, coupons, and more here: Beer Drop. Going here and logging in and ordering will help you receive your discounts and coupons as well as help support our page. Thank you for helping to support The Beer Thrillers and to help us maintain the site and blog and to keep it running.

The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!

You can also check out our partnership and affiliation with Pretzels.com, where ordering pretzels and using our affiliate code – AFFILIATE CODE IS THEBEERTHRILLERS20 – will help you get wonderful pretzels and help us maintain and keep this blog running. Thank you!

If you would like to reach out to us for product reviews, beer reviews, press release writing, and other media – please contact us at thebeerthrillers@gmail.com. Thank you.

(Thank you for reading. The opinions, thoughts, and expressions of each article posted on The Beer Thrillers represents the author of the content and only themselves. It does not express the opinions, beliefs, or ideas held by The Beer Thrillers or any company in which the author themselves work for. Each piece of written content is written by the creator(s) listed in the authorial section on each article unless otherwise noted. Their opinions, comments, and words on screen do not represent any company in which they work for and / or are affiliated with or any non – profits that they contribute to. Thank you.)

